Republicans Don't Care if Trump Shoots Someone on Fifth Ave

You spent three days ignoring my arguments (which at the time were completely devoid of any such insults or disrespect, because I was hoping to preserve a calm camaraderie with you) and your responses were to ignore the arguments are focus on name-calling and insults.

Now I just explicate your arguments and then insult you while you still ignore arguments and opt instead to insult. You have nothing but ridiculous "naked capitalism" links.
... While you have nothing at all.

So who's the fanatic?
no, you literally just took these two views.

you told fogdog that he has no proof that his representatives aren't corrupt. you're asking him to prove a negative there, which is stupid, and claiming people who aren't being investigated for anything are corrupt.

then you defended bernie, even though he is under criminal FBI investigation for bank fraud and grand juries are being empaneled.

it's breath taking how shameless and stupid you are.
It's brethtaking just how shamelessly fanatical you are, willing to go to such lengths to alienate those who don't parrot your exact views.

Coalition building is a concept that is clearly completely beyond you.

Good luck with that!
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No, that's not it at all. As has been firmly established, berntards are fanatics as an identifying characteristic. I on the other hand have criticized every single candidate and in fact every person who posts here, at one time or another.
How does that not make you fanatical?

No amount of argument on your part will convince me I'm 'wrong'
You interpret her statement in the fashion you think best and I will do the same.

That we don't end up at the same conclusion is called freedom of thought.

I respect your opinion but I simply don't agree with your conclusion. No amount of argument on your part will convince me I'm 'wrong', because SHE ISN'T SUPPORTING UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE, and said so in so many words. She can use any justification she thinks will fool the most people. It is your inalienable Right as an American to be one of them.
I'm not interpreting. She did not say what you claim. Once you start re-writing what she said you can say what you want. But it would no longer be what she said.

But really, we both want universal healthcare. We are arguing about what the minority leader of the house said as if that's the end and be of all. In fact a lot of Democrats in Congress are signing up to support it universal healthcare.

H.R.676 - Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act

115 cosponsors. One of them is Peter DeFazio, the rep for my district. I applaud his doing this.

Again, I fail to understand why you attack Democrats when the real opponents to universal healthcare coverage are seated in the Republican caucus.

Bernie has introduced a bill for universal healthcare coverage. It has no cosponsors. Can you tell me if Bernie's bill is better than the house bill? Both bills are going nowhere, regardless but if you are soooooooo hot on this issue then I'll point out there are a lot of seated Democrats in the house that agree with you. It's Republicans that are blocking this progress. It's been that way for fifty years.
I got that answer from many, many people in response to my question about why they don't get involved in politics. Most of them were responsible adults, unlike many of the people here.

It was frustrating but it was also their right. I think the Chump has awakened many of them to the error of their ways- and as I've said before, that might just be his greatest achievement.
I'm not interpreting. She did not say what you claim. Once you start re-writing what she said you can say what you want. But it would no longer be what she said.

But really, we both want universal healthcare. We are arguing about what the minority leader of the house said as if that's the end and be of all. In fact a lot of Democrats in Congress are signing up to support it universal healthcare.

H.R.676 - Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act

115 cosponsors. One of them is Peter DeFazio, the rep for my district. I applaud his doing this.

Again, I fail to understand why you attack Democrats when the real opponents to universal healthcare coverage are seated in the Republican caucus.

Bernie has introduced a bill for universal healthcare coverage. It has no cosponsors. Can you tell me if Bernie's bill is better than the house bill? Both bills are going nowhere, regardless but if you are soooooooo hot on this issue then I'll point out there are a lot of seated Democrats in the house that agree with you. It's Republicans that are blocking this progress. It's been that way for fifty years.
The Republicans are honest in their opposition to healthcare for all Americans. The Democrats are trying to have it both ways.

I really hope they prove me wrong, but the only way to know is when they actually make it happen.
As usual, you have no point other than just starting more shit.

This is why I lost respect for you.
Are you just a spam bot? You literally tried to pidgeon hole me into arguing for a position that you assigned to me, which I never argued and then when I pointed out that it wasn't my position, you have this to say, as if I give a fuck about your respect anymore. I have made long winded and concise arguments which you ignored, opting instead to name-call and insult, and then project that behavior. Seriously, are you having a stroke right now?

No amount of argument on your part will convince me I'm 'wrong'
That extremely small margin of victory is exactly why the number of crossover voters is significant.

I haven't seen any numbers but I suspect that the number of Democrats crossing over in The last presidential election is larger than any other.
I quoted most pertinent numbers I could find from here:
I haven't seen any numbers but I suspect that the number of Democrats crossing over in The last presidential election is larger than any other.

This is why I call you a cynic. Nothing other than your opinion is given. No fact checking, just what you read from somewhere maybe.

The election turned on five or six key states in a score of districts that voted for Trump when in the past they had voted for Democrats. Extrapolating results from a few districts turning from Democrat to Trump as representative of something significant to the entire nation is shoddy analysis. Lazy too. And cynical.

What happened nationwide? Clinton won the popular vote by a margin of 3 million voters.
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Are you just a spam bot? You literally tried to pidgeon hole me into arguing for a position that you assigned to me, which I never argued and then when I pointed out that it wasn't my position, you have this to say, as if I give a fuck about your respect anymore. I have made long winded and concise arguments which you ignored, opting instead to name-call and insult, and then project that behavior. Seriously, are you having a stroke right now?
No, I'm just using your own tactics on you. Gotta love it!