Should Muslim people be allowed to hold political office

The burqa is not a sign of repression or religion it’s a sign of commitment to a way of life, and yes a bit freaky but no more than a pair of pants halfway down a guys ass lol. Fuck I spend most of my day pulling mine up :(
To clarify, my belly got bigger than my ass :(.
The burqa still seems excessive in comparison to anything else. Bronze-age religions/cults are creepy. See: 2019 United States of Idiocracy.
The burqa is not a sign of repression or religion it’s a sign of commitment to a way of life, and yes a bit freaky but no more than a pair of pants halfway down a guys ass lol. Fuck I spend most of my day pulling mine up :(
To clarify, my belly got bigger than my ass :(.

The burqa is not a sign of repression or religion it’s a sign of commitment to a way of life, and yes a bit freaky but no more than a pair of pants halfway down a guys ass lol. Fuck I spend most of my day pulling mine up :(
To clarify, my belly got bigger than my ass :(.
Not wearing one in certain countries can mean imprisonment or death.
But that's not my point.
My point is no to burqas in Congress.
I wouldn't want Kenny from south park in Congress either unless he was willing to show his face
Not wearing one in certain countries can mean imprisonment or death.
But that's not my point.
My point is no to burqas in Congress.
I wouldn't want Kenny from south park in Congress either unless he was willing to show his face

So you believe Congress sessions should be "constitution free zones" where religious freedoms (wearing of certain clothing due to religious beliefs) are not protected?
Constitution is rape and slavery according to you

In theory yes, anything which arises from an involuntary human relation, like the constitution, has similar aspects as rape and slavery.

However some of the concepts embodied in the bill of rights make sense whether they are embraced by government or not (they're not).

Anyhow the question wasn't pertaining to what I think, it was pertaining to what the Sandernista person thinks and ironically points out that many people who "believe in the constitution", don't really believe in the bill of rights.
Humanities › Religion & Spirituality
Can Islamic Clothing Be Worn in an Official ID photo?

Can a Muslim woman wear hijab in photo ID?. Yasser Chalid / Getty Images
Updated November 13, 2017

Many forms of official identification in the United States, such as a passport or state driver's license, requires that the individual's face be clearly visible in order to verify identity. For this reason, Muslims have sometimes been denied the right to have identification photos taken wear Islamic clothing, such as the hijab.

modest dress and common religious clothing. Such a clearly-stated freedom may not be violated except for a greater public good.

However, some people, including some officials in charge of processing ID documents, insist that ID photographs, for the safety and protection of everyone, must show a person's complete head and face, including the hair. They maintain that all head coverings of any type must be removed for the photo.

However, several government agencies have made exceptions to this rule in the case of religious headwear.

guidelines for U.S. passport photographs:

Can hats or religious headgear be worn for the photo? Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.

In this case, it is acceptable for the hair to be covered for religious reasons, as long as the full face is visible. Under no circumstances are face veils (niqab) allowed to be worn in U.S. passport photos.

its own rules with regards to driver licenses and other state ID documents. In many places, an exception is made for religious headwear as long as the person's face is clearly visible, in line with the State Department guidelines quoted above. In some states, this exception is written into state law, while in other states it is an agency policy. A few states allow a no-photo ID card in certain circumstances or provide other accommodation for those with religious needs.

If there is a question about a particular state's rules, one should consult the DMV head office and ask for the policy in writing.

Face Veils (Niqab)
With regard to face veils, virtually all photo IDs require the face to be shown for identity purposes. In a 2002-03 case in Florida, a Muslim woman petitioned for the right to wear a face veil in a driver's license photo, in accordance with her interpretation of the Islamic dress requirements. The Florida court denied her claim. The judge supported the DMV's opinion that if she wanted a driver's license, a brief removal of her face veil for an identity photograph was not an unreasonable request and therefore did not violate her religious rights.

Similar cases have resulted in the same ruling in other states. A fully veiled woman may be able to request that the photo is taken in private if the office setup allows for this.
In theory yes, anything which arises from an involuntary human relation, like the constitution, has similar aspects as rape and slavery.

However some of the concepts embodied in the bill of rights make sense whether they are embraced by government or not (they're not).

Anyhow the question wasn't pertaining to what I think, it was pertaining to what the Sandernista person thinks and ironically points out that many people who "believe in the constitution", don't really believe in the bill of rights.
If anything worked off how you think.. We'd be fucking kids and denying blacks services
Hijabs should be allowed ,Burkas not , period, Jihadis use Burkas as a form of disguise to infiltrate areas, hide suicide vests and to carry IEDs . In Canada on many occasions robberies and Bank Heists have been pulled off in Burkas in the last few years and shoplifting on a daily basis. But I have the Gulf war and Somolia experiences to draw on so I have had more experience dealing with Muslim culture than some.
Hijabs should be allowed ,Burkas not , period, Jihadis use Burkas as a form of disguise to infiltrate areas, hide suicide vests and to carry IEDs . In Canada on many occasions robberies and Bank Heists have been pulled off in Burkas in the last few years and shoplifting on a daily basis. But I have the Gulf war and Somolia experiences to draw on so I have had more experience dealing with Muslim culture than some.
Im not saying outlaw the burqa.
Im saying I want to see your face if you represent me in Congress
Hijabs should be allowed ,Burkas not , period, Jihadis use Burkas as a form of disguise to infiltrate areas, hide suicide vests and to carry IEDs . In Canada on many occasions robberies and Bank Heists have been pulled off in Burkas in the last few years and shoplifting on a daily basis. But I have the Gulf war and Somolia experiences to draw on so I have had more experience dealing with Muslim culture than some.

Let me guess. You'd outlaw the Burka but would fight any regulations of guns in the US.
If you're representing me in Congress.
I want to see your face when you speak.
So what if you want that?

What is the difference in effect or perceived intent if, once she has been verified ID, she says yea or nay with the face veiled or not?