Will the USA collapse in 2014?

Our yearly military budget is more than all other countries combined. The U.S.A. is the most powerful nation in the history of the world. It will last longer than Ancient Rome's 1000 year reign. This nation state will be here until the world ends

You couldn't defeat Rome's military. To try was certain death. But yet, their people died and that place burned to the fucking ground. Oops.

'Merica can't be stopped, though.
The AGM-114R "Romeo" Hellfire II entered service in late 2012. It uses a semi-active laser homing guidance system and an integrated blast fragmentation sleeve warhead to engage targets that previously needed multiple Hellfire variants.

So, 20 pound of HE and a fragment sleeve in a 106 pound, total fly weight, package. And they are dirt cheap.


phallic symbol sock puppet:wink:
You couldn't defeat Rome's military. To try was certain death. But yet, their people died and that place burned to the fucking ground. Oops.

'Merica can't be stopped, though.

I posted that timeline. They got their asses kick a lot. But, they won some major stuff too. It was Christianity that blew up Rome. Plain and simple to me.

And I think it could be Jihad that gets us, but not another nation. We all fall down instead.
Well there are several solution to the unrest problem.


But, I like this one much better.

17 Trillion in total debt is simply the tip of the iceberg.
Unfunded liabilities however are looming large.

U.S. future obligations exceed future revenues by $200 trillion, and state and local governments face $38 trillion in unfunded obligations

It's not gonna hit the fan in 2014, but there will be a day of reckoning,
considering that all of the blowhards inside the beltway love to play kick the can down the road.:joint:
america will never go broke so long as it is producing the best quality cannabis in the world! but in all seriousness, so long as the jews own the majority of your country you are well and truly on the road to ruin.
Hate mongering Nazi.
Don't believe it if you don't want to seem stupid and ignorant.

When I was stupid and ignorant, I believed all this too. Nothing new here. The Hippies were saying this 50 years ago, the Bohemians, 70 years ago, Marxists 100 years ago.

It is all Anti-Constitution hopefulness and is sick to the core. BTW, I am glad you said stupid. There are none so stupid as those that refuse to learn.

'what is this, the olden days'? lol... ;)

the biggest difference compared to modern times is the technology...the further one goes back into all those past eras the more human labor was needed...leaps and bounds in technology that continue at the rate not unlike the way an ice burg melts = the more it melts the faster it melts, has and will continue to create less need for human labor...not saying i 'believe' in any theories or not, just stating facts...
I posted that timeline. They got their asses kick a lot. But, they won some major stuff too. It was Christianity that blew up Rome. Plain and simple to me. And I think it could be Jihad that gets us, but not another nation. We all fall down instead.
It was barbarians from the north, Islamic jihad from the south and a generally underfunded army due to too many freebees to the populace.
The AGM-114R "Romeo" Hellfire II entered service in late 2012. It uses a semi-active laser homing guidance system and an integrated blast fragmentation sleeve warhead to engage targets that previously needed multiple Hellfire variants.

So, 20 pound of HE and a fragment sleeve in a 106 pound, total fly weight, package. And they are dirt cheap.


Arming those bad boys would have been my MOS if I wasn't kicked out:-(
Gloom and doom Press worship, this "debt crisis." The facts are difficult to grasp. The numbers are so large, it is hard to imagine.

So, I like to go by ratio. The ratio of our total debt, to total national production, the GDP, was about 1:1, in 2002. We only owe what we produce in one year.

So, ask yourself if you are doing that well. Can you pay off all your debt with a year of salary? I could not for many years.

My home mortgage debt was only twice my yearly income, and not 5 times, only because of luck and stubbornness and a big income.

The USA has big income but only less, 1 to 1 debt. And in fact, Obama has managed to knock 28% off of that, lately. (A good thing, we don't need to borrow so much with a slightly anemic economy....would you rather be Greece, cold turkey?)


WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) Sept, 17, 2013 - The U.S. national debt is now about 73% of gross domestic product, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday.

