
I say the law and the DOJ will go back to normal operation, if you get the senate a special independent counsel and other investigative commissions and bodies to figure out WTF happened and the house to provide oversight and plug the holes in the system. Trump will be indicted as individual #1 soon after he is out of power, if he is not, someone is going to prison for a long time, if there are not sealed indictments against individual #1 ready to go. Obstruction of justice or destruction of evidence take your pick, if he is not ready to be indicted. The indictments were by his own DA and are in the pipeline, if the new AG interfered he would be guilty of obstruction of justice too. If there are no sealed indictments, why?

I think Bill Barr has been playing Donald for a sucker on this one, he better have, because the new AG will want to know the status of the case.
Trump pardoned that Turkey General Flynn. How many pardons are there going to pardon before he leaves office. Then Pence will pardon Trump 1 hour before
Trump leaves office from any tax invasion
And he will be a free man.
I know there are a lot of theories as to what will happen to the traitor and what he will do.......I agree with you.
Regardless of what he says or does........Trump has been nationally and internationally humiliated by this loss and I don't think he'll risk humiliation again.
He has no humility/humanity, it's not in his nature.
He'll always claim this election was a fraud & 99.9% of his followers will wholeheartedly agree with him.
He will lay on his deathbed claiming/believing that he was the greatest Human that ever existed, & in a Tragic way, he was.
Yea, Caligula/ Nero/Napoleon/Mussolini/Hitler/Pol Pot/Mao/Stalin have nothing on him.
He has achieved what he desired in a very tragic way, to be an historical figure.
Think about it, from being a slum lord in Queens, NY to a TV personality with the Apprentice to being the Leader of the Free fucking World!!!
Only in America right?
Fucking insanity
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Trump pardoned that Turkey General Flynn. How many pardons are there going to pardon before he leaves office. Then Pence will pardon Trump 1 hour before
Trump leaves office from any tax invasion
And he will be a free man.
If Pence would pardon Trump, Trump wouldn't be freaking out, he would retire. Pence wouldn't know WTF he was pardoning and might be left holding the bag. I figure Donald has been on Pence like stink on shit, badgering him about it. Perhaps Joe had a phone call with Pence about it? It doesn't "feel" like it's an option for Donald, he's too desperate and squirming, he's worried about prison more than losing.
This might be a stupid question, but doesn't he have to be Charged with a Crime before he can pardon himself ?

If so I say do not charge him until he's out of office.

He's done more bad than good, But now we can see what we have to do, and that is the only good thing I can see from having such a horrible President in our White House.

I also believe that there are plenty more Republican's on their way out of office and hopefully to prison, or at least never to hold a public office again.

Term limits have to come into play.

Trump you lost quit with the Bullshit, You lost and you are fired !! you're trying to start a war and if your supporter don't see that they are blind in one eye and can't see out of the other.

Wake the fuck up and call it what it is.
This might be a stupid question, but doesn't he have to be Charged with a Crime before he can pardon himself ?
He can't pardon himself, that is well established in legal opinion, his pardon powers for others have not been tested in the courts, they will and the constitutional issue will be settled. Pardoning people is a bad idea for Donald and if he pre pardons anybody it would be a blanket pardon and that would be very bad for him and others if he passes lots out to WH staff and others involved in conspiracies with others. Pardons come with a cost for Trump, witnesses against him and perhaps others too, like members of congress. A pardon is an admission of guilt and a complete loss of 5th amendment rights if it's a blanket pardon, covering all crimes. Pardons will not make these people loyal to Trump, they will make them witnesses against him, compelled to testify and if they lie it's perjury, lying to the FBI or congress is a crime, lying under oath to a grand jury or trial is perjury.
A thought exercise:
Let's say Donald gives Jared a blanket pardon, he probably will have to if Jared is to avoid federal prison (let's leave state charges off the table). Now let say he forgets to pardon Eric Prince, the FBI are curious about certain things Mr Prince might have done in a criminal conspiracy with Jared involving the middle east and arms sales etc. Trump and his cronies were part of many conspiracies with others who might not be pardoned, members of congress for instance like Devin Nunes or senators like Lindsay Graham, all the shit they are doing now in conspiring to steal the election would be up for grabs too. If Donald blanket pardons a lot of WH staff and cronies anybody who was in shady business arrangements with them or in a conspiracy with them could be a witness against them.

