
I would marry Bernie Sanders if I could. Here he is doing great things and not as president.

Maybe this black and orange eye we received at the polls will actually galvanize people, under Bernies banner. That would be sweet as hell
I would marry Bernie Sanders if I could. Here he is doing great things and not as president.

Maybe this black and orange eye we received at the polls will actually galvanize people, under Bernies banner. That would be sweet as hell
He's literally a walking corpse...

He makes Kelly-Anne Conway look "youthful".
Shouldn't you be the most worried? I thought you relied on social programs for you and your family? They're all in jeaprody.
Buck lied and no they are not in jeapordy.

Buck twists the truth often and lies frequently.

I have explained several times that my husbands raise in income from his new job has removed us from eligibility on the little we were getting. What we were getting will still be available to people.

Medicaid and foodstamps are not going anywhere.
not when Ryan gets to be in charge.

have you read his "A Better Way"? people like you that don't make much and use Medicaid and the elderly who use Medicare are going to be hit the hardest.
Trump will not sign anything that does what you describe.

He has made his intentions clear and proven his intentions by working tirelessly for the american people. Watch the inner cities flourish under Trump.
Trump will not sign anything that does what you describe.

He has made his intentions clear and proven his intentions by working tirelessly for the american people. Watch the inner cities flourish under Trump.

watch black people find out exactly "what the hell they have to lose" under trump and you calling them "halfricans".
watch black people find out exactly "what the hell they have to lose" under trump and you calling them "halfricans".
Watch their income go up and neighborhoods become safer. Watch their kids go to better schools and have more employment options.
Watch their income go up and neighborhoods become safer. Watch their kids go to better schools and have more employment options.

watch trump literally thank black people for staying home on election day.

watch as studies commissioned to document abuses by police, like the report just out from chicago, vanish.

watch as police forces become more militarized and de-escalation training and tactics become abandoned.

watch as nationwide stop and frisk gets implemented to no effect other than loss of civil rights.

watch as voting rights get eroded and cross-check voter purges go rampant.
Bernie Sanders just introducded legislation allowing us to negoiate drug prices and buy cheaper drugs from places like Canada. The Republicans in congress (including 10 fucking Democrats on the take) just voted it down. We will continue to pay the highest drug prices on the planet. Donald Trump does not have a magic wand pie.

Good on Bernie supporting the free market like that. That was really cool.
So you wouldn't replace what we have until a "better" alternative exists?

You might want to consider that a lot has changed since 1988. The number of full time workers has dropped dramatically since then due to massive changes in the market. Walmart is the largest employer in America but Walmart workers are the largest single group of welfare recipients. Why not go back to the 50s? The good old days when America was proud of beating the Axis and our economy floated on a bubble created by a devastating war that left much of the world in tatters. why didn't Obama brings those days back again?
1950s America was made possible by high taxes on large incomes.
Medicaid took care of people with no money before Obamacare.

It was a lie that we didnt already have universal care.
Medicaid took care of folks before but takes care of a hell of a lot more since the ACA was signed.

It baffles the shit out of me that most folks would rather give their tax dollars to large corporations and fund wars but have a conniption fit when a poor soul gets subsidized health coverage.:spew:
Bernie Sanders just introducded legislation allowing us to negoiate drug prices and buy cheaper drugs from places like Canada. The Republicans in congress (including 10 fucking Democrats on the take) just voted it down. We will continue to pay the highest drug prices on the planet. Donald Trump does not have a magic wand pie.
As of the last time I read the law a person was allowed to get meds from other countries as long as they have a prescription. With the exception of narcotics. .

This states illegal to import unapproved drugs except special cases. If it is an US fda approved drug you can import it.

The laws are conflicting and can be interpreted either way.

Basically no new drugs.

You guys know how that works. The product being sold in the US for $10 a pill can be had in Canada for $1 a pill. The thing is the Canada pill will be called something else and not approved by the fda barring importation.

Anything legal to import will be available on the $4 plan at Walmart and other participating pharmacies.
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