More real world. When you buy a house, how much do they let you put to total debt for you family? Maybe as much as 43%. I was a loan officer for years. And they let you have a total payment of maybe 30 - 33 % (on offer of good credit)

So, what do the droids think the USA is saddled and broken about to ride off the cliff and fail with debt service Is it equal to the IRS revenue, as some jackasses are saying. Oh fuck no. Is it 43% like new homeowner? HELL NO. It is not 30%, 20% or even 10%. NO~!!!

It is around 9%. What??? Hey we shove this world around because WE can. There is nothing in our way to stop us.


And what do we do with all this borrowed money that is so cheap for us to service the debt? Weapons. We make sure, no one can get all Anti-Con on us.

The Anti-Con droid have always tried to hypnotize our citizens, and it still goes on..as we see on RIU, daily.

Nattering Nea-Bobs of Negative. It is just not that way. Wake up, there is no debt crisis. There is a Jihad crisis.
It was barbarians from the north, Islamic jihad from the south and a generally underfunded army due to too many freebees to the populace.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Islam was not until 600 AD. By then, Christians had so muck it up there was an East and West Empire. Two Popes and two Emperors.

The Christians got an in with Constantine, and created the menace of Islam as a backlash against East Orthodox, Iconography.

Islam may not depict all these saints to worship, the Icons. Orthodox still does, but for the Catholics it is somewhat toned down.

Who else rejects the Icons? Jews.

Rome was very, very secular. You could worship it all, or none of it. Change every hour, for luck, consult various oracles, etc.

What broke up Rome was the Jew's Cult of the Way of Jesus.

They nailed up that guy Peter, the homo, because he was preaching that the women of Rome should renounce sex, and serve his cult. The End of Days claptrap, they still talk about.

That is what rotted Rome to me. Superstition over some new GOD. And everything they did to purge it just made it worse. Martyrdom. After a while the Christians became powerful, denounced the Jews and raised hell.

Then the Emperor of the East, said, fuck it, I will just use this superstition symbol for my war craft, paint it on the shields.

Then he had a guy write up all the old stories of this superstition and call it the....how about the Bible? Worked for the Constantine so it became the State religion.

Then Gutenberg, much later, understanding the assault of Islam, and Jews, came up with a way to print the Bible. A Bible was the very first thing printed.

That more than anything was the downfall of Rome, I believe. They were ruthless, but had a weakness. The Christians brought in the concept of self-Doubt. Rome fell for the flim-flam, the snake oil of a higher power, seems to me.

And the race for mass production of Religion Tech was won by the Bible crowd and here WE are.
How is the situation different with the Soviets and the USA? WE did it to them. They were unable to keep up the pace. And what happened? It became, much more, somewhat of a democratic system.

WE did that. Now who do you expect will be able to do that to us? Who, in their dreams, can force our collapse?

And what part of Mutually Assured Destruction, seems off the table, now? No one called that off, to my knowledge.

We stood in the maw of hell fire with a MAD intent, more than once. Did you think someone was kidding?

Who blinked? Is there some other superpower, that is so stupid to oppose us? Look what happened to the Great Soviet.

Our problem is Jihad, not economic doom that ends the Consitiution. We fail, it all fails. Funny you don't know that.

The Jihadi certainly gets it....so to me, it makes you Jihad to wish for it, predict it, etc. The nattering nea-bobs of negativism.

And since we have been fighting Jihad since Jefferson, all those dire prediction since the beginning have been Jihad, against our way of life, in one way or another. A direct threat.

"Jihad, this." Bob Beckel

You're more worried about "terrorists" in far away lands than your countries own economic decline that's right here in your back yard? Do you know how many Americans have been killed because of "terrorism" since 9/11? How about the number of people foreclosed on their homes since 08? How about the number of homeless in America?
The AGM-114R "Romeo" Hellfire II entered service in late 2012. It uses a semi-active laser homing guidance system and an integrated blast fragmentation sleeve warhead to engage targets that previously needed multiple Hellfire variants.

So, 20 pound of HE and a fragment sleeve in a 106 pound, total fly weight, package. And they are dirt cheap.


Dirt cheap?