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Do you Believe that the Ten Commandments and/or Prayer Should be Returned to Public Schools?
As fundamental as the Ten Commandments are and considering that this country was founded on “the Most High God”, I believe that both the Ten Commandments and Common God, as in the Most God prayer should be reestablished into our public school system. The Ten Commandments has never truly hurt anybody and from what I remember before it was taken out of the public schools, it didn’t call on any one particular name; though, it is safe to say that the name of God Almighty has changed from culture to culture and language to language, particularly after the Babel in Genesis Chapter 11; though it is from the fulfillment that is through the reality of Jesus Christ which is God’s ultimate expression of His Virtue to mankind in these times; non-the-less, it is His Holy Spirit that even Jesus testify to us that He wants valued the most
More and more research is finding what many already knew that the God of the three primary religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam were founded on and worship to the same God at best. When you discern the essence of the virtues of Buddha and Confusion you will hear the same Spirit, so if nothing else there is only a lack of connectivity and/or order that currently separate it from many men’s perspective of them. With this summary being said there doesn’t necessarily have to be a direct mention of any one name of God, (S)He could be titled by his authority which is the Most High or something to this capacity that doesn’t controversy the name as much as glorify the Authority, Power and Capacity of Reality.
Atheist and witches who are not tolerate and/or progressive and all others have the capacity to remove themselves from the place of prayer when it is exercised; just the same teachers and/or prayer leaders have to honor the diversity and need of their students when exercising the prayer, in the Name of the Most High God or its equivalent.
So, yes, I believe the Ten Commandments and Prayer should be re-introduce to the public schools.
Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God thru your loved ones,
Mark Daniels
[email protected]
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