Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

you forgot to take into account the fact that you now own a home which appreciates in value, instead of a trailer, which invariably depreciates in value.
If you borrow $100,000 @ 5% for 30 years, you'll pay $300,000 to the bank. If you buy with cash, you only pay $100,000. You keep dragging trailers into it. Comparing apples to oranges.
Yes, it is time the poor pay their fair share! I have always felt that they should be taxed on their toilet paper, milk, shitty cars, light bulbs, food, back to school supplies, medicine, shoes, rat traps, books, chap stick, pots n pans, etc.

It is insane to tax rich people on income. Tax them on what they spend so they can move the rest into job creating things like offshore accounts!

Fuck yeah, brother! You da best. This is surely the way to make sure the poor pay at least 20% of their salary and the rich less than a fraction of a percent. Fuck the poor, they are not paying their fair share!
when you advocate higher corporate taxes, you are advocating taxes on the items in your first paragraph
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Bill Clinton did a great job of getting the budget under control and I made the most money ever during that period.

Although he did it by selling all of our souls to Gyna.
If everyone is taxed 20% on their spending, and I spend more of my income than you do, I am taxed more than you are

This is not a difficult concept to understand
No, you are taxed more as a percentage of your income, but still less as a absolute value. "More" is easily defined, but you are trying to redefine the term.
I bought my home for cash. I just corrected his misstatement about PMI being based on 90% of the loan value. If you want to pretend I said something different than what I actually said, you appear to be a dishonest ass.

Red, read the thread. Buck claims to be "wealthy" while buying a median priced home and not even putting 20% down which is demonstrated by his PMI payments. The funny thing is that a higher appraisal or a "gain" in value or "appreciation" would drop the PMI for him as well.

$250k home, now supposedly worth $330, even with zero down should not have PMI payments.
just the usual bullshit.
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Again, we're talking about percentages of income, not overall investment

Poor people spend 100% of their income, rich people spend a very small percentage of their overall income. How can you claim that rich people spend more of their money than poor people?

Poor spend 100% of their income.......and a percentage of others. I've never seen a poor person with an iphone, never.
And they default bigly

see Trump's tax returns.
Oops. They aren't released.
Default is an exclusive right of using elastic currency. Bankruptcy cannot exist without elasticity, neither can conjured from nothing credit. You have a double edged sword and seem to think we only see one side of it.
Because that would encourage saving and discourage spending. Our economy needs spending every dime you earn as soon as you earn it or even before you earn it (credit). We sacrifice long term stability for short term gain.

When you say we you mean the government sacrifices long term stability for short term gain. Which is true because it has ridden the debt up so high and has made so many promises it cannot keep.

Who gets hurt when the stability is over? The same people Democrats keep promising to help... And round and round we go with the politicians getting richer and the people getting poorer.
When you say we you mean the government sacrifices long term stability for short term gain. Which is true because it has ridden the debt up so high and has made so many promises it cannot keep.

Who gets hurt when the stability is over? The same people Democrats keep promising to help... And round and round we go with the politicians getting richer and the people getting poorer.

And you just said you were doing well.

So, we're just hanging by a thread and everything collapses after the landslide?

Go suck a door knob. It will take your mind your doomsday philosophy.
And you just said you were doing well.

So, we're just hanging by a thread and everything collapses after the landslide?

Go suck a door knob. It will take your mind your doomsday philosophy.

That reply wasnt to you, it was 2 adults having a conversation. Go play in the street.

Poor people are hurt worst in a financial downturn. Not a difficult concept to understand.

I am not poor so I wont be hurt worst in a financial downturn although it hurts business and for both reasons I dont want to see it happen.