Will the USA collapse in 2014?

Sorry to burst your bubble but Islam was not until 600 AD. By then, Christians had so muck it up there was an East and West Empire. Two Popes and two Emperors. The Christians got an in with Constantine, and created the menace of Islam as a backlash against East Orthodox, Iconography. Islam may not depict all these saints to worship, the Icons. Orthodox still does, but for the Catholics it is somewhat toned down. Who else rejects the Icons? Jews. Rome was very, very secular. You could worship it all, or none of it. Change every hour, for luck, consult various oracles, etc. What broke up Rome was the Jew's Cult of the Way of Jesus. They nailed up that guy Peter, the homo, because he was preaching that the women of Rome should renounce sex, and serve his cult. The End of Days claptrap, they still talk about. That is what rotted Rome to me. Superstition over some new GOD. And everything they did to purge it just made it worse. Martyrdom. After a while the Christians became powerful, denounced the Jews and raised hell. Then the Emperor of the East, said, fuck it, I will just use this superstition symbol for my war craft, paint it on the shields. Then he had a guy write up all the old stories of this superstition and call it the....how about the Bible? Worked for the Constantine so it became the State religion. Then Gutenberg, much later, understanding the assault of Islam, and Jews, came up with a way to print the Bible. A Bible was the very first thing printed. That more than anything was the downfall of Rome, I believe. They were ruthless, but had a weakness. The Christians brought in the concept of self-Doubt. Rome fell for the flim-flam, the snake oil of a higher power, seems to me. And the race for mass production of Religion Tech was won by the Bible crowd and here WE are.
Disregarding your anti-Christian rant, The Germanic and Nordic barbarians from the north destroyed western Rome and the Muslims destroyed the east empire.
You are not paying attention.

WE have debt to total production, less than 1 to 1. Do you have that? Most businesses don't have that.

WE have a debt service of only 9% of income revenue? Do you have that?

So, you can make up a bunch of stuff, but you didn't. You swallowed it from the LIARs.

You have been pandered to emotionally. All this is debt and decline nonsense is bullshit. But, you are free cry and poor mouth your fantasy of bleeding heart and our demise. Just part of the Jihad to me.

Jihad is real.

Take a clue. Does the press go on and on about all this Anti-Con, pity the poor? Sure they do.

So, not real.

We are the least racist, least class based, most upward mobile, self reliant people on Earth. Obviously, these stories are just emotion tampering, for tiny tweeks of money and advertizing segments. You are easy, and it is not real.

Another clue. Has the Press every covered the actual motives of Jihad that any Sunni will tell you, even here on RIU? It is Conquest from the inside. What they cynically call Inner Jihad. Islam is not tolerate of other religions. The Press won't cover it.

So, very real.
Rome failed because it devalued its money to a mere shade of what it once had been. That's how most nations go , by going broke. Slowly at first, and then all of a sudden.

To tell the truth the Big Banks are more worrisome than the government. Interest rates need only move above 3% for a little while for many of the derivatives to go bad, and the laws have given derivatives the first dibs on any bankruptcy. So when/if the financial system crashes, that will be the beginning of the end. They only need 2% of their best to go bad for them top lose all control. They have already passed the laws that make any money you have deposited into the bank as the banks Money to do with as they wish, you are now an unsecured depositor and if the bail ins come, they will just directly take the money from your account. In effect you will get the "Cyprus plan". Good luck to you all. May luck shine on you in these difficult times ahead.
Disregarding your anti-Christian rant, The Germanic and Nordic barbarians from the north destroyed western Rome and the Muslims destroyed the east empire.

Such the professor. You swallow the pat history of your birth religion.

I look a lot deeper for my own knowledge. I don't just spew the pat lines.
You should work on revising your posts to make them more concise

If you're more worried about being killed by a terrorist as an average American citizen than the full scope of our economic policy (which includes foreign policy), you've been watching too much TV
You should work on revising your posts to make them more concise

If you're more worried about being killed by a terrorist as an average American citizen than the full scope of our economic policy (which includes foreign policy), you've been watching too much TV

So, what you giving me orders about? You should work on your face to make it more cut.

And you know all of this out of thin air I guess.

I said the press does not cover Jihad. I have to dig. You don't. Now, back to your face.

And I am not worried about it either. Jihad, we have kicked around for centuries.

Naive, financial, gloom and doomers. Same thing.

You have all the faked up worry. We borrow to build killer robots that can smell Jihad.

The rich can become poor while the poor can become rich. What is not to like, boo hoo?

Funny, really.

