Wolfie's Social Experiment

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SO. Is President Trump conscience of his consent to the new world order (666-number of the beast)? OR is he a willful participant? I, unlike most would pose a DIFFERENT question. Does HE have awareness of what these MONSTERS are doing? Did he UNDERSTAND these people are INHUMAN MONSTERS?... can I answer that question? FUCK NO. CAn YOU? FUCK NO. Do you know WHY? Because. I DON'T UNDERSTAND him. And neither do YOU!!!!!!!!! I can only PRAY HE understnds what I do about the ENEMY of HUMANITY... So can you. WILL you?
POWER only exists WITHIN you. THEY had to figure out HOW they could get that power from you. how did they do it? they MANUFACTURED your CONSENT to it. MONEY is a CONSTRUCT of the ENEMY. A construct of Control through WILLFUL enslavement.
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Beliefs are MANUFACTURED. Don't. DON"T get over it!!!!! Get PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are TWO emotions Love, and ...wait that would be a spoiler. They are the root source of ALL emotions. Can any one of YOU name the other one? I promise it's in ALLLlll... that media I have PUKED up. I challenge you to figure that other one out on your own... OR FIND it, Just as long as, at the end of it... you have even one MORE little SHRED of UNDERSTANDING... I will have accomplished my task.
It's time to put this thread to bed!

When the OP does nothing but spam this forum, I stop it.

Quoting yourself is considered to be SPAM.

Posting repeatedly with no responses is considered to be SPAM.

Post after post with only a video is considered to be SPAM.

The "Social Experiment" is appropriately labeled to be SPAM.


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