the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

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Just 5 or 6 years ago in canada. 14 years old is not actually pedophilia it is hebophilia. And there's nothing in the bible about Mary being a teenager. Not trying to argue just 3 facts worth pointing out.
She was probly pretty young tho as was there culture. Men married late 20s and 30s woman were married of young.
Look it up bro
a 14 year old girl cannot consent to sex with a 32 year old man. I don't care if you go back 4000 years. Even if the girl says OK, the relationship is unequal and the girl is physically unable understand the consequences of her choice. In the case of this Moore character, he was taking advantage of these girls lack of ability to understand consequences. This is not a gray area but a clear bright line.. Society changes but people don't. Humans don't develop the ability to understand long term consequences of a choice until they are older than fourteen. For most, not until they are over the age of 18.
a 14 year old girl cannot consent to sex with a 32 year old man. I don't care if you go back 4000 years. Even if the girl says OK, the relationship is unequal and the girl is physically unable understand the consequences of her choice. In the case of this Moore character, he was taking advantage of these girls lack of ability to understand consequences. This is not a gray area but a clear bright line.. Society changes but people don't. Humans don't develop the ability to understand long term consequences of a choice until they are older than fourteen. For most, not until they are over the age of 18.
Shit, im still clueless.
This developmental thing about understanding consequences touches on the reason the military recruits out of high school.
I have some disorders homie. I have a hi IQ and had the highest scores in all aptitude test, including the military. But im sick and cant funtion. The meds help a bit but its only changes my from 1 to another sort. Its been like this since i was 13, but after the military it was 100 fold worse. Ive tryed everything to be normal but ive come to the conclusion that i will be sick till the day i dye. Hopefully sooner then later...
a 14 year old girl cannot consent to sex with a 32 year old man. I don't care if you go back 4000 years. Even if the girl says OK, the relationship is unequal and the girl is physically unable understand the consequences of her choice. In the case of this Moore character, he was taking advantage of these girls lack of ability to understand consequences. This is not a gray area but a clear bright line.. Society changes but people don't. Humans don't develop the ability to understand long term consequences of a choice until they are older than fourteen. For most, not until they are over the age of 18.
Right we all know that. I'm simply pointing out that the medical field specifically distinguishes between pre pubescent, pubescent and post pubescent. I've heard of heard of 40 year old men being called pedophiles bc they were hitting on 20 year old women and that's just not the case.
I’m wondering if the GOP now wants to replace sparky and lethal injections with scouraging and crucifixion or maybe good old fashioned stoning?

Well at least we know dumb ass sessions wouldn’t let em stone people cuz he wud think it involves overdosing people on weed.

How much more intellect can these the maga minions divest themselves of?? You know they don’t beleive in evolution and I’m starting to think they are their own best proof they are right that we are not evolving but regressing!!!
Right we all know that. I'm simply pointing out that the medical field specifically distinguishes between pre pubescent, pubescent and post pubescent. I've heard of heard of 40 year old men being called pedophiles bc they were hitting on 20 year old women and that's just not the case.
That shit is only important in the courts and psychology. What Moore was doing is called harmful to young girls and nobody calls it by it's technical term. We call it pedophilia because that word embodies the disgust he deserves.

Roy Moore wasn't fondling 20 YO women either.
I have some disorders homie. I have a hi IQ and had the highest scores in all aptitude test, including the military. But im sick and cant funtion. The meds help a bit but its only changes my from 1 to another sort. Its been like this since i was 13, but after the military it was 100 fold worse. Ive tryed everything to be normal but ive come to the conclusion that i will be sick till the day i dye. Hopefully sooner then later...
You are a smart person and can figure it out. Healing takes it's own course, be patient.. Right now, from what you say, you are dealing with a lot of shit but it also sounds like you've found some good friends in Austin. Enjoy them and keep them close.