Will Hunter Biden be charged and prosecuted?

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You are coming across as a republican, someone who doesn't know the difference between right and wrong or doesn't care. You've been singlehandedly keeping what can best be described as a propaganda and distraction thread about fuck all really alive here. You clearly have an axe to grind and are disingenuous, your rhetoric reflects your information sources, or should I say silos.
I am coming across as a Republican because I think if Hunter Biden is guilty of a crime he should be prosecuted? Well that makes perfect sense.( Wink wink). I have called out both sides of the political aisle and will continue to do so. Unlike you. You think that the Dems are God's gift to this world. All politicians are crooked to some extent in my book. And if you think otherwise then you need to look at your history and just do some research. But continue to paint me with the same brush you paint everyone with that disagrees with you. I hate to break it to you but neither side has cornered the market on rightousness and never will.
I am coming across as a Republican because I think if Hunter Biden is guilty of a crime he should be prosecuted? Well that makes perfect sense.( Wink wink). I have called out both sides of the political aisle and will continue to do so. Unlike you. You think that the Dems are God's gift to this world. All politicians are crooked to some extent in my book. And if you think otherwise then you need to look at your history and just do some research. But continue to paint me with the same brush you paint everyone with that disagrees with you. I hate to break it to you but neither side has cornered the market on rightousness and never will.
You are using standard both sides are the same rhetoric, snowflaking and playing the victim. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... Your perspective of what is actually important is skewed by the propaganda you consume, your POV leaks through in your choice of words and the themes you pursue. You are not really looking for debate, just trying to prorogate a brainwashed narrative that is demonstrably false, both sides are not the same.
I am coming across as a Republican because I think if Hunter Biden is guilty of a crime he should be prosecuted? Well that makes perfect sense.( Wink wink). I have called out both sides of the political aisle and will continue to do so. Unlike you. You think that the Dems are God's gift to this world. All politicians are crooked to some extent in my book. And if you think otherwise then you need to look at your history and just do some research. But continue to paint me with the same brush you paint everyone with that disagrees with you. I hate to break it to you but neither side has cornered the market on rightousness and never will.
This is so 2020.

On Jan 6, 2021, Republicans crossed a clear and bright line. That mundane and false "both sides bad" argument was proven false on that day. Thanks for trying but you are living in the past. You are recalling the days when Republicans thought terrorism was a bad thing.

Regarding Hunter, if he did something illegal, he should face the consequences of his acts. As should Republican leadership. Its my guess, Hunter won't face anything close to the consequences MAGA leadership will if DOJ charges them for crimes they committed leading up to the Jan 6 riot.
I am coming across as a Republican because I think if Hunter Biden is guilty of a crime he should be prosecuted? Well that makes perfect sense.( Wink wink). I have called out both sides of the political aisle and will continue to do so. Unlike you. You think that the Dems are God's gift to this world. All politicians are crooked to some extent in my book. And if you think otherwise then you need to look at your history and just do some research. But continue to paint me with the same brush you paint everyone with that disagrees with you. I hate to break it to you but neither side has cornered the market on rightousness and never will.
You do not come across as a Republican to me, but as something worse: a libertarian.

I think both sides are authoritarian. I have stated before that I believe the president's have to much power. I do not believe that any president should be able to write executive orders for any reason. I am not sure but I think the republicans have written more executive orders than democrats.
You do not come across as a Republican to me, but as something worse: a libertarian.
You can call me what ever makes you feel better. I do not care and will not stoop to your level. I am a God fearing American who believes in right and wrong. I believe we are a Nation of laws and anyone who breaks them should be prosecuted. I think we have to many laws and some I do not agree with. As for the quote of mine saying that our president is given to much authority I stand by that. I believe in for the people by the people. If that makes me an outcast to you guys I could care less. I stand by my principles and that will never change.
You can call me what ever makes you feel better. I do not care and will not stoop to your level. I am a God fearing American who believes in right and wrong. I believe we are a Nation of laws and anyone who breaks them should be prosecuted. I think we have to many laws and some I do not agree with. As for the quote of mine saying that our president is given to much authority I stand by that. I believe in for the people by the people. If that makes me an outcast to you guys I could care less. I stand by my principles and that will never change.
Any God to fear is not a good god. The doings of activist pastors attest.
You can call me what ever makes you feel better. I do not care and will not stoop to your level. I am a God fearing American who believes in right and wrong. I believe we are a Nation of laws and anyone who breaks them should be prosecuted. I think we have to many laws and some I do not agree with. As for the quote of mine saying that our president is given to much authority I stand by that. I believe in for the people by the people. If that makes me an outcast to you guys I could care less. I stand by my principles and that will never change.
furthermore: speaking evenly against both parties obfuscates the plain fact that one is operating closer to an ethical standard than the other.
This constructively supports the rogue party.
Will not even respond to such mockery. When you guys want to get back to the thread title and have a decent debate I am more than willing to participate. But as most have shown in this thread a sensible debate is not possible.
It is not mockery; it is dead serious. Do you know that there is zero scriptural basis for the assaults on sexuality?

