
Nice buds, bud!

what strain is that?
Yea, that was a Super Silver Haze & it tasted as good as she looked
You have a nice/safe Holliday
Oh that's right, your a Canuck, so you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I thought you guy's might eat turkey or something like that in a show of solidarity :)
Sorta like everyone eating corned beef on St. Patrick's Day :)
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Gotta wash my shit after entertaining this thread
Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, life right now is hard the fuck enough for a lot of individuals, and some come to this thread too find some relief & hopefully engage in intellegent dialogues.
But nope, here you come, just like fucking COVID-19 & fucking ruin it.
You don't like the thread, then GET THE FUCK OFF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your a fucking bain
Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, life right now is hard the fuck enough for a lot of individuals, and some come to this thread too find some relief & hopefully engage in intellegent dialogues.
But nope, here you come, just like fucking COVID-19 & fucking ruin it.
You don't like the thread, then get GET THE FUCK OFF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your a fucking bain

Bro I left a while ago. One of u guys reported me and now u guys keep tagging me.
I get email notifications.

Ur illogical. And your friend thinks I can't carry a discussion? There is no discussion to carry lol! Stop tagging me! Ignoring everyone
No, you didn't, you fucking idiot, otherwise I wouldn't fucking typing right now would I?
You could have engaged in civil/polite conversation, but instead of that you walked in the door with an attitude.
So, here we are, me wasting my time typing to you & you forever ostracized in Politics.
What a shame :(
Stay safe/wear a mask
He doesn't have the English skills to keep up in the Politics section and that's not a high bar to get over.

The snowflake degraded to homophobic posts almost immediately. He's not ostracized, he's just simply not able.
Well hopefully he's locked up by that time, As for all those that can't help but come to these posts because you are always posting and they could only click that post is just a fucking joke. along with their bud. What bud ? Correct Mr. Grow ? I don't come here for Politics but yet here you are.

Just an excuse to come on throw their two cents in, Go and wash more change in a bowl of milk.

Can't wait until Spring time when all the SNOWFLAKES MELT.

We don't need a Civil War.

Yea, that was a Super Silver Haze & it tasted as good as she looked
You have a nice/safe Holliday
Oh that's right, your a Canuck, so you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I thought you guy's might eat turkey or something like that in a show of solidarity :)
Sorta like everyone eating corned beef on St. Patrick's Day :)

it looks tasty Jim. Great job!

We celebrate thanksgiving in Canada in October but my wife is American so we celebrate both thanksgivings.

I hope you and all my American brothers and sisters have a safe and happy thanksgiving.
you said it best earlier. There all just circle jerking each other off. They can’t help it, it just feels so good to them. there sick, all confused It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome. Lost by the media. Kinda funny really
I think you meant to post that on what used to be the hate forum in Chucker's paradise?

Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 3.42.41 PM.png
Bro I left a while ago. One of u guys reported me and now u guys keep tagging me.
I get email notifications.

Ur illogical. And your friend thinks I can't carry a discussion? There is no discussion to carry lol! Stop tagging me! Ignoring everyone
lmao why would you set it up to get emails for being tagged in a post here?
There will be no trump 2024
He's a fucking disease like herpes, like some illness that once obtained, never actually goes away.
When I think of Trump & his supporters, automatically I think of Hitler & the Brown Shirts/Hitler Youth/SS which have never actually left us, have they?
Nah, he's a significant part of the Soul of America, he just put a label on it & named it after himself, of course.
Make America Great Again, right?
He could drop fucking dead tomorrow & the shit he brought to the forefront in America today & showed a spotlight upon it, actually kicking us in the face with it, like the lying & dishonesty & racist/religious bigotry is/will be here fucking forever.
There is no cure for that.
Sad, but very, very fucking true.