Schuylaars Sesh - Executive Order and Minimum Wage..


Well-Known Member
President Obama has the right to raise minimum wage via Executive Order..will it come down to that and what do you think it will be?

I'm hoping it's $15/hour or somewhere in the general vicinity this will bring gross from an unliving wage of $290/week to a living wage of $600/week..further, pretty funny that McD's pulled their "McResources" after public outcry..

blogging and getting people involved really does work..
So you have no problem with the president acting like a king if it is something that you support?
So you have no problem with the president acting like a king if it is something that you support?

i support the president in most everything he has done..this is not an outrageous amount..ask echelon, they just did it in australia..
i support the president in most everything he has done..this is not an outrageous amount..ask echelon, they just did it in australia..

In this country with a representative republic the Legislative branch writes the legislation and the executive branch enforces it. Well, until Obama.

Do you understand how the undermining of the constitution like this hurts everyone?
Are you claiming Obama is the first president to use an executive order?

No, I am claiming that it is being used more and more like a decree from a king.

Why do people always point to something being abused as something done before? Does that excuse the action?

It is important to remember that a Republican might be president again and the power given to one is given to all by precedent.

I am worried that the liberals and the left believe the end justifies the means and are short sighted and do not realize that they are giving their liberties away as well.
No, I am claiming that it is being used more and more like a decree from a king.

Why do people always point to something being abused as something done before? Does that excuse the action?

It is important to remember that a Republican might be president again and the power given to one is given to all by precedent.

I am worried that the liberals and the left believe the end justifies the means and are short sighted and do not realize that they are giving their liberties away as well.

well, if congress would like to do it's job, but they won't..with no re-election looming..i hope he does it up and does it right!..the dollars will only go back into the economy.
well, if congress would like to do it's job, but they won't..with no re-election looming..i hope he does it up and does it right!..the dollars will only go back into the economy.

The dollars are being stolen from the economy on the front side and this the effect is negative... You dont create economic activity by raising taxes...
No, I am claiming that it is being used more and more like a decree from a king.

Why do people always point to something being abused as something done before? Does that excuse the action?

It is important to remember that a Republican might be president again and the power given to one is given to all by precedent.

I am worried that the liberals and the left believe the end justifies the means and are short sighted and do not realize that they are giving their liberties away as well.

You must have a problem with the intent of the orders because there hasn't been that many. Which ones bother you?
I better get a hell of a raise. I'm worth more than about 6 bucks above minimum wage.

Right now my skills are worth almost three times minimum wage.

$45 an hour here I come!
No, I am claiming that it is being used more and more like a decree from a king.

Why do people always point to something being abused as something done before? Does that excuse the action?

It is important to remember that a Republican might be president again and the power given to one is given to all by precedent.

I am worried that the liberals and the left believe the end justifies the means and are short sighted and do not realize that they are giving their liberties away as well.

what the fuck do liberties have to do with min wage? a higher min wage increases liberty, specifically financial freedom.

you are just a pile of nonsense, and you have a concerning habit of endorsing the white supremacist lately.
President Obama has the right to raise minimum wage via Executive Order..will it come down to that and what do you think it will be?

I'm hoping it's $15/hour or somewhere in the general vicinity this will bring gross from an unliving wage of $290/week to a living wage of $600/week..further, pretty funny that McD's pulled their "McResources" after public outcry..

blogging and getting people involved really does work..

All hail the Emperor!
"eight years was awesome and i was famous and i was powerful"

what the fuck do liberties have to do with min wage? a higher min wage increases liberty, specifically financial freedom.

you are just a pile of nonsense, and you have a concerning habit of endorsing the white supremacist lately.

You no longer have the legal right to pay a person X dollars below an arbitrary number picked by an appointed burecrat even if you and the other person agree.

It is an infringement of the liberties of both parties.