Will Trump Debate?


Well-Known Member
I don't think so, but you've been known to make shit up...

And yes...don't run off at 11:30 PM Nov. 8th...accept defeat gracefully in that ballet dress...while you get power trolled into the wee hours of the morning.

start working on those excuses early. thanx.
I will likely disappear afterwards either way because there will be nothing to debate for a few months and I will be burned out on politics. If I make it that long... What a horrorshow.

Last time I was wrong I posted it on the boards for everyone to see. Me being right or wrong does not have that much significance in the world.


Well-Known Member
not just fucking it up, but lying about it, shitting on one of those fella's mothers when she confronted her, then saying "what does it matter" hillary doesn't just fuck up, she doubles down when she's fucked up, then teams up with mainstream media to gloss it over and make light of it.

the question is, will hillary do well? here she is answering that question.

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One of the interesting things is how much Hillary will expose herself to the media. They were counting it on Fox News and it was 200+ days since she had a news conference or something. On the flip side she was supposed to have an exclusive with them coming up or it already happened.

Is further exposure going to help or hurt her? She can say pretty dumb stuff when off the prompter.

In response to getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for a speech 'It was what they offered...." That was a gem.

Trump is going to be in every news cycle. How much Hillary can get into that or usurp that remains to be seen.


Well-Known Member
One of the interesting things is how much Hillary will expose herself to the media. They were counting it on Fox News and it was 200+ days since she had a news conference or something. On the flip side she was supposed to have an exclusive with them coming up or it already happened.

Is further exposure going to help or hurt her? She can say pretty dumb stuff when off the prompter.

In response to getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for a speech 'It was what they offered...." That was a gem.

Trump is going to be in every news cycle. How much Hillary can get into that or usurp that remains to be seen.
Refer back to Megyn Kelly, she the lady w t'birds hazelnuts in a lock box

Also tweeting you way into new cycles wears thin fast.

You should be more circumspect since youve already been badly mistaken.


Active Member
Ok Ill be perfectly honest.

I have fetish for old ugly corrupt capitalist men with thinning orange/grey hair and a orange face to match.

Sure Hillary does it for me too, god only knows ive lost a lot of loads over that train. (bless her heart)

The race is on and if I time it right it will be a hell of a threesome. (just don't tell Bill)


Well-Known Member
One of the interesting things is how much Hillary will expose herself to the media. They were counting it on Fox News and it was 200+ days since she had a news conference or something. On the flip side she was supposed to have an exclusive with them coming up or it already happened.

Is further exposure going to help or hurt her? She can say pretty dumb stuff when off the prompter.

In response to getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for a speech 'It was what they offered...." That was a gem.

Trump is going to be in every news cycle. How much Hillary can get into that or usurp that remains to be seen.
240 days since her last news conference. it's been by design, waiting for all the negativity she made for herself to die down. but that won't happen, people aren't going to let her off the hook this time.

if she debates Trump, she won't do well because he's going to take advantage of the fact she short circuits without a teleprompter and that in the dem debates she faced no real opposition.


Well-Known Member
I am not really a supporter as much I find myself a defender from the outrageous.
Let the slow backpedaling begin. It's too late now. Beginning on November 9, a shitload of idiots are going to have to reconcile with the fact that they supported this racist in 2016, and in the process made a complete joke of the republican party. It's truly a shame because they had the dog whistle politics down to a science, but now thanks to trump, the party has be set back 50 years on a national level. :clap:


Well-Known Member
The southern border is like swiss cheese, im gonna build a wall, a beautiful wall and its going to be on budget and ahead of schedule, and its gotta be beautiful cos one day they're gonna name it Trump wall.....lmfao,


Well-Known Member
Let the slow backpedaling begin. It's too late now. Beginning on November 9, a shitload of idiots are going to have to reconcile with the fact that they supported this racist in 2016, and in the process made a complete joke of the republican party. It's truly a shame because they had the dog whistle politics down to a science, but now thanks to trump, the party has be set back 50 years on a national level. :clap:
The Republican party destroyed itself when it abandoned its conservative principals and made itself the Democrat Lite party.


Well-Known Member
Does Benghazi make you feel better? The fact that our government's complete incompetence and political correctness resulted in the deaths of 4 people?

That was just one of the things hillary fucked up while incompetent secretary of state.
You should have seen Vietnam....