If you're more worried about being killed by a terrorist as an average American citizen than the full scope of our economic policy (which includes foreign policy), you've been watching too much TV
Yep, you have much better odds of being struck by lightning on a cloudless sunny day as you exit your home than you ever do of being directly harmed by any terrorist action.

And we Spend a $trillion trying to find terrorists, when we would save more people if we just got people to leave by the back door instead.
So, what you giving me orders about? You should work on your face to make it more cut.

And you know all of this out of thin air I guess.

I said the press does not cover Jihad. I have to dig. You don't. Now, back to your face.

And I am not worried about it either. Jihad, we have kicked around for centuries.

Naive, financial, gloom and doomers. Same thing.

You have all the faked up worry. We borrow to build killer robots that can smell Jihad.

The rich can become poor while the poor can become rich. What is not to like, boo hoo?

Funny, really.

Oh, you're crazy, ok.. that makes sense now
Oh, you're crazy, ok.. that makes sense now

I see, you seem to care what I think about you....I don't. I don't care for your, content free, petty style is all. Nothing personal. It makes no sense why you would attempt this discussion from slap ignorance. I have provided all the facts and you ignore it. None so stupid....

Then you stoop, even farther, to your usual boring self.

Naa Naa Naa, to you, too...if that's all ya got.
It was barbarians from the north, Islamic jihad from the south and a generally underfunded army due to too many freebees to the populace.

Really, Islamic jihad? I didn't know they were doing that hundreds of years before the profit Muhammad...
Edit... Mia culpa, kind of.
You should have clarified that you were talking about both empires.
I see, you seem to care what I think about you....I don't. I don't care for your, content free, petty style is all. Nothing personal. It makes no sense why you would attempt this discussion from slap ignorance. I have provided all the facts and you ignore it. None so stupid....

Then you stoop, even farther, to your usual boring self.

Naa Naa Naa, to you, too...if that's all ya got.

Why can't you type on the internet like you would speak to someone in real life?
Disregarding your anti-Christian rant, The Germanic and Nordic barbarians from the north destroyed western Rome and the Muslims destroyed the east empire.

Well, to be fair, the 4th crusade did betray them and sacked Constantinople in The early 13th century. They were on the decline, but were holding their own against the Turks, and had been for centuries.

To make an analogy, they were limping, and the crusaders stole one of their crutches and hit them in their other knee.
Why can't you type on the internet like you would speak to someone in real life?

Well, because you in particular are peddling bullshit. And believe me this is how I would speak to you about it, in real life. I take people aside at my work and council them as part of my job.

You must reading in tone of voice from your own fears.

Let me ask you, this. Do think if we were face to face eyeballing each other with this discussion, do you really think you could get away with dismissing me with this?

"Oh, I see, You are just crazy."

Face to face?....grow up. You don't know how to talk to men, even in forum you are so petty. You might not like me in Real Life. so what?

But, let us say, we were just talking at a bus stop and you threw down with that dismissal, you might find yourself in an actual confrontation. Suddenly I am not nearly so nice as this.

Are you going to call me a bully at that point, "you started it!" and make it worst on yourself? I doubt it.

So, you are being a coward. You got called for your aggression, and then said it was me. Typical Trolling.

Plenty of bruising available face to face, so knock off the Naaa, Naaa, why don't you? Talk like a man and not a kid.
Well, because you in particular are peddling bullshit. And believe me this is how I would speak to you about it, in real life. I take people aside at my work and council them as part of my job.

You must reading in tone of voice from your own fears.

Let me ask you, this. Do think if we were face to face eyeballing each other with this discussion, do you really think you could get away with dismissing me with this?

"Oh, I see, You are just crazy."

Face to face?....grow up. You don't know how to talk to men, even in forum you are so petty. You might not like me in Real Life. so what?

But, let us say, we were just talking at a bus stop and you threw down with that dismissal, you might find yourself in an actual confrontation. Suddenly I am not nearly so nice as this.

Are you going to call me a bully at that point, "you started it!" and make it worst on yourself? I doubt it.

So, you are being a coward. You got called for your aggression, and then said it was me. Typical Trolling.

Plenty of bruising available face to face, so knock off the Naaa, Naaa, why don't you? Talk like a man and not a kid.

I said you should be more concise in your replies, they tend to be very drawn out and in a weird rambled format, which makes what you are trying to say difficult to understand. Apparently you took offense to that when it was meant to be constructive criticism. Then you ignored that advice and went on another crazy ramble in the next reply. If I were an English teacher I would tell you to take out 50% of the words you use.