Will Hunter Biden be charged and prosecuted?

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I miss the days when we had 3 major networks plus PBS and they all broadcast the same fucking news every night.
People trusted Walter Cronkite and Huntley & Brinkley. Because they broadcasted the news as a public service as opposed to a ratings grab.

What do we have today?
One network says the border is wide open.
One network says it's secure.
But what it really is...is something in the middle.

When narratives replaced actual news, we suffered and wound up with nonfactual polarization.

There was a standard set of facts not so long ago in this country.

Not lately. Thanks to power greedy media moguls like Rupert Murdoch.

In the words of Sgt. Friday on Dragnet "just the facts ma'am"

That would be great.
I also miss when the mainstream media was honest and not a political shitshow. CNN, MSNSC, and those guys don't talk about anything that makes democrats look bad. At least FOX mentions shit that makes Republicans look bad. Yes they are more right, but they aren't as bad with the bullshit. I liked Aljazerra or whatever it was, but it's not on my cable anymore.

The border is wide open and the Biden administration has their heads in the sands. If you can't admit that you need help. So much for our Border Czar. What a fucking joke.
I also miss when the mainstream media was honest and not a political shitshow. CNN, MSNSC, and those guys don't talk about anything that makes democrats look bad. At least FOX mentions shit that makes Republicans look bad. Yes they are more right, but they aren't as bad with the bullshit. I liked Aljazerra or whatever it was, but it's not on my cable anymore.

The border is wide open and the Biden administration has their heads in the sands. If you can't admit that you need help. So much for our Border Czar. What a fucking joke.
You need to look at facts not fiction
But I agree republicans are a joke
They have figured out how to make fools believe their lies though A1E26E3F-804F-46C1-842C-104CCDD0314E.jpeg
I also miss when the mainstream media was honest and not a political shitshow. CNN, MSNSC, and those guys don't talk about anything that makes democrats look bad. At least FOX mentions shit that makes Republicans look bad. Yes they are more right, but they aren't as bad with the bullshit. I liked Aljazerra or whatever it was, but it's not on my cable anymore.

The border is wide open and the Biden administration has their heads in the sands. If you can't admit that you need help. So much for our Border Czar. What a fucking joke.
Fox is targeted entertainment masquerading as news.




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