Will Creepy Joe run in 2020?

Will Creepy Joe run in 2020?

  • I hope So!

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • I hope Not!

    Votes: 5 50.0%

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  • Poll closed .
say what you want to about Reagan, the rest of the world respected him, a situation i find myself reminiscing about increasingly
Along with Margaret Thatcher, he ushered in the current era of neoliberalism, and the middle classes if both America and Great Britain have suffered ever since.

Only Republicans and banksters revere the Reagan legacy.

Obama, by his own admission, governed economically to the right of Reagan. So much for the idea that 'Democrats are different'.
i didn't say i revered his legacy, i said i miss the respect from the rest of the world. we now have a clown who appoints his golf buddies to ambassadorial posts they have no qualifications for, to places they've never been, with languages they can't speak.
we have a petulant child as president, well known for his tantrums, his lack of decorum, lack of dignity, his covered up affairs, his lack of respect for women, his bigoted prejudiced attitudes.....
reagan was known for taking naps....you really tellin me you wouldn't take him back this second if it got rid of trump?
i didn't say i revered his legacy, i said i miss the respect from the rest of the world. we now have a clown who appoints his golf buddies to ambassadorial posts they have no qualifications for, to places they've never been, with languages they can't speak.
we have a petulant child as president, well known for his tantrums, his lack of decorum, lack of dignity, his covered up affairs, his lack of respect for women, his bigoted prejudiced attitudes.....
reagan was known for taking naps....you really tellin me you wouldn't take him back this second if it got rid of trump?
The Chump has energised the American electorate like no other President in living memory. If this movement leads to real progress, then the Chump will have finally found a way to be useful.

Don't misconstrue these words as support for him; I'm saying he's so bad that people are finally waking up to how fucked they are- and that's a good thing, nevermind long overdue.
kind of like when a drunk or a drug addict is lying ina pool of vomit, and they have the epiphany that something is wrong in their life? and trump is the puddle of vomit? i can see that

you're still 3/5's to her..thoughts like this don't change..only where the political dollar flows.
80% of Democratic Party voters who were black chose Clinton over Bernie. Do you think they didn't spend as much time going over this issue as you?

You do realize that Bernie only won the majority of white men who voted in the Democratic primary, don't you? His message resonated best with people in the group that benefit most from social inequality. He lost in all other main demographic groups.

Going forward, Bernie hasn't corrected his message from the 2016 primary. Can't you hear the dog whistle in his statement: "people are tired of pc rhetoric" and then gong on to completely botch what pc rhetoric means? He's still wooing votes by coddling the feelz of white people. What has he done to unite the party? What has he done to step up his presence in with black, Hispanic and women political movements and their issues?
80% of Democratic Party voters who were black chose Clinton over Bernie. Do you think they didn't spend as much time going over this issue as you?

You do realize that Bernie only won the majority of white men who voted in the Democratic primary, don't you? His message resonated best with people in the group that benefit most from social inequality. He lost in all other main demographic groups.

Going forward, Bernie hasn't corrected his message from the 2016 primary. Can't you hear the dog whistle in his statement: "people are tired of pc rhetoric" and then gong on to completely botch what pc rhetoric means? He's still wooing votes by coddling the feelz of white people. What has he done to unite the party? What has he done to step up his presence in with black, Hispanic and women political movements and their issues?
You mean, besides championing their cause for economics reform? Besides giving Black Lives Matter the microphone?

NOT calling them superpedators and saying they must be brought to heel?

You're very confused if you think Democrats give a fuck about the needs of people of color in America.
I think Bernie should've ran a long time ago, nobody gives him credit for the past, he focused on people for years now he points to problems and we point out he's not focusing on the people. He's just too old to keep up. His intentions are clear though and he had my vote.
We should get him a faster wheelchair so he can compete in the primaries while protesting still!

That was a joke. Completely for laughs please don't take seriously.
all of this argument really comes down to nothing. as long as the electoral college exists, it makes absolutely no difference who you vote for, the establishment will pick who it wants, in direct defiance to the will of the people.
people used to see newspapers once a month, if that often, they'd get their news from word of mouth, letter from relatives. the electoral college was formed to keep uninformed, uneducated, easily manipulated people from making stupid mistakes. it seems now that it's purpose is keeping the same stupid, uneducated people from making good decisions

that's why CU needs to go along with the electoral. we're the only democratic nation that uses such a preposterous, antiquated system. the 1700's were long ago.
I think Bernie should've ran a long time ago, nobody gives him credit for the past, he focused on people for years now he points to problems and we point out he's not focusing on the people. He's just too old to keep up. His intentions are clear though and he had my vote.

he points to problems because it should be obvi that if you fix them others will fix themselves..it's really quite simple.

please tell me which racial group doesn't want or doesn't see a benefit to:

  1. an increase in pay (quality of life)
  2. health insurance (quality of life)
  3. secondary schooling (quality of life)
trump said he didn't want the job, either, and yet the fucking human cheeto is president...don't discount president orca...shes still got lots of time to change ger mind

You’re right..he planned on losing and all that would come as a result far outweighed a win for him. Trouble is, the win will be his ultimate undoing. He did anything, said anything because he WASN'T going to win.

He fvcked himself.
You mean, besides championing their cause for economics reform? Besides giving Black Lives Matter the microphone?

NOT calling them superpedators and saying they must be brought to heel?

You're very confused if you think Democrats give a fuck about the needs of people of color in America.
So, this white guy goes over to a crowd of black people and tells them what their causes are and who is best for them.

After listening in stunned silence for a bit, one of the people in the crowd says: This is a crosswalk at a stop light Mr Sanders. The independents are caucusing in the empty lot down the street.
You mean, besides championing their cause for economics reform? Besides giving Black Lives Matter the microphone?

NOT calling them superpedators and saying they must be brought to heel?

You're very confused if you think Democrats give a fuck about the needs of people of color in America.

+rep :clap: