Will Hunter Biden be charged and prosecuted?

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He hasn't been indicted and the DOJ isn't saying anything, sounds like a fine, if he's indicted and pleads, misdemeanor. A nonnews story and nonevent that will be swept away by Trump's crimes and scandals, not to mention Putin getting his ass kicked epically in Ukraine and freaking out about nukes. Ole Joe will have Putin on the ropes and Trump in a cage inside the 2nd year of his first Term, dark Brndon strikes. He's even pardoning pot possession and making moves to reschedule; Dank Brandon should pick up a lot more votes for the democrats than he loses over that one. The J6 hearings are starting in a week and in the meantime there's good ole Herschel, Donald's guy in Georgia and his 2 abortions!
Bahahahha. The misinformation in this statement is beyond ignorance. Exactly the reason the dems still hold what little power they will soon have
Bahahahha. The misinformation in this statement is beyond ignorance. Exactly the reason the dems still hold what little power they will soon have
Be specific and itemize, sweeping generalizations won't get you far.

It is a nonstory of a minor crime or misdemeanor by a non-politician that normally results in a fine, if they decide to indict.

There is a lot going on in the news, breaking news on Trump's crimes and the war in Ukraine, with Vlad the Magat's ally threatening nuclear destruction of the homeland because he's getting his ass whipped in Ukraine.

Joe will have both Putin and Trump's metaphorical heads over his fireplace and has both of the assholes on the ropes and by the balls. All done by the first half of his first term.

Dark Brandon just pardoned pot possession and is starting to reschedule, vote for democrats and they will have federal legalization. He needs to free up room in federal prisons by releasing nonviolent drug offenders, new domestic terrorism and hate crime laws will fill them with assholes.

How about Herschel and his two abortions, there's a good thread subject.

Ukraine is the best bet Uncle Sam made in a long time and it is an investment that is paying rich dividends. After Putin helped to impose Trump on America, Uncle Sam is gonna dance on his corpse.
Be specific and itemize, sweeping generalizations won't get you far.

It is a nonstory of a minor crime or misdemeanor by a non-politician that normally results in a fine, if they decide to indict.

There is a lot going on in the news, breaking news on Trump's crimes and the war in Ukraine, with Vlad the Magat's ally threatening nuclear destruction of the homeland because he's getting his ass whipped in Ukraine.

Joe will have both Putin and Trump's metaphorical heads over his fireplace and has both of the assholes on the ropes and by the balls. All done by the first half of his first term.

Dark Brandon just pardoned pot possession and is starting to reschedule, vote for democrats and they will have federal legalization. He needs to free up room in federal prisons by releasing nonviolent drug offenders, new domestic terrorism and hate crime laws will fill them with assholes.

How about Herschel and his two abortions, there's a good thread subject.

Ukraine is the best bet Uncle Sam made in a long time and it is an investment that is paying rich dividends. After Putin helped to impose Trump on America, Uncle Sam is gonna dance on his corpse.
Men can't have abortions.

That is pretty funny.
CNN has reported, that Hunter Biden may be charged on tax evasion and lying on a federal firearms gun application.
lulz, Evidence of the so-called "tax crimes" came from a tainted source, a laptop that had been out of Hunter's control for years. It's obviously a Russian Psy op. Regarding the "gun crime",

Prosecutions for false statements on gun-purchase forms are relatively rare, but they do happen. Federal agents refer to such cases as “lying and buying.” Historically, prosecutors have significant discretion to decide which ones are worth federal resources.
“A prosecutor can say they have bigger fish to catch, or they can decide to seek a deal,”

This is almost the definition of a case that has no merit. So, no. Hunter will not be charged.

More importantly,

Will Trump be charged and prosecuted?

Men can't have abortions.
Their girlfriends can and Herschel paid for them, Herschel says he wants to make what his girlfriend did a crime, but probably not what he did to enable, encourage, cajole and assist. It's not looking good for the GOP senate with the turds Donald dropped on Mitch. The house is tightening up too, women are pissed at the GOP and registering in record numbers.
i think hunter is gonna take one for the team.

plead guilty and plea down the charges

then there will be no way the R's can say the DOJ is politicized when they indict tRump
there's no need to plea anything. He made a mistake on his taxes and will have to pay the taxes owed and maybe a small fine. And the gun form thing will never be prosecuted because they don't have a provable case. There were 20 million guns sold last year in America and nobody has been convicted of making an error on the form. If they charge Hunter it would be disparate treatment under the law because of who his father is. It will get thrown out before it gets to court.
As usual another thread that was started about the crimes of the President and his family ( the Bidens) has been hijacked and turned into another thread about the Trump's. But I will bite. Let's say Donald Trump did break the law. He should be charged. But so should have Hillary Clinton. She had a server full of the same kind of documents. But since the Dems were in power this did not happen. I think both repubs and Dems are corrupt. I do not tow the party line either way. But as I see some of you guys do. You only think it's a crime if the repubs do it. Take off your blinders and face the fact that your side is corrupt also. Neither side of the political aisle is worried about the common man. They are worried about themselves.

Im Hillarys time it was LEGAL for her to have a server at her home. It wasnt until 2014 that it became unlawful for anyone to have a personal server and contain government material. She was gone in 2014.

Colin Powell had one, and even helped Hillary set hers up. Also during Bush, his administration was supplied with a server from the RNC. Plus Bush lost 17 MILLION Emails. His administration was also supplied with cell phones from the RNC.

And you also know Clintons emails were all mirrored on 2 different servers other than hers. A Google Server, and a Cloud server. They recovered every one of her "So Called" Lost Emails. Because they werent lost.

tRumps own DOJ determined Clinton broke No Laws.
Clinton was on National TV being grilled Under Oath for 11 Hours, and didnt take the 5th one time, and they never caught her up in one lie. tRump wouldnt last 5 minutes, and how many times did he take the 5th during his deposition in August?? Oh thats right. Almost 450 times, and Don Jr took the 5th over 500 times. Remember when tRump said Innocent people dont take the 5th???
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tRump own DOJ determined Clinton broke No Laws.
No, the FBI determined in their referral to the DOJ that Clinton didn't appear to intend to violate any laws.

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