Be specific and itemize, sweeping generalizations won't get you far.
It is a nonstory of a minor crime or misdemeanor by a non-politician that normally results in a fine, if they decide to indict.
There is a lot going on in the news, breaking news on Trump's crimes and the war in Ukraine, with Vlad the Magat's ally threatening nuclear destruction of the homeland because he's getting his ass whipped in Ukraine.
Joe will have both Putin and Trump's metaphorical heads over his fireplace and has both of the assholes on the ropes and by the balls. All done by the first half of his first term.
Dark Brandon just pardoned pot possession and is starting to reschedule, vote for democrats and they will have federal legalization. He needs to free up room in federal prisons by releasing nonviolent drug offenders, new domestic terrorism and hate crime laws will fill them with assholes.
How about Herschel and his two abortions, there's a good thread subject.
Ukraine is the best bet Uncle Sam made in a long time and it is an investment that is paying rich dividends. After Putin helped to impose Trump on America, Uncle Sam is gonna dance on his corpse.