So my idiot friend just blew $200 at the dispensary for a half ounce of pot and a bag of gummies

I'm still buying at the dispensary. New to it and just don't know many people irl. Which is funny, I've been in so many bands and most of the time somebody smoked.

Also as an adult, with things to lose, I buy from where it's legal. I'm trying to grow enough of my own, but that isn't easy or quick it seems. Maybe grow number 3...
$200 an oz, sale coming up on the 4th so I will see what is a good buy then.

I have only had maybe 2 buys for the dispensary that have made me go back and buy more of that same thing, everything else taste a bit green to me. Not bad at all, but not what I want really, sometimes if it is moist, I will jar it a while.
I can dig your situation man. I was there only 3 years ago. If you don't have the setup to grow your own and don't have a regular connect (I didn't) your options become very limited. And to be fair the options I dog at the michigan dispensaries are still better than the trash compacted mexican ditch weed that we were all smoking 20 years ago. As long as you beat 'em up on sales you're saving money and probably paying a fair price. That I can really dig.
maybe he just wanted to impress the cute but tender girl or they don't want to look broke in front of her. Or both. What I do know for a solid fact is they have all these jars in different names but when they run out they just fill it with whatever the f*** is there. And that's if the jar was ever what it was labeled as to begin with.
Kinda tells you what they think of their customers eh? :)
You smokers in california have the good life when it comes to variety and quality of the products. Not to mention prices are much better than states just starting out with mainstream marijuana sales. More growers increases competition so there's much less price gouging. What does an ounce of good pot go for at a dispensary in california? Is it still worthwhile to get a medical card to avoid the recreational taxation?

The best pot I ever smoked was from california. My brother use to have a friend that made the west coast run from missouri every other month. The bags were all nicely labeled and packaged. I still don't think I've ever run into better quality pot in my life. It was truly special and all of the strains were of the same quality. In california I would definitely visit a dispensary to see what the mad scientists are growing. Up here in michigan it's mostly just boof unless you're getting it from a caregiver that isn't mass producing machine trimmed junk. I moved here from missouri and I'm impressed with the level of low standards michigander's have when it comes to pretty much anything. Food, entertainment, and quality of life are all exponentially worse in michigan. Roads suck, gas stations are tiny and more expensive, and there's essentially zero police presence on the highways. That sounds good for not getting hassled about a speeding ticket, but I've never witnessed more dangerous ignoramus drivers in my life. When I told folks where the wife and I moved from every single person asked us why we would move to michigan. 12 years ago I didn't understand what the hell they were talking about. I absolutely get it now. It's just different than other places. And not in a good way. However, it's cooler in the summer than that armpit of a sweat box otherwise known as missouri. For that reason alone I will never move a single mile further south. Global warming is a real bitch these days. Gotta see california sometime. I hear the food is great, and I know your pot is outstanding :)

The one I go to personally in town is if you want to gander the menu. As for tax. I have my med 215
And it don mean shit in my city. So after 11 years. This will be my first year I will not be renewing
I did see consistently better quality on the black market, but that was several years back. More competition and good stuff really stood out, much much better margins as well so that bit of extra care could happen.
i have friends that buy rec and with med cards here in Chicago. If you think the prices mentioned above are high youd shit your pants in one of these shops lol.

rec- $60-65 8th, ozs of popcorn nugs-$300
.5g carts $55-65
1g concentrates- $60-65
edibles- max allowed mg per package 100mg, 30-40$
Illinois slaps a 10% tax on products containing less than 35% THC, a 20% tax on cannabis-infused edible products and a 25% tax on products with more than 35% THC. No other state has adopted this system. Some argue this tax structure can discourage higher-potency consumption.

That being said, some brands/growers put out good stuff and some put out bad. Cresco used to be known for putting out garbage weed and now their flower in the glass jars is remarkably good. My buddy had a couple coupons and got an 8th of some impressive looking nug for around $40 yesterday, which made me sad that he was excited about paying so much lol. The live resin cartridges are super tasty and pack a punch, but again, the price is bananas.
So today we hate people who go to a dispensary?

