Will the USA collapse in 2014?

But, only an international moon base, like the Space Station. That seems to be the human's strategy, with Treaties on Lunar resources, no ownership, the first Solar Humanity Park, etc.

We still have to keep an eye on each other. The moon is the strategic high ground, in our Solar System.

Right, international all the way, which will be much easier if the IMF would just come out and start issuing SDRs. The dollar is in its death bed, why wait any longer?
Well, you might want to study the tactic of armed resistance before you get your name on their list. :)

Total Resistance is the name of the manual the Swiss wrote and all we need to know, really.

It makes a point that in war, there is no individual hope. Don't sign up, register or make yourself known for anything. You can be slave labor, later. They will use the lists they liberate from the local govts, for the first slaves. The second set comes from those that cower and kowtow to the conquerors lists.

The conquerors have no respect for the conquered. You are either resistance, amusement a slave, or a traitor to your country, for helping them. No Neutrality allowed. Don't try to go along. Your neighbors will kill you for that.

In short, in a invasion or insurrection your life is gone. Now you are free to cower or fight....the only dangerous choices. We saw that in both the Independence and the Civil Wars here. You never know when the big, bad guys show up in your yard, from either side.

They saw it in S. Korea, when the North invaded and they saw the same thing as Belgium changed hands a couple of times. That has got to be the very worse. The spies from both sides are watching everyone.

The Swiss were sure they would get overrun by Germany and then later the Soviets. So, there are none more prepared without shots fired, than the Swiss.

It makes a lot of sense to read the manual if you can find it.
Well, you might want to study the tactic of armed resistance before you get your name on their list. :)

Total Resistance is the name of the manual the Swiss wrote and all we need to know, really.

It makes a point that in war, there is no individual hope. Don't sign up, register or make yourself known for anything. You can be slave labor, later. They will use the list they liberate for the first slaves. The second set comes from those that cower and kowtow for the lists.

The conquers have no respect for the conquered. You are either resistance, amusement or a traitor. No Neutrality allowed. Don't try to go along. Your neighbors will kill you for that.

In short, in a invasion or insurrection your life is gone, now you are free to cower or fight....the only choices. We saw that in both the Independence and the Ciivl Wars here. You never know when the big bad guys show up in your yard.

They saw it in S. Korea, when the North invaded and they saw the same thing as Belgium changed hands a couple of times. That has got to be the very worse. The spies from both sides are watching everyone.

The Swiss were sure they would get overrun by Germany and then later the Soviets. So, there are none more prepared without shots fired, than the Swiss.

It makes a lot of sense to read the manual if you can find it.


For the true Classic, even the critics speak of its credit. Of course, they banned it.

Since 1988, Der totale Widerstand has been the only Swiss book whose distribution is restricted in Germany because it is indexed by the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons as "conducive to confusing the social ethics of children and young people, and to promote their inclination to violence".[SUP][1][/SUP]