Republicans Don't Care if Trump Shoots Someone on Fifth Ave

I keep asking you to name names. Is your congressman ethically and morally corrupt? Mine aren't. You can look them up if you like. Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Peter DeFazio.

You are cynical about Washington. Cynical is easy. A cynic just spouts what he wants without effort. Skeptical requires work. I checked and can't find evidence of what you claim.
You mean evidence like the stuff the grand jury is citing in their investigation of that whole Sanders fraud case?
The Democratic Party is a coalition. So instead of faction, is it ok to call berners a group within the Democratic Party?. You guys aren't the whole deal. You don't disagree with that, do you? I mean, in 2016, the Berner group weren't a majority in the party. Not even close. Not unless you want to say that 45% >> 50%.

Regarding "significant fraction of democrats voted for trump". Where did you get that truthy statement? The numbers crossing over were small in any direction and trying to read something out of it is a fools game. The largest number was 11% white Democrats voted for Trump or third party. White voters crossing the line in the Republican party? 9% of white Republicans voted for Clinton or a third party. What you said sounded so certain. But it was just a crappy sounds like truth but is not.

Berners is derogatory.
In other words; 'they're corrupt so in order to compete we have to be corrupt too'

That's so ethically and morally bankrupt I don't understand why you'd defend it.

my senator is bennett and my representative is perlmutter. yours is polis. please name their specific acts of corruption. thanks!
You mean evidence like the stuff the grand jury is citing in their investigation of that whole Sanders fraud case?
I'm sitting on the fence for that one. I'm leaning towards nothing there. All I've seen are reports that an investigation is underway. The rest of the details available through the internet are confusing. To me.
Berners is derogatory.
Sanders' movement used "feel the bern" as a slogan. berners is a fitting extension of that. I don't see anything derogatory in the word. In some of the things I say, I can understand how they might be taken that way.
I keep asking you to name names. Is your congressman ethically and morally corrupt? Mine aren't. You can look them up if you like. Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Peter DeFazio.

You are cynical about Washington. Cynical is easy. A cynic just spouts what he wants without effort. Skeptical requires work. I checked and can't find evidence of what you claim.
You're sure your chosen politicians aren't corrupt.

Sounds truthy, but you have no proof.
You're sure your chosen politicians aren't corrupt.

Sounds truthy, but you have no proof.

are any of the politicians he named being investigated for anything, like say bank fraud? bernie sanders is.

are there grand juries being empaneled for any of them as the result of an FBI investigation into bank fraud, as is the case for bernie sanders?
Oh, then why did she say it?

Try as you like, you can't make Pelosi's words come out as "don't support universal healthcare". She never said that or anything like it. If you want to dismiss what she said, and just say what you think, that's your right. Everybody has the right to be wrong.

Is your issue that Pelosi doesn't support putting single payer in the 2018 platform? OK. That would be true. She says she's made no decisions about the 2020 platform.

Q: Do you feel like the move for Democrats now is to make single payer a plank in the 2018 platform?

Leader Pelosi. No, I don’t. I was carrying around single payer signs probably before you were born. So, you know, I understand that aspiration. But when we passed our bill, while we didn’t get public option, which if I were jamming the bill, as I’m accused of doing, we would’ve had, we won it in the House, we couldn’t get it in the Senate, we mitigated for many of the provisions that were there.

So I say to people, if you want that, do it in your States. States are laboratories. It can work out. It is the least expensive, least administrative way to go about this, but the comfort level with a broader base of the American people is not there yet. It doesn’t mean it couldn’t be. States are a good place to start.

But I’m not here today to write the Democratic platform for 3‑1/2 years from now. But I thank you for your question, as I say, as one who was in the streets with single payer over 30 years ago.
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You're sure your chosen politicians aren't corrupt.

Sounds truthy, but you have no proof.
I have no proof that they are not corrupt. Their policies are good, there isn't even a whiff of misdeeds concerning undue influence from corporate interests, no charges of ethics violations, no charges of campaign donations paying for houses and so forth.

This makes them guilty.

Is that what you are saying?
Then there's the fact that so many Berntards seem overjoyed that Trump won...
In my case, you have deliberately misrepresented what what I said on this subject. I never said I was happy that he was elected; what I said was that the best thing about his election is the large number of heretofore apathetic progressives getting motivated enough to get involved.

But you're a dishonest debater so I don't expect you to change your tune just because I've called you out on it.
The Democratic Party is a coalition. So instead of faction, is it ok to call berners a group within the Democratic Party?. You guys aren't the whole deal. You don't disagree with that, do you? I mean, in 2016, the Berner group weren't a majority in the party. Not even close. Not unless you want to say that 45% >> 50%.

Regarding "significant fraction of democrats voted for trump". Where did you get that truthy statement? The numbers crossing over were small in any direction and trying to read something out of it is a fools game. The largest number was 11% white Democrats voted for Trump or third party. White voters crossing the line in the Republican party? 9% of white Republicans voted for Clinton or a third party. What you said sounded so certain. But it was just a crappy sounds like truth but is not.
First; only some of Sanders supporters consider themselves Democrats. An increasing number of us do not.

Second; even 11% is a significant fraction.
are any of the politicians he named being investigated for anything, like say bank fraud? bernie sanders is.

are there grand juries being empaneled for any of them as the result of an FBI investigation into bank fraud, as is the case for bernie sanders?
I reject your assumption that an act must be illegal for it to be corrupt.

Example; unlimited tax deductible contributions to campaigns of candidates and parties of your choice. Legal? According to the Citizens United decision, yes. Corrupt? Definitely.

Until you can accept the difference between corrupt and illegal, there's no point in discussing your line of reasoning.
I quoted you verbatim. You oppose revolution, you think a Trump victory was the best thing that ever happened for the left and you insult anyone who doesn't bow in worship to Saint Bernard.

I never said you support Trump, dumb ass.
No, I just insult people like you who have to shit post and name call instead of doing the work to come up with solid arguments.