Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

Never saw it
Oh, it's great. This is the character "Raffi":


He and "Dirty Randy" (played by Seth Rogan) are talking about filming a porn and the mess/ clean up after. Raffi says:

"It's like the white rain of a thousand loads. You can literally climb the walls like Spiderman."

I heart him.

Indica puts me in the dirt hard
Yeah, maybe I just need a stronger one?

I've spent the last months SUPER sleepy all the time, so I was shying away from the indica's. Guess I need to revisit them...
Oh, it's great. This is the character "Raffi":

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He and "Dirty Randy" (played by Seth Rogan) are talking about filming a porn and the mess/ clean up after. Raffi says:

"It's like the white rain of a thousand loads. You can literally climb the walls like Spiderman."

I heart him.

Yeah, maybe I just need a stronger one?

I've spent the last months SUPER sleepy all the time, so I was shying away from the indica's. Guess I need to revisit them...
I'll have to Netflix that shit...
Yea I suggest some mk ultra for sleep.
I'll have to Netflix that shit...
Yea I suggest some mk ultra for sleep.
Mary-kate and ashley?

haha, I don't know much about the names. Medical marijuana patient since last June. I've gotten to try some "decent" stuff.

I'll be very pleased when I can grow my own.

EDIT: I have quotations over the decent, because I don't have a huge basis of comparison. I've always smoked weed, but up in the northy north of Canada, there hasn't always been the best selection "on tha streets".
People on this site must have the forums/ threads they like - and then they don't venture out into the unknown.

That's the only explanation I can think of. Who doesn't like tits? Even without the nip. I was thinking the titty pictures would have gotten a lot more play...

People give more shits about bud porn here it seems. Makes sense, it is a weed forum and all.

One of my personal faves
It's called "mk ultra"?

I don't think I saw it at my Compassion Club, but I'll keep my eyes peeled.
Yep. Give her a google. It works
Named after the methods of mental manipulation employed by the CIA’s Project MKUltra, this indica-dominant strain stands apart due to its powerful cerebral effects. A cross between mostly-sativa hybrid OG Kush and indica G-13, this strain is bred by TH Seeds and won 1st place Indica at the High Times Cannabis Cup in 2003 and 2nd place in 2004. Indoor growing is facilitated by the plant’s short stature, and its above average yield delivers particularly sticky, dense, pungent flowers. MK Ultra is renowned for its ‘hypnotic’ effects that are fast-acting and best used when strong medication is desired. As evidenced by its collection of awards, this indica is one of the strongest in the world. It might be best for a day when not getting off the couch would be fine.

Sounds good. Alas not available at my CC. And my LP is garbage.

I'll keep that in mind when it comes time to look for seeds though.
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Looks like you kinda called where this was going from the get go...
Ok that means new pics (yay) the one's I have atm would get us and this thread banned !!
You can cover up parts if your any good at photoshopping.

My zombie photo shoot is as PG as I have.

But they're also my favourite, so its kind of a win win.

There's a pitiful tally so far.

Myself, in the lead with 5 pics I think...

Flaming Pie for 2, although I think hers should count as more because she's got some cans.

Mighty Mike for 1.

Magic Mike for 2.

I know I saw another man nipple but I can't remember who's.

All this pervin' out is effecting my memory. haha