So my idiot friend just blew $200 at the dispensary for a half ounce of pot and a bag of gummies

I just want to sell a little bit at a farmers market. Is that to much to ask. It would be packaged all artisanal and such. Fancy tomatoes if you will. Some sort of license that is reasonably priced that let's you sell like 5 or 10 lbs a year would be great. Wrap it together with something allowing people to sell like 100 gallons of fancy homemade beer. Fine artisanal intoxicants for the fine artisanal man....maybe some of that non pasteurized milk and cheese as well.
That's a great idea for a revenue outlet for small time growers that just want to make a few extra dollars for their hard work selling a legal product. I love it. Never had that unpasteurized milk. I heard it's pretty dam amazing with the cream on top and all. Probably makes the worlds best got-dam milkshake :)
I work at home Depot my girl has monthly checks. Rents 1200 plus utilities. Cars paid off just insurance. We get by with a tad in our pockets for hobbies
My wife got a part time job at the depot a few years back. Gave her a saliva drug test on the spot at the store. Kinda shocked me. Only reason I never applied. Seems like a solid place to work. Good pay and benefits too. I saw recently amazon changed their drug testing policy for warehouse workers. They no longer test for marijuana use. I don't think it was some altruistic moment for them doing the right thing. They probably couldn't find workers that can pass the drug test, and amazon values profits above anything else. God love 'em.
My wife got a part time job at the depot a few years back. Gave her a saliva drug test on the spot at the store. Kinda shocked me. Only reason I never applied. Seems like a solid place to work. Good pay and benefits too. I saw recently amazon changed their drug testing policy for warehouse workers. They no longer test for marijuana use. I don't think it was some altruistic moment for them doing the right thing. They probably couldn't find workers that can pass the drug test, and amazon values profits above anything else. God love 'em.
Yes they will. And they can. They can swab for any reason. I'm not the stereo type stoner tho. And I make very few mistakes if any. I don't mix work with home at all.
Was actually just bragging about how much I smoke on a daily when come to realize I barely can smoke anymore cause I'm always busy with work but I agree. Awesome job. Great benefits. And competitive pay
thats my point. its a scam the dispenso prices for what it is per gummy.
Let's do the math...assume 20% thc
20% thc means 200mg per gram.
200 x 28 = 5600mg
Assume 20% loss in processing
5600 x .8 = 4480mg, round to 4500mg

10 per package, average $25 per pack
450 packs x 25 = $11,250
Cost of materials and labor (not a lot)
At worst $10,000 per ounce

See why the dispensaries are full of concentrates and edibles? Flower is a necessary evil to them. In most states they process 90%+ of flower.
I've smoked some of that $50 an ounce weed. It might not have been the best but it was good enough for the price. A friend of mine that gets most of their stuff from the dispensaries says that some of those cheap ounces are better pot than some of the more expensive designer strains that are prepackaged and cost much more.

The majority of people that smoke cannabis are not growers themselves and are completely satisfied with the weed they are getting.

I love growing but honestly if I could pick up a zip of "pretty good" for $50 I would probably shut my tents down and find a new hobby lol
I love growing but honestly if I could pick up a zip of "pretty good" for $50 I would probably shut my tents down and find a new hobby lol
Eh maybe just during the hot months for me. ive had several harvests with the same equipment and clones of clones, at this point im probably yielding zips for $50 lol. and i know what nutrients were used and the level of care i gave in the entire process from the grow to the dry/cure.
On another note my idiot friend went back to the dispensary on payday yesterday. I gave no mercy this time. He tells me it was a great deal for $50/quarter. I look at it and it doesn't look like trash, but definitely low-mid grade. I smelled it and it reminded me of brick weed that wasn't all the way dry from the 90's after being trash compacted and stuffed into 4 layers of brown tape. I was a good sport though. He packed a bowl and was excited to give me the green hit. It was so gross I hacked my lungs up and would not take another hit. I ripped this dude to pieces so bad he literally walked away face red as a fire engine. Mofo even picked up the little bits of extra weed off the tray from his boof bag and took it with him. I laughed and made fun of him for it as he did it too. He was so pissed off he left his driver's license reinstatement papers where we were smoking. He had to come back for them and I ripped him up the whole way to the table and all the way out as he walked away. The last thing I told him was even though he's a retard I still love 'em anyways. No response :)

With friends like you jonny..................................................:rolleyes:
First I will speak to WHY people go to a store. In the vast majority of cases people have bought varying levels of quality on the street. After enough getting screwed over by inconsistent quality or lazy growers / harvesters, it does dawn on many smokers that they can finally tell those weirdo crazy fxxx dealers to fxxx off I'm sick of the ---- (mold, seeds, inconsistency, leafy, mediocre) that gets mixed into what is often really good.

