Blood and Soil


Great movie. Hans Landa was such a creepy scumbag. So satisfying that he gets carved
on at the end.
Watching him cry gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.

Nobody was seriously injured and no property damage during the whole messy street skirmishing that eventually brought their "support of free speech" demonstration to a halt. The self restraint on both sides to avoid escalating violence past shoving and fisticuffs tells me that even the fascists just wanted to make a good show of it. Success could be claimed by both sides.

Only after Antifa pulled back and streets cleared of Nazi demonstrators did the rage crazed Nazi do his dirty work. Nazis lose and cry. Ironically his act is the one that might doom the Nazis, KKK, alt right, the Republican party, Trump and other kooks from having their way for the next few years.

Oh yeah, and Bannon took a fall too. Good riddance mother fucker.