White people are so stupid

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Who knew skin pigmentation had an effect on brain function.

nutritional deficiency certainly does effect brain function, as does a cultural imperative which holds education as being "too white" or "selling out"

africa is currently suffering from both in large measures.

but we cant talk about that because it's racist.
that's just nonsense that white supremacists like to spew.

education is alive and well in black culture.

but you just want to appropriate education as being for whites.

memorizing the latest hot popular music chant is not education.

if education is so "alive and well" how do you explain the massive black drop out rates, the huge disparity in black vs EVERYBODY ELSE literacy rates?


this study of adult literacy found "hispanics" were the only ones who scored lower than blacks, but i bet they would have statistically done shitloads better if the test were available in spanish AND english.

Tavis Smiley is not amused.
memorizing the latest hot popular music chant is not education.

not a racial stereotype at all.

if education is so "alive and well" how do you explain the massive black drop out rates, the huge disparity in black vs EVERYBODY ELSE literacy rates?

could have something to do with the legacy of unequal access to opportunity over centuries, the relevant part in this case being the de facto segregation into the poorest neighborhoods (OMFG he said SES!).

i'm sure you will try to explain it all through melanin and rap music though. knock yourself out.
not a racial stereotype at all.

could have something to do with the legacy of unequal access to opportunity over centuries, the relevant part in this case being the de facto segregation into the poorest neighborhoods (OMFG he said SES!).

i'm sure you will try to explain it all through melanin and rap music though. knock yourself out.

so, if my grandfather had a 4th grade education, that means i cannot succeed no matter how hard i might try, because my "SES" is a millstone around my neck, wow.

sounds like you are advocating a caste system to me, sounds like you are saying that blacks are simply incapable of succeeding, and thus should be automatically assigned to menial labour thus freeing up superior brahmins like yourself for the noble pursuits of art and philosophy.

sounds like you have decided already that it is the "White Man's Burden" to pay taxes to support a perpetual underclass who can never rise above their base natures.
except you of course. you dont pay taxes, so i guess it's more like "Some Other White Man's Burden"
so, if my grandfather had a 4th grade education, that means i cannot succeed no matter how hard i might try, because my "SES" is a millstone around my neck, wow.

no, i am saying that the de facto segregation into the poorest neighborhoods makes it overall less likely that someone will receive the same education as someone who was born with more advantages in life.

blacks are simply incapable of succeeding, and thus should be automatically assigned to menial labour...a perpetual underclass who can never rise above their base natures.

sounds like a theory that you or rushton would cook up.
no, i am saying that the de facto segregation into the poorest neighborhoods makes it overall less likely that someone will receive the same education as someone who was born with more advantages in life.

sounds like a theory that you or rushton would cook up.

ya know i looked up phillipe rushton, and except for the "Usual Suspects", the Southern Poverty Law and Calling Everybody Racist Center, "Think Progress" and you, nobody else has shit on him for being "racist"

he wasnt drummed out of the pstchiatric societies of canada, the US or the UK, he wasnt rode out of town on a rail, and i found one "study" by an undergrad which challenged his methodologies.

Edit and the supposed quote in your sig from rushton is not found anywhere.

you must cite it, or admit it is fraud.
ya know i looked up phillipe rushton, and except for the "Usual Suspects", the Southern Poverty Law and Calling Everybody Racist Center, "Think Progress" and you, nobody else has shit on him for being "racist"

he wasnt drummed out of the pstchiatric societies of canada, the US or the UK, he wasnt rode out of town on a rail, and i found one "study" by an undergrad which challenged his methodologies.


there are no words.
Do actually know any minorities? How are you helping their SES? Charity, volunteering?

he's doing the essential work of fabricating fraudulent quotations to defame anyone who disagrees with the leftist caste system's assessment of the negroe's utility.
he's doing the essential work of fabricating fraudulent quotations to defame anyone who disagrees with the leftist caste system's assessment of the negroe's utility.

so you never said anything about defending the REAL AMERICA (lol, nice try. we all know who you're talking about) from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit?
so you never said anything about defending the REAL AMERICA (lol, nice try. we all know who you're talking about) from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit?