The store offers a baseline of quality that...I will say it...most home growers are way too lazy to bother with. Many growers get lazy and cut corners...good sells therefore I dont need to change. I've seen 30+ years of that sxxx.

To heavy smokers they quickly realize 2 things -- 1) its insanely expensive at a store and 2) while you may have a baseline or floor on quality now, the store by no means is all that good. In fact, it's pretty average, and they sell about 50 strains of which 47 are mediocre and grown decently at best.

Dry as a bone for fast packaging and storage, and insures the highest thc test. Usually a full on lie but hey why not say 35%? Is someone going to test it and prove them wrong? No.

So heavy users will go back to the better home growers and get a better deal.

Every friend I know goes through the cycle...fxxx all those guys making all that money off me!....m going to the store!

Then after spending a few thousand they call the local guy and realize well cured bud is better and cheaper.

The stores dont even know what is good. They get whatever they are supplied and sell it for a markup. I used to laugh that some of the cheaper offerings were far better than reserve or top shelf selections. Because the stores dont know what is good but they know hype and what sells.

Edibles get a bigger LOL I've never seen people waste more money. $30 package package 100mg of gummies or 1 100mg chocolate bar.

The most pathetic part of of stores, especially medical dispensaries is how they pretend they are helping people by selling them concentrates.

Listen, I get that this world is about making money but holy sxxx I've seen at least a dozen dispensaries lecture customers about how great concentrate is for a medical patient.

Wtf? Concentrate will kill a med patient faster than anything else, and they sell it laughing almost as hard as the cultivators who cant believe someone in a store actually pays say $150 for a half is shake! Or $100 for a gram of concentrate made from the leaves,trim, and sxxx buds that didnt make it to market. it's pure profit that growers used to throw away. Tell me which doctor recommends dabbing lol. I know plenty of doctors in the relevant fields and not one would ever suggest it is helpful.

Now each state and country is different with their stores, but the only states who have true premium offerings that I have experienced are on the West coast USA. And they always had the best sxxx anyway.
Hope you remembered to breathe while typing this.
I agree with all you said.
The dispensaries couldn't sell it any better if they wore white coats with stethoscopes hanging around they're necks.
I got a coworker who sometimes leaves work early to get to the dispens. He even grows his own but starts plucking buds before it's ready so harvest time has Charlie Brown plants. He talks like a connoisseur, gotta be this, have that. I've gave him a 1/2. It was "O.K".
Everybody else was coming back for 2nds, 3rds.
I've been told that dispens prices around here can run as high as $400 per oz. From one guys purchase, 1/8, it worked out to $540 an oz.
AND some don't sell full ozs. 27 grams.
I'm a baking guy when it comes to edibles. Brownies, cakes, spaghetti sauces. I keep it mellow.
Hope you remembered to breathe while typing this.
I agree with all you said.
I got a coworker who sometimes leaves work early to get to the dispens. He even grows his own but starts plucking buds before it's ready so harvest time has Charlie Brown plants. He talks like a connoisseur, gotta be this, have that. I've gave him a 1/2. It was "O.K".
Everybody else was coming back for 2nds, 3rds.
I've got a theory here on why this fucked up manner of thinking occurs in the mind of these cream of the crop morons. You know why the bar has a lot of bar flies? Why the same group of regulars show up every day after work? On days off? Holidays? Some people have so much of nothing going on in their life and have few social interactions with others that going to the bar is their only outlet. Beer is more expensive at a bar, right? Food is pricey, right? Getting a DWI on your way home from the bar is really expensive, right? There seems to be no logical reason for being a bar fly. So why do these people defy logic, and show up every day to indulge in overpriced liquor and food? They have nothing else going on in life. Family? Not important to them. Friends? What are those? The bar becomes their only social outlet. Rinse, wash, repeat. That's their life.

Why do people choose to routinely overpay at a dispensary when they have friends (or at least people willing to take their call) that grow great dope and sell it for half the price dispensaries charge? Please note, I'm not talking about someone that visits a dispensary once every few months to see what's on the shelf. I stop at a gas station and overpay for a 20oz bottle of coke once in awhile. I sure as fuck wouldn't do it every day. That would just be stupid, right? I have access to the same product, same quality, and at a much cheaper price at almost any other store.

