Well-Known Member
i'm more surprised that it was an underage girl instead of a boy to be honest.the GOP has become a liberal caricature of itself.
i'm more surprised that it was an underage girl instead of a boy to be honest.the GOP has become a liberal caricature of itself.
only a really hardened predator would hit on 14 year old girls in the courtroom of their fucking custody hearings. no normal person would ever do that. roy moore was a 30 year old who made a practice and a habit out of hitting on teenagers in court rooms.i'm more surprised that it was an underage girl instead of a boy to be honest.
might want to keep that thought to yourself.very young girls can look like boys. just saying......
"If true"only a really hardened predator would hit on 14 year old girls in the courtroom of their fucking custody hearings. no normal person would ever do that. roy moore was a 30 year old who made a practice and a habit out of hitting on teenagers in court rooms.
nothing about trump and hiring the best and brightest is normal.no normal person would ever do that.
"does pet flora think?" All he does is recycle right wing fake news.wonder if pet flora thinks roy moore used to work at comet pizza back in the 70's???
"If true"
“There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here,” (Alabama state auditor) Ziegler concluded. “Maybe just a little bit unusual.”Hannity said it was consensual. GOP family values.
“There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here,” (Alabama state auditor) Ziegler concluded. “Maybe just a little bit unusual.”
What do you a call a redneck girl who can run faster than her brothers?In Alabama, the only thing that makes this "unusual" is the fact that the victim wasn't a family member.
What do you a call a redneck girl who can run faster than her brothers?
A virgin
if trueThe republicans cannot afford to lose this seat, and, by law, they cannot remove his name from the ballot. You can bet they will find a way around that law.
They are already pushing to postpone the election. I think they might try the same thing in 2020, postponing it to "never".if true
How did I know you'd be here defending a pedophile. Go take a bath with your toaster oven, kiddy diddler.Sure, I'll vote for him. One he's republican, that's a good thing. 2. There's no proof, just accusation's, (like, you all know there are children held captive in Comet Ping Pong's basement, right)? Yep, as it stands today sure, I'd vote for him.
I also think Corey Haim might be embellishing the truth about old Charlie too. Just doesn't add up.