zimmerman news

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This is funny. TM was a 17 year old kid and he was trouble. Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles and whoever else don't give TM a care. TM made a decision that many, many 17 year olds would make. Zimmerman new he was trouble and went looking with a gun. Right there he better be careful. He wasn't. He shot and killed somebody. Then it becomes something else. Race gets involved and allegiences are tested. GZ killed a stupid 17 year old hoodlum. I have to deal with that issue. I don't think he was defending himself. He actively looked for a 17 year old then killed him. That I have an issue with. Al Sharpton is an opportunistic pig that promotes racism.
so what's your evidence that he stole them?

i guess you're just assuming he stole them because he is black.
Yes! black,male, 17 and human with a pile of jewelry, no job, and taking pictures of it. If that does not raise a red flag for you then I submit you are legally retarded.
This is funny. TM was a 17 year old kid and he was trouble. Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles and whoever else don't give TM a care. TM made a decision that many, many 17 year olds would make. Zimmerman new he was trouble and went looking with a gun. Right there he better be careful. He wasn't. He shot and killed somebody. Then it becomes something else. Race gets involved and allegiences are tested. GZ killed a stupid 17 year old hoodlum. I have to deal with that issue. I don't think he was defending himself. He actively looked for a 17 year old then killed him. That I have an issue with. Al Sharpton is an opportunistic pig that promotes racism.
yes. 10 years in prison is justice on this IMO
Yes! black,male, 17 and human with a pile of jewelry, no job, and taking pictures of it. If that does not raise a red flag for you then I submit you are legally retarded.

what does him being black have to do with it?

he also sold weed, so he had an income source or a possible reason why he was bartered those rings.

in other words, the only evidence you have that they are stolen is that he was black.

i'm for whatever the jury decides.

i have my own feelings about this, but you've just got to trust your peers, as scary as that is sometimes.

that is how our justice system works after all.
Dude did you just link us to the Treehouse..WTF. Why don't you next use Rush as a source.
I put one of the first links I seen. There are others, but I don't feel its relevant to post multiple link to appease ppl and their need for certain sources.

not only do you use shitty, retarded sources, but there was not one scrap of evidence in there that the jewelry was stolen.

lrn2read, shit for brains.
First, read the above. Second, just because you cannot comprehend the basics of law is not my problem. You probably didn't even take the time to read through the whole thing, simply because you seen the source.

Lastly, you are the biggest child I have ever met. You're constantly calling people names, and your incoherent responses are that of a butt hurt fool. You actually used to be a pretty decent troll, now you cant even splice together a rational thought.

This is you; Derp derp, I can't think of anything intelligent to say, so I'm just gonna call people names and repeat myself. Derp derp.

Congratulations, you are officially the smartest kid with down syndrome. :clap:
I wonder if its possible to be illegally retarded?
I've been watching the news on the coverage of this case, and it would be hilarious if there was a not guilty verdict, and the people outside started a riot after it has been said that it was all talk. :lol:
I put one of the first links I seen. There are others, but I don't feel its relevant to post multiple link to appease ppl and their need for credible sources.

ever so mildly edited.

First, read the above. Second, just because you cannot comprehend the basics of law is not my problem. You probably didn't even take the time to read through the whole thing, simply because you seen the source.

Lastly, you are the biggest child I have ever met. You're constantly calling people names, and your incoherent responses are that of a butt hurt fool. You actually used to be a pretty decent troll, now you cant even splice together a rational thought.

This is you; Derp derp, I can't think of anything intelligent to say, so I'm just gonna call people names and repeat myself. Derp derp.

Congratulations, you are officially the smartest kid with down syndrome. :clap:

i read the whole thing, now please point out the evidence that those rings were stolen.

pro tip: there is none.
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