Will the USA collapse in 2014?

Then they are screwing Russia. :)

China no longer purchases US treasuries as of last week. They USED to be #1 creditor. Japan isn't buying too many either since they have their own worries and Abe has decided to devalue as quickly as he can. The Fed picks up the maximum amount of treasury issue allowed under the law. 70%, SS and other Federal agencies buy up 20%, leaving 10% for the rest, and sometimes that is a hard sell as can be seen by the 10 year touching the all important cracks appearing rate of 3%
People do not see this coming, its gonna be double as bad as 2008 and everyone will say "We didn't see it coming." They always do. But not before mocking the people that say it is going to happen. The stock market is broken, completely removed from reality. Valuations at 119 times Earnings? LOMFAO that's a sure future loser. How long can they hold out? If the Fed tapers, shit blows up real quick, if the Fed doesn't taper, dollar hegemony will be lost much quicker than it is currently being lost. It is a LOSE LOSE scenario no matter which way it goes. The only thing that could lift us up would be a very large scale war that we win, and by large scale I mean WW3. The Fed has a very long long and set in stone record of boom and bust which ended in war. This time boom and bust may become doom and dust, who knows? One thing is for sure, once a country starts to devalue the clock starts ticking on its own destruction from within. Which is EXACTLY how Abe Lincoln foresaw it.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
speculation without proof is just another way of saying are you mental get the net.
its happened every year. o crap america is doomed. 2000,2012,9/11. we're still here.
I'm talking about the end of the United States, like the Soviet Union ended

It's in a book of mine, I'll take a picture of it and post when I find it

How is the situation different with the Soviets and the USA? WE did it to them. They were unable to keep up the pace. And what happened? It became, much more, somewhat of a democratic system.

WE did that. Now who do you expect will be able to do that to us? Who, in their dreams, can force our collapse?

And what part of Mutually Assured Destruction, seems off the table, now? No one called that off, to my knowledge.

We stood in the maw of hell fire with a MAD intent, more than once. Did you think someone was kidding?

Who blinked? Is there some other superpower, that is so stupid to oppose us? Look what happened to the Great Soviet.

Our problem is Jihad, not economic doom that ends the Consitiution. We fail, it all fails. Funny you don't know that.

The Jihadi certainly gets it....so to me, it makes you Jihad to wish for it, predict it, etc. The nattering nea-bobs of negativism.

And since we have been fighting Jihad since Jefferson, all those dire prediction since the beginning have been Jihad, against our way of life, in one way or another. A direct threat.

"Jihad, this." Bob Beckel
The Roman Empire surpassed it

I'm not exactly sure when Rome surpassed it. You said "empire" which denotes the third phase of roman government. They were a kingdom, then a republic, then an empire. The empire is commonly said to have lasted for nearly 500 years. However, it lasted much longer, about 1500 to be exact. The empire split into two halves, east and west. The west had significantly less resources than the Greek east, which wasn't extinguished until the 15th century ad, by which time they were called the Byzantine empire.

So yeah, Rome eventually fell... But damn they were around for a long long time.

One thing to keep in mind is that governments fail all the time. Would it surprise you to know that the united states has one of the oldest governments in the world?

In a way, I sort of think we would be better off if our government fell. Of course, that statement largely depends on what came next.

There is a major difference between a governmental collapse and a societal collapse. Rome, in the west, suffered both.

In this modern world it is reasonable to assume that even if our government were to fail, our society could survive.

Some possible outcomes in order of worst to best.

1) ever seen a movie called "the postman?" It's a depiction of a total collapse, federal, state and local governments cease to function and armed bands of militias (war lords) take over. Barring some major disaster (big asteroid, super solar flair destroys all modern technology) I see this as rarer improbable.

2) the federal government collapses, leaving state and local government largely intact, as well as society.
I) the states come together, forming a new constitution and a new national government takes over. (similar to Russia after the collapse of the soviet union, Russia changed governments, but society stayed intact.
II) the states cannot agree and several nations are formed instead of one. (viv la confederacy)

3) the federal and many or all state governments go along with it. A dictator assumes power, of either the entire country, or several arise and a civil war ensues because they all want to be dictator of what was the united states. (perhaps in the model of wheat happened to the British in the movie "v for vendetta.")

If society does not collapse it could be a pretty good thing. Our foreign debts are unsecured, if our government defaults, china doesn't get to repo California. The economy would suffer, how bad just depends, possibly not too bad. And the best result would be that all this debt that our country is in is simply wiped away.
I sad I was going to order those 3 from worst to best, then I went outside for a smoke, came back and forgot I had prescribed such designations to the possibilities I was going to list, so those are in no particular order.
america will never go broke so long as it is producing the best quality cannabis in the world!

but in all seriousness, so long as the jews own the majority of your country you are well and truly on the road to ruin.
We have the privilege of 'owning' the petro-dollar as they call it.

Shit will hit the fan eventually.

To be honest though, I believe for as much f'd up evil stuff is going on, there are 'people' protecting us as well. Just be what you came here to be and do what you came here to do. If you need help, ask - you might be surprised that over time, you got everything you needed.

That is rapidly changing.

The USA is set to be the worlds number 1 producer of oil
How is that going to change the dollar being used?
america will never go broke so long as it is producing the best quality cannabis in the world!

but in all seriousness, so long as the jews own the majority of your country you are well and truly on the road to ruin.

Oh, our jews are not the problem. Didn't you get the memo? It is Nazi and Jihad we hunt from the air like dogs. Jews are friendly and well raised people and have always been a thorn in the side of hateful barbarism because of that.

I'm pretty sure that jews are not the problem. The Catholic Mullahs were the problem, now it is Islamic mullahs and skinheads.

For you, we have sight picture, 1/2 breath, gentle squeeze, clean break.... missile clear and tracking. Get ready for Hell Fire.
Our yearly military budget is more than all other countries combined. The U.S.A. is the most powerful nation in the history of the world. It will last longer than Ancient Rome's 1000 year reign. This nation state will be here until the world ends
There are some conspiracies about the illuminati bringing in a NWO

There are also some saying that oil companies are going to begin trading in more than just the US dollar and that is supposed to cause collapse

There are also those saying that the bombing and school shootings were false flags as well as the navel base shooting.

I don't know whats real but I would like to know if shits going to go down.

You can call me stupid or ignorant or whatever for believing all this shit but I think it is important to at least take a look into it and make sure what they tell us is true.

you are stupid or ignorant..have a nice day:smile:
The AGM-114R "Romeo" Hellfire II entered service in late 2012. It uses a semi-active laser homing guidance system and an integrated blast fragmentation sleeve warhead to engage targets that previously needed multiple Hellfire variants.

So, 20 pound of HE and a fragment sleeve in a 106 pound, total fly weight, package. And they are dirt cheap.
