Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

Girl on girl is great and all but I gotta know a guy is involved.. no homo (seriously lol) It's just I gotta know she'd be down to bang a dude otherwise what's the point?
haha, and I'm the opposite. I hear a man voice or see a chubby hand in the shot coming from off screen, porn ruined.

And in real life, I like the D just fine. I love my boyf.

I just likes me some lessie porn is alls.
haha, and I'm the opposite. I hear a man voice or see a chubby hand in the shot coming from off screen, porn ruined.

And in real life, I like the D just fine. I love my boyf.

I just likes me some lessie porn is alls.
Glad we have similar views on porn, you're awesome lol. Nice conversation before bed probably have some messed up silicone dreams but whatevs.. night yessica and peeps
I can't remember who originally compared this thread to Gladiator, but all day I kept laughing about...


Then I found MORE! Oh internet, you make my insomnia happy...

058.jpg image.png Are-You-Not-Entertained.jpg t266425_ARE-YOU-NOT-ENTERTAINED.jpg
Insomnia’s back.

Which means the butcher is here to COLLECT her pound of flesh...

So far this thread is pasted with my zombie tats, Pie’s epic mammaries, man chest (thank you for participating) and an ass-load of empty promises…

Pay up mother fuckers!


i actually got a mole on my ass. ya'll wanna see?
We certainly do! I hate to miss a good party so count me in!!! :)
I'll dig deep and see what I can find! ;)
Can I photoshop MJ leaves over my nipples?
Anxiously awaiting...
Goodness knows her boobies are running around online (though almost always pastied). I'll see if I can get her to donate some boobies for your amazing thread. They would be from her burlesque shows so I have to be a bit careful about making sure that they can't be traced back.
Hooray for boobies! Hooray for @Yessica... , hooray for @Flaming Pie , hooray for @Pinworm . I love all of you!
Hooray for your lady's bewbies?
ill be in it shortly. pics been takin but i gotta airbrush and get approval from wifey befor i post but shes sick in bed so... prolly tomorro
It's tomorrow...
I think if you keep stoking the fire and I keep bring the flaming tatas we could bring RIU back from the dead.
I'm trying. Pretty sure I just became the biggest creeper on RIU.
I think I need help with the photoshopping!

Is there anyone I could email the pics to so that they can do an epic Photoshop job? ;)
Um....yeah...I'm really good at it...send them my way!!!

haha, I do a crude iPhone app "photo shopping".

I can bet you eleventy billion dollars there's someone on here that would help you out though...hahaha

Surprisingly the titty thread hasn't garnished a load of followers yet. But the ones we got are LOYAL.
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I believe that was me and my sugar balls.
I thought so!

hahaha, I was at the pool with my girlfriend just dickin' around post workout. She was talking about how there's so many fun activities to do at the gym (she just joined). I loudly proclaimed, with a open-handed stance...


I think she pee'd a little. It's ALWAYS funny.

The peeps in the hot tub thought I was a lunatic though. win win.
I thought so!

hahaha, I was at the pool with my girlfriend just dickin' around post workout. She was talking about how there's so many fun activities to do at the gym (she just joined). I loudly proclaimed, with a open-handed stance...


I think she pee'd a little. It's ALWAYS funny.

The peeps in the hot tub thought I was a lunatic though. win win.
I'm flattered I could bring joy.
Piss shit and fuck, my insomnia seems to be rearing it's little cock-munching head again.

I got a wibbly bit tipsy on Thursday night, and since then I've slept....oh fuck, 8 hours. 4 one night, and then 4 last night.

I've been smoking my sleepy weed. Doesn't seem to do the trick. Fak.