If Donald issued hundreds of blanket pardons to the WH staff and cronies, the FBI will have a field day and bring a few thousand old hands back out of retirement for a couple of years while they gut the republican party.
Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, life right now is hard the fuck enough for a lot of individuals, and some come to this thread too find some relief & hopefully engage in intellegent dialogues.
But nope, here you come, just like fucking COVID-19 & fucking ruin it.
You don't like the thread, then GET THE FUCK OFF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your a fucking bain

heehee! You're a hoot, Man!

"Get off of MY thread!"

That goes perfectly with your avatar. :lol:

What do you think?
Already it's being said that Trump is the forerunner for the GOP's next nominee /contender for they're challenge to Biden in 2024 & will be used now as a foil to abrogate any efforts made by Biden to rectify the shit storm left behind by Trump.
I can see it now.
Turtle Head McConnell, if he has a chance, will do everthing in his motherfucking power to make Biden's presidency as misearable as he made Obama's.
Coupled with the over 73 million American voters that align/wholeheartedly support Trump, simply put, we are fucked.
Way too much division in this country right now, at absolutely the wrong time (263,742 deaths now/expected to DOUBLE by February from Trump's gift to America)
People are starving/going broke/going homeless/dying right fucking now & all the Republicans, yea, the fucking Republicans are doing is playing games.
What to do?
Kill all Republicans?
Well, sad to say, I alway's liked that line from the Bible
"Do unto other's before they do unto you"
Yea, I'm into it.

he'll be dead.
I know there are a lot of theories as to what will happen to the traitor and what he will do.......I agree with you.
Regardless of what he says or does........Trump has been nationally and internationally humiliated by this loss and I don't think he'll risk humiliation again.
if he is buying OAN or Newsmax, what better way to keep an audience then to promise he'll run again in 4 years.
if he is buying OAN or Newsmax, what better way to keep an audience then to promise he'll run again in 4 years.

Personally I think he will lose interest in it soon because he won't be the focal point anymore. JMO, I believe his cult will abandon him in a few months after he leaves the W.H. if he ever leaves.

One of my buddies say's Trump won LMFAO "LOU DOBBS" the fucking idiot says 600.000 votes where stolen. I told him Quit watching Lou Dumb ass Dobbs. he's an Idiot and only want a civil war because he's going to die soon, I hope. Opps

I just can't believe I have friends that believe Trump, They are good people too, I just don't understand it, I ask and never get a straight answer, but they are brainwashed into thinking the Democrats are Bad and going to take our Freedom away. When I try to explain they are not listening .

Either these people are hypnotized or Cloned because there's no other excuse, Stupidity don't Cut it anymore. There's something else happening here a lot of these people are very smart, but still want Trump. it makes no sense to me so I go to extremes like Hypnotized or Cloned. LMAO What else could it be ?
Personally I think he will lose interest in it soon because he won't be the focal point anymore. JMO, I believe his cult will abandon him in a few months after he leaves the W.H. if he ever leaves.

One of my buddies say's Trump won LMFAO "LOU DOBBS" the fucking idiot says 600.000 votes where stolen. I told him Quit watching Lou Dumb ass Dobbs. he's an Idiot and only want a civil war because he's going to die soon, I hope. Opps

I just can't believe I have friends that believe Trump, They are good people too, I just don't understand it, I ask and never get a straight answer, but they are brainwashed into thinking the Democrats are Bad and going to take our Freedom away. When I try to explain they are not listening .

Either these people are hypnotized or Cloned because there's no other excuse, Stupidity don't Cut it anymore. There's something else happening here a lot of these people are very smart, but still want Trump. it makes no sense to me so I go to extremes like Hypnotized or Cloned. LMAO What else could it be ?