zimmerman news

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How many of those guns had external safeties?

i can't recall ever firing as gun that didn't have a safety that i didn't have to manipulate manually. not sure if that's the definition of an external safety or not.

hell, my friend who sold weed with me (it was a partnership, he got the schwag, i got the chronic) actually did own a gun at the time and still owns one to this day. he's a bank manager and makes about $90k a year.

so much for guns and weed making you automatically "hood", looks like red is letting his dark side paint his conclusions.
Anyone remember back in the 80's when Al Sharpton was promoting that girl that claimed some skin head carved swasticas in her arm then confessed it was a big lie. Al thought he had a gold mine. What a shame to be so hate full!
Not a skinhead, but I think 2 cops. They successfully sued Sharpton for slander and won $200,000 from him. I would hope that Zimmerman also sues Sharpton. I find it amazing that MSNBC allows a convicted liar on their payroll. It says volumes about their journalistic integrity.
i can't recall ever firing as gun that didn't have a safety that i didn't have to manipulate manually. not sure if that's the definition of an external safety or not.

hell, my friend who sold weed with me (it was a partnership, he got the schwag, i got the chronic) actually did own a gun at the time and still owns one to this day. he's a bank manager and makes about $90k a year.

so much for guns and weed making you automatically "hood", looks like red is letting his dark side paint his conclusions.

Yeah, kids with guns and drugs means nothing. Good upstanding youth! You should actually advocate the ownership of drugs and guns together, apparently it worked smashingly well for everyone you know. You don't own a gun and you don't even have a real job. I have lots of guns and make a pretty good living, London has a few firearms and he has a couple of businesses.

You should go get a few guns, your life might turn around for the better. Imagine you, a actual taxpayer, footing your fair share? Fantastic!!
I feel bad for the kid, if only he could have knocked him out he would still be here and George would have had his pride heart, that's all. But the kid made a mistake and it cost him...sad deal. I don't blame the kid because George would of gotten slammed if I was in his shoes, it's just that I assume in a confrontation everyone has a gun. George was a busibody and shouldn't have acted that way. But what do you expect, his dad was a judge. They are above the law. IMO if George goes down it's cause the ladies believe he created the problem by stalking. I feel it ends up self defense...never resort to violence unless absolutely necessary. Sad sad deal.
" George would of gotten slammed if I was in his shoes, it's just that I assume in a confrontation everyone has a gun. " Proof that CCW laws prevent crime.
I dunno, never been in that situation. Perhaps he has short term memory problems? Whose to say? I generally on principle do not call police unless I know for sure they can catch the guy, cuz if they see nothing they always gotta come check out the person who called it in, and I don't need the law sniffin around my shit for any fucking reason.

Did your car get vandalized? Call the cops and the first thing they will want to see is your Driver License, registration and insurance for the car, then they go sit in their car and run checks on YOU, the victim. Afterwards they take your statement and nothing ever comes of it.
If you forget you have a loaded weapon, whilst you are following someone you deem suspicious, I would suggest that you never carry concealed. You should NEVER forget that you have a concealed weapon on person in that type of situation. Hell that's the type of person who would forget that they placed a loaded gun around a child. People like that give us responsible gun owners a bad name :cuss:
you have no evidence that he was stealing jewelry. for all we know, it was traded to him for weed, or he bought it with the profit from his weed sales. a wise investment decision for those gold buds out there.
you have no evidence that he was selling weed. Racist profiling if I ever heard it.
no evidence that the jewelry was stolen, red.

to assume that it is stolen simply because martin is black is the essence of racism, however.

smoking weed and holding a gun does not a hood make. i sold weed at his age and had gone out to the desert with my dad and his friends to shoot guns.

thanks for the continued racism, however.

Actually there is evidence of the stolen jewelry, and a cover up of the process to cut down on crime statistics of black males at Krop High school.
Confirming my statement once again. It seems like you're trying to argue with me, but somehow don't understand the concept.

Arguing not at all ??? Eating medicated butter-pecan ice cream with a big smile on face. You seem to think, because I thought Zimmerman was guilty before the trial I'm wrong for it.. I say to you I also think James Holmes is guilty as well..BEFORE the trial..Now what say you.
Not a skinhead, but I think 2 cops. They successfully sued Sharpton for slander and won $200,000 from him. I would hope that Zimmerman also sues Sharpton. I find it amazing that MSNBC allows a convicted liar on their payroll. It says volumes about their journalistic integrity.

i like how red ignores the "convicted liars" on all the other networks and only pays attention to the black guy.

not telling.
you have no evidence that he was selling weed. Racist profiling if I ever heard it.

thanks for opening your mouth to remove all doubt, smarty.

martin's friends contacted him on facebook to buy weed. he was suspended at the time for an empty baggy with cannabis residue.

putting two and two together doesn't make me racist, but failing to put two and two together does make you pretty dumb.

I'm a dumbass because you're agreeing with me? ..lol....

apparently, you do not comprehend sarcasm.
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