Will Trump Debate?

The Republican party destroyed itself when it abandoned its conservative principals and made itself the Democrat Lite party.

The Republican party hasn't even had a passing relationship with a "principal" in my lifetime. Their greatest achievement and main goal has been to get people to vote against their own interests with lies and half truths,Fox News is their crowning glory.
And let's not forget the Village Idiot in the middle,AKA George Bush. Who with his lies of WMD's drug us into a war that has cost thousands of American lives,Trillions of dollars and has completely destabilized the region and we will be living with these consequences for many years to come.
Everybody ....mouth on pipe,joint,bong,soda can,apple or preferred smoking apparatus ....now light and suck ..............and exhale doesn't that feel better Now repeat 37 more times .......after the above exercise we can all get back to our masterbate oops I'm meant master debate .....
And let's not forget the Village Idiot in the middle,AKA George Bush. Who with his lies of WMD's drug us into a war that has cost thousands of American lives,

When in the hell are you libtards gonna start telling the truth and stop parroting false narratives? Hussein DID have WMD's and was tried in court by his peers and hung for war crimes. There are plenty of documenting videos reflecting his use of them on his own people like the Kurds. 2. Congress voted to go with the invasion including that lieing bitch Hillary.

You kids don't read or just too young to have followed the chain of events? Bush handed Obama a stabilized, rebuilt Iraq and Obama fucked it all up.

Put down the stupid electronic pacifiers and READ.
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When in the hell are you libtards gonna start telling the truth and stop parroting false narratives? Hussein DID have WMD's and was tried in court by his peers and hung for war crimes. There are plenty of documenting videos reflecting his use of them on his own people like the Kurds. 2. Congress voted to go with the invasion including that lieing bitch Hillary.

You kids don't read or just too young to have followed the chain of events? Bush handed Obama a stabilized, rebuilt Iraq and Obama fucked it all up.

Put down the stupid electronic pacifiers and READ.
Spoken like a person who has never put one foot on Iraqi soil and gets his news from Fox and youtube. Sadaam did not have WMD when baby Bush invaded. His daddy wiped them out during the first war and the expiration date had expired on any that was left. Also do you know who gave him his WWD. Ronald Reagan and Papa George Bush , sold materials including anthrax, V X nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and botulism to Iraq right up until March 1992.
again what Branch of service did you serve ? Boy Scouts of America does not count. Baby Bush handed Obama a mess and you are very stupid
When in the hell are you libtards gonna start telling the truth and stop parroting false narratives? Hussein DID have WMD's and was tried in court by his peers and hung for war crimes. There are plenty of documenting videos reflecting his use of them on his own people like the Kurds. 2. Congress voted to go with the invasion including that lieing bitch Hillary.

You kids don't read or just too young to have followed the chain of events? Bush handed Obama a stabilized, rebuilt Iraq and Obama fucked it all up.

Put down the stupid electronic pacifiers and READ.

Try googling the "Big Lie" you moron. The Republican party and Fox News have perfected it you brain dead fool.
My point is that war kills indiscriminately. You are worried about 4 people killed in a war...I've seen that many killed in minutes...
what "war" did those 4 people die in? using your anecdotal experience to excuse what happened to those 4 men is complete bullshit pal. my old man was a recon marine in the nam and i served in kosovo and the gulf as a medic and seen my fair share of people die, both civies and marines/navy fellas, and it would never even come to my mind that "well, a bunch of people died there, so well whatever." i can't even comprehend what goes into thinking like that.

so many vets died in vietnam because the politicians play fucking games with the lives of our brave youth and think nothing of the impact of tying a hand behind our backs and sending us to fight. vietnam is the most prime example of that. so when it comes to pinning the blame on a politician and trying to nail her to the wall both over her negligence and her response afterward, i'd think a guy like you would be the one holding the hammer and nails.
This forum section is proof that this country is full of ill informed knuckle draggers that would support a sociopath reality TV idiot for president,I just hope they don't out number the people with a grip on sanity and this orange faced bad comb-over con man goes away.
that you automatically dismiss the other side of the coin with ad hominem bullshit shows you don't have the acumen to make an adult decision. because the same could be said of someone who supports a lying/treasonous/criminal devoid of a political resume. i'll take the unknown in this over the known.
that you automatically dismiss the other side of the coin with ad hominem bullshit shows you don't have the acumen to make an adult decision. because the same could be said of someone who supports a lying/treasonous/criminal devoid of a political resume. i'll take the unknown in this over the known.

lying? no. hillary is the most onest candidate in the race.

treasonous? no. hillary did not call on a foreign power to hack our electronic property to subvert an election.

criminal? no. hillary is not on trial for anything, unlike trump, who is facing fraud and racketeering charges in multiple states, and a charge for raping a 13 year old child in another.

literally everything you try to pin to hilalry is completely false about her, but 100% accurate if being used to describe that fascist orange racist whose dick you so desperately yearn to suck.
Can you imagine the remodel of the White House if this sociopath actually won the election. All the tacky furniture and I'm sure he would put gold leaf on everything including his giant throne that he would park his demented ass on.
what "war" did those 4 people die in? using your anecdotal experience to excuse what happened to those 4 men is complete bullshit pal. my old man was a recon marine in the nam and i served in kosovo and the gulf as a medic and seen my fair share of people die, both civies and marines/navy fellas, and it would never even come to my mind that "well, a bunch of people died there, so well whatever." i can't even comprehend what goes into thinking like that.

so many vets died in vietnam because the politicians play fucking games with the lives of our brave youth and think nothing of the impact of tying a hand behind our backs and sending us to fight. vietnam is the most prime example of that. so when it comes to pinning the blame on a politician and trying to nail her to the wall both over her negligence and her response afterward, i'd think a guy like you would be the one holding the hammer and nails.
"War on Terror"....