okay... think what you will .. and lets just say michigan legalizes michigan will attract sales from ohio, indiana, illinois, kentucky... etc... as far as 10+ hours people drive specially to colorado to consume or buy cannabis legally .. and everyone in michigan isn't broke.. damn you acting like were in a depression here and no one can afford anything.. stop thinking in your square... theres a big world out there.where does the money come from? your high if you think michigan is going to spend BILLIONS on weed... MI isn't these other states
okay... think what you will .. and lets just say michigan legalizes michigan will attract sales from ohio, indiana, illinois, kentucky... etc... as far as 10+ hours people drive specially to colorado to consume or buy cannabis legally .. and everyone in michigan isn't broke.. damn you acting like were in a depression here and no one can afford anything.. stop thinking in your square... theres a big world out there.
and the largest age group that would be using legal cannabis would be the 18-30 year olds who don't own houses and have major bills that can piss money away as they do with alcohol now. if economies reflected drug and alcohol sales why are there private breweries and shit opening here when people would rather buy a 6$ 6 pack as opposed to a 6$ 12 oz craft beer.. because theres people with money that spend it and will just cause an economy isn't booming doesnt mean theres not business to be made.
theres only 4.8 residents per 1000 that hold a medical license as of 2015 in michigan .. and that minimal amount pulled 60mil ..
i know no one that works under 40... the works out there and depending on education and experience there really isn't these major finincial issues. we have a 5.4% unemployment rate which isn't bad.. trust me I'm not saying we all have money to blow and that everyone should have a job thats not what I'm saying at a ll but your acting like if legalization happened no one would be coming to take advantage of it if legalization.not in michigan there isn't... we have 3 major cities... detroit, lansing, and flint/saginaw(combined for ease of metaphor) even lansing is POOR as fuck. i just sat down with an acquaintance from lansing the other day, its just as bad there as elsewhere. COST OF LIVING is insane while wages and hours go down cause of obama care.
do you even know anyone who gets 40 a week anymore? everyone i know gets 32. they also had to take pay cuts most of the time because theres a line of 1000 people willing to do your job for less money in this state now... worked at a factory for 20 years? make 15 bucks an hour? too fucking bad we have a pool of thousands of permanent temps that will work for $10 89 days at a time so fuck job security...
a house i rented in 2013 in a pretty rough neighborhood for $575 a month is currently being rented by a fellow for $900 because... greedy renters know no one has the credit or job security to get a mortgage... so rentals are about 30% over valued at the moment.
another example is one thats in metamora for 1350 a month.. was up for rent less then 2 years ago for $900 a month..
michigan has a fear based economy because no one has opportunity to do better themselves and then they get taken advantage of. the lions share of michigan peoples are just barely getting by, def not spending billions on weed..... lol
thats the damn point!!!! owning a 1% pie slice of a 1 billion dollar a year industry is worth the investment opportunity to make 10 million a yearthose private breweries are small batch and only profit a small % of the over all market. thats fine if thats what you want to do. being a boutique grower of top shelf so you can save all your weed for the rappers that pop through on tour is up to you... just not a good business model
i know no one that works under 40... the works out there and depending on education and experience there really isn't these major finincial issues. we have a 5.4% unemployment rate which isn't bad.. trust me I'm not saying we all have money to blow and that everyone should have a job thats not what I'm saying at a ll but your acting like if legalization happened no one would be coming to take advantage of it if legalization.
thats the damn point!!!! owning a 1% pie slice of a 1 billion dollar a year industry is worth the investment opportunity to make 10 million a year
come on your just being really silly nowanyone on welfare is no longer considered "unemployed" so lets modify those numbers a little shall we
wholly christ open your mind... you are so one sided and stuck in being right your not seeing the big picture...60mil is a long way from BILLIONS my man...
hell owning 1% of the poopy litle 60 million a year now is worth the investment.
come on your just being really silly now
wholly christ open your mind... you are so one sided and stuck in being right your not seeing the big picture...