Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

Had to get it out there
perv. haha

I don't understand porno storylines.. Pretty sure if I showed the receptionist at my dentists office my cock I'd be in jail.
There's a story?

I have not watched a full porn from start to finish since high school.

Since internets and free, I've only watched a few scenes. And no dialogue.

Although - my ideal porn would be all dialogue, interjected by some happy girl on girl in the middle...

If we're being completely honest here.

In the trust nest and alls...
perv. haha

There's a story?

I have not watched a full porn from start to finish since high school.

Since internets and free, I've only watched a few scenes. And no dialogue.

Although - my ideal porn would be all dialogue, interjected by some happy girl on girl in the middle...

If we're being completely honest here.

In the trust nest and alls...
I watch an entire porno about 3 minutes at a time...
I watch an entire porno about 3 minutes at a time...
What is this magic? 3 min porn?

I don't like the rapie vibe of many of the porn industry's male cast. Sure, they may be hung like a donkey....but therein lies the end of their "sex appeal" for me. Actually, not even in that.

I don't think I've ever seen a male porn star that I would bang. It's a type-thing I guess. I bet in gay porn there's probably some better looking dudes, but I haven't checked it out really.

I wonder if anyone here knows - In gay porn do they talk to each other like human people, or do they talk the way they talk to women in strait porn?

"Yeah you cum-guzzling little whore....yeah you swallow my load and choke on my big fat cock. Yeah you little slut..."

I'd bite.
Oh the porn is about 2 hours long...I only get to see about 3 minutes at a ttime hahahaha. You bring up valid questions for sure
Ahhh, the deets. I didn't read the 3 mins "at a time" part.

To each their own. I don't think there's anything wrong with porn, but it's like wine - everyone has their specific favourites.

Or some people are whino's and they just like EVERYTHING.
Buuuuut..I'm kinda into the dirty talking thing. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't call some onei loved a dirty whore all the while fisting them...but ya know.
Buuuuut..I'm kinda into the dirty talking thing. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't call some onei loved a dirty whore all the while fisting them...but ya know.
Oh totes - I get it.

I feel kinda like a prude because I don't like cock in my porn anymore. I'd just to have to see one that they geared towards ladies. And the guys would have to get hotter. haha.

Like bubbling steroid-muscles, waxed body, and greasy hair. Yuck.
For real.. i can't watch porn for shit. The guys are always either really creepy looking or they look all roided up.. then the girls are always just tramps and not even good looking tramps. They have giant fake boobs that don't have any jiggle in them and any "milf" is just a botox using whore.

Personally I just look up pictures of katy perry or emma watson or something lol.. gonna stop now before i put out tmi hahaha
For real.. i can't watch porn for shit. The guys are always either really creepy looking or they look all roided up.. then the girls are always just tramps and not even good looking tramps. They have giant fake boobs that don't have any jiggle in them and any "milf" is just a botox using whore.

Personally I just look up pictures of katy perry or emma watson or something lol.. gonna stop now before i put out tmi hahaha

I have very particular tastes. If I don't find the actors attractive, I can't get into it. But I've been 100% girl-on-girl in the porn department for years now.


She kissed a girl, and she LIKED it...
I dated a chick with fake tits..they were like lead bars in there.I coulda fucked her with a backhoe and they would not jiggle
Are they ALL like that? Or if you get a really really expensive pair, they feel nicer?

They do look nice though. Someone posted a picture of his hot band-promo girl's tats in here somewhere...


haha, I don't know where the origi picture went, I could only find my autists renditioning...
It's different for guys right?

In a hard-up enough situation, I feel like some guys would bang ANYTHING.

I guess it depends lol. I haven't been deprived enough to fuck most of the girls you see in porn.. however, I wouldn't be celibate if I had the choice between that or banging a silicone hoe lol. Damn I'm ashamed to say that hahahaha

Girl on girl is great and all but I gotta know a guy is involved.. no homo (seriously lol) It's just I gotta know she'd be down to bang a dude otherwise what's the point? Like I have some hot lesbian friends that I hang out with but I'm not attracted to them because i know they don't want da D.

And damn.. katy perry is awesome.