anyone who wishes the context can read the linked source to my quote, gloriously free of edits redaction or alterations. i invite then to read it.

meanwhile your alleged phillipe rushton quote is 100% fraudulent.

if he ever said that i cannot find it, and a search for the quote comes up with only YOU as the source.

anyone who wishes the context can read the linked source to my quote, gloriously free of edits redaction or alterations. i invite then to read it.

meanwhile your alleged phillipe rushton quote is 100% fraudulent.

if he ever said that i cannot find it, and a search for the quote comes up with only YOU as the source.

i didn't alter a damn thing you said.

lets all run away from the facts and truths exposed by the John Birch Society, and the wisdom of their founders and leaders. if we call them racist then we can burn them at the stake right? lets call them crazy too, then we can piss on the ashes! lets say they are conspiracy nuts, then we can put the piss soaked ashes into a lead lined urn and dispose of it with our spent nuclear fuel rods! Brilliant!

the John Birch Society has the desire to defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit, limp dicked liberals, and mindless drones of the leftist establishment. claiming the John Birch Society is made up of out of touch octogenarians with racist tendencies and a pathological fear of everything that they oppose is absolute crap. if the John Birch Society is wrong, then please explain:

the trilateral commission*
the council on foreign relations
the bildeberger group
the federal reserve's creation on jekyll island in georgia
the 1968 "crime bill" that banned sawed off shotguns, machine guns and grenades in response to the assasinations of JF and RF Kennedy, and mlk
legislation against thought and opinion (hate crime laws) rather than deeds.*
use of eminent domain to profit private interests
the new york times' "man in moskow" Walter Duranty selling stalin as the greatest leader since moses while he murdered half the nation.
chris "Tingles" mathews publicly admitting he gets thrill up hius leg every time he sees The Immaculate One
rachel maddow and ed schultz having "news and opinion" shows
"the young turks" who are even named after a genocidal marxist movement in the ottoman empire.*

all in all the John Birch Society has more shit right than they have wrong, and they have a way better track record than the new york times for truth, and are much more accepting of diverse opinions than the leftist press or leftists in general.*

slinging all this vitriol at the Koch family is unwarranted, and duplicitous when you realize it's coming from the same bunch who still applaud and revere henry kissinger and the rockerfellers

and of course, here is the non-existent, "fraudulent" rushton quote.


We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.

i didn't alter a damn thing you said.

and of course, here is the non-existent, "fraudulent" rushton quote.


We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.


so youre CERTAIN Philipe J Rushton wrote that... absolutely certain.

well youre LIAR it was written by a feller named Michael H Hart, as a mission statement for a symposium.

you are still a liar and still engaged in fraud.

further i in no way suggested you altered the quote you use from myself, and the original document remains for any who wish the context for your inflammatory snippet.

making that implication is just another of your many trademark deceptions
LOL bullshit link to an unsourced quote... More bullshit and bucky caught in another lie... Is this how you help the plight of minorities?
so youre CERTAIN Philipe J Rushton wrote that... absolutely certain.

well youre LIAR it was written by a feller named Michael H Hart, as a mission statement for a symposium.

you are still a liar and still engaged in fraud.

further i in no way suggested you altered the quote you use from myself, and the original document remains for any who wish the context for your inflammatory snippet.

making that implication is just another of your many trademark deceptions

yeah, it's not like rushton endorsed that statement of purpose in any way by SPEAKING AT THEIR LITTLE RACIST CONVENTION FOR RACISTS.

and if he did, it was probably just an innocent mistake. probably wandered into the wrong room while looking for a black hooker to have dirty sex with for a few hours.

you seem intent on destroying that quote, which means you think it's racist or something and shines poorly on you.

yet you have a quote saying the exact same thing!

you are not fooling anyone.
Guilt by association now...

that was the statement of purpose for the gathering at which rushton spoke.

he endorsed that statement 100% and took full co-ownership of it when he went to speak there.

just like you endorsed a group of "like minded" white supremacists and holocaust deniers when you accepted the invite to their group (twice!).

boo hoo. cry me a fucking river when you get done being angry.
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