Republicans Don't Care if Trump Shoots Someone on Fifth Ave

Why would i get banned? I'm a positive member and all I wanna do is help all you angry people lessen your stress that is caused by coming here.

Dumb asses, Trump clowns and conspiracy theory idiots.
I don't think it's a healthy policy that you belittle others because they don't view things the same as you do. If everyone thought the exact same way as you do you would still probably be out shined by one of your clones because it's possible to think in the same spectrum you do and not to be a downer all the time.
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I don't think it's a healthy policy that you belittle others because they don't view things the same as you do. If everyone thought the exact same way as you do you would still probably be out shined by one of your clones because it's possible to think in the same spectrum you do and not to be a downer all the time.

I have a low tolerance for stupidity, racism, lies and fake news.

If that's intolerance, too fucking bad.

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while, where's yours?
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I have a low tolerance for stupidity, racism, lies and fake news.

If that's intolerance, too fucking bad.

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while, where's yours?
an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Surely you want to be part of the solution instead of fighting the bigots with their own tactics that just cause more division.