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Religion (church buildings) and personal spirituality are two separate things.They already have there own buildings to teach that hate and intolerance. The public shouldn't have to pay for it.
Religion (church buildings) and personal spirituality are two separate things.They already have there own buildings to teach that hate and intolerance. The public shouldn't have to pay for it.
My Bible does not give God a name with the first; withthe second one, why would anyone settel for less then the greatest in regard to a God; the third one like the second one, why would any sane person devalue themselves by putting creation before the Creator?
Ok, I was hoping that the Jesus Christ statement wuldn't be dragged out in the worldly light; non-the-less, I emphasized the Spirit, as in the Spirit of spirits.
I truly know that its not the God its the indiviudal that give Him a bad name.
My God is not a religion; God is not a religion; (S)He's the Conscience of consciences, the Reality pf realities.
The Christian Bible forewarned about false teachers and false prophets, that is people who lie and use the Word of Truth for selfish gains: debuachery; it would seem that with mamy these false beings has truamatized just enough to discourage many people from soul searching, that is reading ansd studying the Word of Truth for themselves.
My point yu should take initiative and read and study the Word of Truth for yourself; alot of people are basing their position of God on a lack of knowledge and/or word of mouth. You shouldn't believe everything everybody tell you; and The Scriptures say the Book of Romans chapter 3 verse 4 tells us to "Let God be the Truth and every man be a lie"
***********************************************************Actually... I LOVED IT when my kids hit the world religions portion of their social sciences in junior high school. We all learned quite a bit. Unfortunately, due to time (and budget) constraints it's limited to the textbook which only hits the world's major religions. But, I think it would be great if we could incorporate something along the lines of a theology class, but that taught about many religions, such as paganism and Wicca, Zoroastrianism, and so on.
However, school is not the place to PRACTICE religion in any way guided by staff. Allow students, yes, but directed or guided by staff, absolutely not.
***********************************************************Commandment number ONE
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
What this means is that image of Moses above is a graven image. It is a likeness of a thing that is on the earth. The person who made it and all who gaze upon it are cast into hell.
Wow I'm so glad I don't believe in fairy tales. I guess I'm safe.
Thou shalt have no other weeds before marijuana.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing unless it's weed.
Thou shalt not take the name of the weed thy smoke in vain.
Remember thy bong, to keep it clean.
Honour thy father and thy mother and never steal their stash.
Thou shalt not kill weed unless it's ready to smoke or a male.
Thou shalt not commit adultery, always use the same dealer for your weed.
Thou shalt not steal another's crop.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, for stealing anothers crop.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors weed.
********************************************************How can anyone look around at the state of the world today and think there is a god?
*******************************************************Religion (church buildings) and personal spirituality are two separate things.
*************************************************************I'm fairly educated in the bible. Some read it and "see the light" I read it and saw it as a fraudulent, obsolete fairy tale. I want no part of a god that is perfectly willing to destroy the earth because we don't believe he is there even though he has never shown himself other than in books. I want no part of a god that must be praised all the time, that hates gays, premarital sex, shell fish and that encourages you to beat your wife with a stick when she isn't being subservient enough for your liking.
I'll quote scripture...
******************************************************like many people said before
fuck no.
religion is mind control.
************************************************************I would like to know why god requires so much cash. I mean 10% of everybody's cash is a lot of money. Is there somewhere to spend money in heaven?
****************************************************************I have a friend, a chem professor and researcher who asks the same thing. Then he found this quote from David Attenborough. Very poignant, and gives some food for thought in my opinion (however, I agree with Joseph Campbell that there is a utility in religion).
Sir David Attenborough,
"My response is that when Creationists talk about God creating every individual species as a separate act, they always instance hummingbirds, or orchids, sunflowers and beautiful things. But I tend to think instead of a parasitic worm that is boring through the eye of a boy sitting on the bank of a river in West Africa, [a worm] that's going to make him blind. And [I ask them], 'Are you telling me that the God you believe in, who you also say is an all-merciful God, who cares for each one of us individually, are you saying that God created this worm that can live in no other way than in an innocent child's eyeball? Because that doesn't seem to me to coincide with a God who's full of mercy'"
People pretend to have some knowledge, based on their own epiphanatic events. These events can be stimulated by strong magnets. Are magnets God?
The more we know, the more we DON'T.![]()