Keep it classy fox


Well-Known Member
No i'm pretty sure that's how they are viewed around the world....they have a '0' credibility rating
You can't cite that. Fox News has the highest ratings of any cable news network. So, a lie. Wonder what your credibility rating is.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
That's what's so unusual about people from the left and those from the right they can watch the exact same thing and come up with two different takes..

I thought bernie did fine he's very passionate about what he thinks and how he wants to help America we have been fucked over so many times it's time to make a change who cares what his hair looks like who cares that he so passionate maybe that's exactly what we need.
He did fine if he's running for Hilary's vice-president. Not so fine if he's running for president.


Well-Known Member
I'm correcting my earlier post so that you can follow my thread correctly.

On the night of the elections during the results return Karl Rove went fucking ballistic when it showed Mitt had lost he had an onair fit .They had no choice but to turn to a REAL news organization to get the true results, guess he thought that the $400 million given to him by the Koch brothers was going to win the election.

The Koch brothers gave $400million to Karl Rove?

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Fox is nothing but an echo chamber for the batshit crazy foaming at the mouth crowd. They only regurgitate what the crazies want to hear. You never heat crazy shit like what you hear on fox on MSNBC or CNN and please don't get me started on Rush Limpdick and Glen Beck.

I used to listen to Rush everyday on the EIB network but that crazy bastard just scares the shit out of me with his comments remember Sandra Fluke? And everyday is Hillary bashing for at least a half hour.

The Pukes are soooooooo afraid of Hillary. When they talk about you day in and day out they-re afraid of you.



Well-Known Member
Fox is nothing but an echo chamber for the batshit crazy foaming at the mouth crowd. They only regurgitate what the crazies want to hear. You never heat crazy shit like what you hear on fox on MSNBC or CNN and please don't get me started on Rush Limpdick and Glen Beck.

I used to listen to Rush everyday on the EIB network but that crazy bastard just scares the shit out of me with his comments remember Sandra Fluke? And everyday is Hillary bashing for at least a half hour.

The Pukes are soooooooo afraid of Hillary. When they talk about you day in and day out they-re afraid of you.


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
So not to Karl Rove specifically, or even Crossroads, but their total of donations for all entities. Not quite what you said. This is what happens when let ideology overrule reality.
If you include Governors race, Senate race any pukes race, not just Presidential race it was over $400 million. Seems like you and Faux news have your way of spinning the facts to your liking. Hey you can start spinning the close to $1 billion that the Koch Brothers plan to spend on the 2016 race. Let me be more exact for you, $897 million.

That will include all money donated by the brothers in all puke races from local, State, Federal just like 2012 but this time their doubling down to $897+.

Crossroads is not the only Superpac Karl Rove controls. Also Fox even said that it was $400 million on the same night of the election returns, were you dropped on your head when young or something?

I can tell you don't have the facts because you ask others to show em to you.


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
So not to Karl Rove specifically, or even Crossroads, but their total of donations for all entities. Not quite what you said. This is what happens when let ideology overrule reality.
Its called dark money, works like this you are David Koch and you don't care if they know your name, and 4 friends who don't want to be known donate $20 each now you go give the $100 to Karl Rove, who do you think Karl Rove is gonna say gave him the money? That:s right, you!

Notice nobody came to your defense on this? Because everybody here knows its true except you. Here is a little tidbit for you

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
With SCOTUS giving the green light to Citizens United it wont be long til some foreign entity buys the Presidency of the United States.

All you have to do is set up a 501 (c) and your in business. That's scary but the pukes never thought that out did they?
