Republicans Don't Care if Trump Shoots Someone on Fifth Ave

I disagree.

The divide is friend against friend.

This is what Putin wants.

Divisiveness, chaos, propaganda..currently 22% of the US cannot tell the difference between real and not real.

I'd go with Roger Ailes through FOX..give old white men what they wish for: fear mongering, perpetuating hatred toward anything leftist and tits.

Oh sure, Putin has his hand in the mix. I'm just saying the divide is also working in the best interests of wealthy oligarchs. Ailes worked for Murdoch, so I put most of the blame on Murdoch for his company's abuse of our airwaves. But Ailes isn't blameless.

Agree that propaganda/fake news fed to a receptive audience is a big driver, which is why I named FOX/Murdoch/Ailes. The economic disparity is driven by the 1% too. Also a lot of berner crap falls into the same category.

I'm not disagreeing in concept, only in degree of Putin's share of the blame.
Nancy Pelosi hasn't come out against universal healthcare. Come on man, get your facts straight.

True. She hasn't exactly endorsed it either. In typical establishment politician fashion she has tip-toed around the issue and said that the states, individually should switch to a single payer system if they want to.

I have not seen her on record as supporting a nationwide, federal govt funded, Medicare for all policy.

Have you? I'd love to check it out if you've seen it....
True. She hasn't exactly endorsed it either. In typical establishment politician fashion she has tip-toed around the issue and said that the states, individually should switch to a single payer system if they want to.

I have not seen her on record as supporting a nationwide, federal govt funded, Medicare for all policy.

Have you? I'd love to check it out if you've seen it....

right now bernie is endorsing hillary's plan of public option plus medicare for 55+. why do you think anyone would be further left than that right now?

single payer just lost 80-20 in colorado, a solidly blue state. there's no appetite for single payer now.
right now bernie is endorsing hillary's plan of public option plus medicare for 55+. why do you think anyone would be further left than that right now?

single payer just lost 80-20 in colorado, a solidly blue state. there's no appetite for single payer now.

You mean Bernies plan that Hillary adopted which Bernie still endorses? That plan?
True. She hasn't exactly endorsed it either. In typical establishment politician fashion she has tip-toed around the issue and said that the states, individually should switch to a single payer system if they want to.

I have not seen her on record as supporting a nationwide, federal govt funded, Medicare for all policy.

Have you? I'd love to check it out if you've seen it....
Pelosi is not my rep and I don't track her like I do my own rep, Peter DeFazio. DeFazio, Wyden and Merkley are all on record of supporting Universal Access to Healthcare and been so for a long time. Whether or not she's fully behind it, Democrats in the Congess are:

That's not tip-toeing.

Is this what you wanted? Or are you bothered by other Democrats heading leftward. Berners are to be congratulated. Due to berners and other Democrats putting pressure on them to do it, they have come out in support of Bernie Sanders single payer bill. Then again, makes you not so special. Just another Democrat or Independent who supports Universal Access to Healthcare.

Is this another litmus test of yours? Support CU or not get my vote is one of your tests. Is this one too?
Is this another litmus test of yours? Support CU or not get my vote is one of your tests. Is this one too?

Yes, single payer healthcare, and removing the influence/money of corporate america in our politics are two very important issues for me.

What you call a litmus test, most people refer to as policy positions.

Do you not have a litmus test when considering who to vote for? No strongly held beliefs?
A litmus test isn't just a policy position. In a different post, you said you wouldn't vote for anybody who didn't support repeal of Citizen's United ruling. It is a policy position but one you use to screen candidates much like one tests pH of an aqueous solution using litmus paper.

I have a few strongly held positions. Unsurprisingly not bottom line issues. Such as a woman's right to choose. It would be a dark day if I ever saw a candidate holding anti-choice position as the best one. Anybody who talks incessantly about race and sex in the way Trump does would be off my list. Knowing what we know now, a wealthy man would have to agree to putting his entire holdings into a trust in a manner that would avoid the appearance of ethics issues.

There was nothing about either Clinton or Sanders would have made them unacceptable to me.

This is nuanced, however. Just because I say racist actions or omissions regarding race in speeches wouldn't be a litmus test, doesn't mean it wouldn't affect my vote. I'm not much impressed with dumbshit yes-no criteria because it dumbs down the discussion. Clinton most certainly supported her husband's bill that ended up incarcerating millions more African Americans and said some startlingly ignorant things too. And so, of course I think she is affected by race-bias at the very least. Yet, she has the endorsement of major African American groups compared to the one black man who liked Bernie. (overstated to make a point, calm down).

I went to Justice Democrats home page and went through their list.
JD policies that can be litmus test policies to me:
Protect Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security
Defend and Protect Women's rights

There are a lot of issues that I expect my candidate to support listed there but I'm more interested in hearing what the candidate says rather than put a box next to that line item to check off for compliance.

Missing on that list is equal pay for equal work. If a candidate doesn't have something like that in their postion/policy statement, I'm going to look hard at other candidates. Also missing on that list is Defend the rights of minorities. That would include black, brown, LGBTQ, retired ex-pat Canadian hockey players.

I'll never not vote, even if my choice of candidates doesn't meet my low bar in terms of a litmus test. Too many gave their lives for that right and I won't disrespect them.
Yes, single payer healthcare, and removing the influence/money of corporate america in our politics are two very important issues for me.

What you call a litmus test, most people refer to as policy positions.

Do you not have a litmus test when considering who to vote for? No strongly held beliefs?
After that post I'm pretty sure you're just a Tty sock puppet account.

It's pretty sad that you agree with yourself like that.