Wolfie's Social Experiment

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Still don't get it? Watch "LUCY" Watch "The Green Mile" Watch "Powder" Watch "Tomorrowland"
THAT shit? It is the bald face Truth of what we are destined to be, IF we don't lose our shell/vessel IN this physical World. If we leave this PHYSICAL World/construct... in our Physical form... we will be put RIGHT back into this prison... After a clean WIPE. Yeah... Re-incarnation. "Elysium"... You see... the Monsters LOVE to show us the TRUTH of things... JUST as long as they can make us BELIEVE that it is a FICTION. They KNOW the Truth. THEY are the MOUTH of the Enemy. Blindly... or Gleefully. So... Forgive them, Father. For, They know NOT What they do. the BLIND ones, that is...
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In a nutshell. Wake up, zombie. Your Apocalypse awaits! Or go run screaming back to your MASTERS in fear. CHOICE! the HARDEST one to make. Choosing nothing is still a choice. Simple.

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Wolfie has gone bye bye. What a turd.
A fascinating and disturbing glimpse into the mind of a Trumper... A good thread to post some video to though, it is a video thread after all...

Great opening scenes, natural beauty and fantastic flying, its mostly a young male hobby and he knows how to use his girlfriend to attract views from his peers!
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Again... THESE people are not Human anymore they handed their humanity RIGHT over to the Enemy, and have BECOME YOUR enemy... And THEY are the Wizard of OZ behind the Curtain of your life, trying DESPERATELY... and in Vein, to destroy your humanity; your LIFEFORCE that is your SPIRIT (Your "PLASMA" Being). IF you accept the Radio-active Tracking Vaccine Certification "TATTOO" they WILL implant into your hand (likely, but not definately) your RIGHT hand... then those efforts are no longer in VEIN... They are FUFILLED.
Didn't watch the video.

Plasma beings. I want to know more about Plasma Beings.

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