I truly think the people that are routine idiots that dump their money at the dispensary every single week (or multiple times per week) have nothing else going on in their lives. It's like a social experience for them. And they don't mind being fucked financially to indulge in that social experience. They like to interact with someone behind the counter (ala bartender), bullshit a little bit, and engage in conversation that nobody else is interested in giving them the time of day for. Again I'll emphasize I'm talking about the dispensary rats that frequent routinely even though they have great connects through friends for half the price and the same if not better quality. My idiot friend stops at the dispensary 3 times a week at least. He has essentially no other friends because he's a selfish piece of shit for a human being. Visiting the dispensary is basically the only time another human being is going to serve / cater to his requests. It makes him feel special I'm sure. That's a very sad way to seek social interaction with others. For fuck's sake get a fucking YMCA membership. Indulge in healthy interaction with others. Swim. Play basketball. Disabled? I got you covered homie. Just enjoy watching the 20 something sexy ass bitches working the ellipticals in spandex. Just don't fucking stare like a creep, and dammit keep up appearances. At least pretend to be exercising :)
Lmfao. I'm so greatful to have our spot in this tiny little town. Street prices dropped dramatically and those hard dealers are pinpointed now much easier I go where the price is right. My friends give me weed. I give them weed. That's never a problem. Sometimes you just wanna grab something different nobody has to offer or ever will. I'm happy and content. Plus Weedmaps gave ours dispensary of the year for whatever that's worth so far just a couple free stiitzy dab kits
Why do people choose to routinely overpay at a dispensary when they have friends
'cause they're addicts. pure and simple. I was an addict for pot many moons ago. It's not physical but psychological. Had to have a joint, oz, SOMETHING!
But I could go days, weeks w/o becoming a puddle of mud.
AND because of cell phones, (I got to lay it at the feet of something), everything has to be NOW. Instantaneously, can't wait.
Ex: When was the last time you sat down and listened to Jethro Tull's "Thick as a Brick".
I've got a theory here on why this fucked up manner of thinking occurs in the mind of these cream of the crop morons. You know why the bar has a lot of bar flies? Why the same group of regulars show up every day after work? On days off? Holidays? Some people have so much of nothing going on in their life and have few social interactions with others that going to the bar is their only outlet. Beer is more expensive at a bar, right? Food is pricey, right? Getting a DWI on your way home from the bar is really expensive, right? There seems to be no logical reason for being a bar fly. So why do these people defy logic, and show up every day to indulge in overpriced liquor and food? They have nothing else going on in life. Family? Not important to them. Friends? What are those? The bar becomes their only social outlet. Rinse, wash, repeat. That's their life.

Why do people choose to routinely overpay at a dispensary when they have friends (or at least people willing to take their call) that grow great dope and sell it for half the price dispensaries charge? Please note, I'm not talking about someone that visits a dispensary once every few months to see what's on the shelf. I stop at a gas station and overpay for a 20oz bottle of coke once in awhile. I sure as fuck wouldn't do it every day. That would just be stupid, right? I have access to the same product, same quality, and at a much cheaper price at almost any other store.

I truly think the people that are routine idiots that dump their money at the dispensary every single week (or multiple times per week) have nothing else going on in their lives. It's like a social experience for them. And they don't mind being fucked financially to indulge in that social experience. They like to interact with someone behind the counter (ala bartender), bullshit a little bit, and engage in conversation that nobody else is interested in giving them the time of day for. Again I'll emphasize I'm talking about the dispensary rats that frequent routinely even though they have great connects through friends for half the price and the same if not better quality. My idiot friend stops at the dispensary 3 times a week at least. He has essentially no other friends because he's a selfish piece of shit for a human being. Visiting the dispensary is basically the only time another human being is going to serve / cater to his requests. It makes him feel special I'm sure. That's a very sad way to seek social interaction with others. For fuck's sake get a fucking YMCA membership. Indulge in healthy interaction with others. Swim. Play basketball. Disabled? I got you covered homie. Just enjoy watching the 20 something sexy ass bitches working the ellipticals in spandex. Just don't fucking stare like a creep, and dammit keep up appearances. At least pretend to be exercising :)

Are you still doing hyrdro or did you say you went back to soil