“Fear of God” as church Christians are indoctrinated to accept is without basis in the new covenant. It is a purely human element of total psychic control, not unlike the strictures on one of our most basic drives: sex and sexuality. The one thing for which there is scriptural backing is against sex outside of an established marriage. Proscribing premarital sex, homosex, masturbation etc. is pure and sadistic artifact.

It is the doctrine not of any god except perhaps the old deceiver, who speaks from pulpits, minarets etc. worldwide.
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If Hunter Biden committed crimes, he ought to be investigated and charged like anybody else. But I'm still trying to figure out why Junior Trump was never prosecuted for organizing a meeting in Trump Tower with Russian intelligence operatives to coordinate the release of stolen emails from Hillary Clinton's email server. The FBI's conclusion that he was too dumb to know better ignores the fact that Trump's campaign manager was part of the meeting. Manafort must have told Junior not to do it but we will never know since Manafort was pardoned to buy his silence. But, yeah, Hunter Biden should be prosecuted for whatever crimes he might have committed. And Trump's kids too. And Kushner... That Saudi money is dirty. Monetized stolen intelligence information. But if the American experience of watching the Trump kids is any example, then Hunter Biden will probably walk. If he is prosecuted and Trump kids are not, then there is some kind of political balancing act going on at the FBI because the FBI knows that the Magats are poised to initiate their civil war if they aren't allowed to continue their bull shit.
You guys are so horny to indict Hunter on something it is hilarious. Personally, I couldn't care less if they bring charges. He answered no on a form he maybe should have said yes to based on something that came up in an interview quite a while before he purchased the firearm. And he fucked up his taxes. Do any of you really think he's going to get anything more than a fine? This is such a nothing burger compared to insurrection and espionage that it makes me laugh every time I see someone discussing this seriously. All this story is is a repeat of "Hillary's Emails". Conservatives are desperate. The midterms are almost here and it is looking pretty bad for them. Hey, I'll join you in a few refrains of "Lock him up!" if it makes you feel any better. Lock him up! Lock him up! LMAO!
You can call me what ever makes you feel better. I do not care and will not stoop to your level. I am a God fearing American who believes in right and wrong. I believe we are a Nation of laws and anyone who breaks them should be prosecuted. I think we have to many laws and some I do not agree with. As for the quote of mine saying that our president is given to much authority I stand by that. I believe in for the people by the people. If that makes me an outcast to you guys I could care less. I stand by my principles and that will never change.
Well, I'm an atheist and as long as Trump and his henchmen are treated equally under the law, I'm fine with what you said. However, if you have principals as you claim, then you won't vote for any republican, even for dog catcher. I hope protecting the constitution and democracy are among those law-abiding principles, they are not for the republican party, not just the MAGA wing, Joe was too kind, to tolerate it is to agree with it, silence speaks too. There are pages of threads here with the scandals and misdeeds of republican politicians and domestic terrorists. Hunter Biden isn't even a politician and is not involved in politics, just as the sins of the fathers are not the sons, neither are the sons the fathers. Trump of course is the exception; he corrupted his own children and enmeshed them in his criminal enterprises, and they are parties to criminal conspiracies according to many reliable media reports.

There is only one option for a patriot, the democratic party, dance around it all you want but the GOP went off thr rails and needs a decade out of power to reset or die.
You guys are so horny to indict Hunter on something it is hilarious. Personally, I couldn't care less if they bring charges. He answered no on a form he maybe should have said yes to based on something that came up in an interview quite a while before he purchased the firearm. And he fucked up his taxes. Do any of you really think he's going to get anything more than a fine? This is such a nothing burger compared to insurrection and espionage that it makes me laugh every time I see someone discussing this seriously. All this story is is a repeat of "Hillary's Emails". Conservatives are desperate. The midterms are almost here and it is looking pretty bad for them. Hey, I'll join you in a few refrains of "Lock him up!" if it makes you feel any better. Lock him up! Lock him up! LMAO!

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