I grow more than I can use but still have gone on occasion to examine the top shelf for comparison and some folks are just willing to put in more effort to make great edibles than I am
A different perspective...
Funny story. Kind of sort of, but not really.

The lady we bought the riverhouse from was telling Sister the most economical form of medicinal thc was the oil. So she bought some. Then got the candy molds and high end chocolate to go with it. I had one of them and they worked real good, half a candy was right for me. But anyway, Sister went to Denver and one night the BIL was drinking and cooking peas. He got a pack of sausage and added to the peas. Then he thought he saw another pack of sausage and added it too. He said the peas tasted funny. After he ate supper he got really, really, really high. He figured out he had added the bag of edibles to the peas. He threw the peas out and spent a long night.
$200 for a half ounce and edibles is not unreasonable for a retail store. Some places are charging $110 for a 1/8
Florida's so called top shelf is 60 bucks an 1/8th. I'm cheap as they come, and haven't bought any of their flower. But I do like having a vape pen around for when you can't smoke. The small carts are usually three for a hundred bucks.
No shops selling weed here in Australia. Just curious, to become a "bud tender" do you have to do a course, get a certificate? And how does one decide what strains etc are best for their particular "illness?" Advice from a medical professional, or the "bud tender?". Professional advice is never cheap. :-P
On the surface, legality looks like a no brainer, win win, but underneath all that wooppee, there are a lot of people getting screwed.
For consistently good weed (5 times now) I found SkunkRx in Rouge River Or
They label the harvest AND the package date.
It's always been happy results with fresh weed.

I've been smoking Ice Cream Cake for over a year now, a little strange is nice once in a while.
No shops selling weed here in Australia. Just curious, to become a "bud tender" do you have to do a course, get a certificate? And how does one decide what strains etc are best for their particular "illness?" Advice from a medical professional, or the "bud tender?". Professional advice is never cheap. :-P
On the surface, legality looks like a no brainer, win win, but underneath all that wooppee, there are a lot of people getting screwed.
Cash and political a nut shell
There's an interesting phenomenon that happens when someone enters a dispensary. It's like a shock and awe effect, but in a desirable way. Much like the gym some people just like to go for the experience. To feel important as a bud tender serves them. To browse around the shop and absorb the many selections that make your eyeballs drip with desire. I've fallen victim to the same shock and awe effect. I've dropped a lot of money at dispensaries when I had no other hookups. These days though most regular tokers have at least 1 reliable hookup on good dope without going to a dispensary and paying out that wazoo yet these same people will still occasionally walk into a dispensary and pay twice as much as they should for the shock and awe effect. It's really mind blowing.

With all that having been said my idiot friend called me to tell me how excited he was that he got a $200 tip. He says he can't wait to go to the dispensary. He has access to $150 ounces of amazing tasting fire bud and mind crippling edibles. I straight up asked him what the hell are you thinking? He tells me, "man they got this mandarin cookies and this rose' I really wanna try." Without seeing it, smelling it, or smoking it this fuck tard has his mouth watering with excitement to pay $55 for an 1/8 of pot. Mind blowing dude. Just mind blowing. I realized how stupid consumers of pot are. Even experienced consumers. They literally buy based on the name of the strain without knowing a thing about it other than what the dispensary is calling it. Pure stupidity. Nothing more. Yet people do it. I like to call this one of the many stupid human tricks one can observe in others that make no sense, but people do it anyways. Long story short this dipshit paid $200 for 3 eighth's of bud and a bag of weak ass gummies. My mistake in the title. As I added up the 1/8's he bought I realized it wasn't even a fucking half ounce. I just shook my head.

Since I'm one of those stupid humans like everyone else and I love to indulge in stupid human tricks I got a little excited as he unloaded his packages of boutique dispensary bud with these exotic names. I'll admit - the packaging was very cool. It was all downhill from there. He asks me what I wanna try first. I chose the most expensive which was rose'. It looked great, but had absolutely no aroma at all. Fired up a bowl and while it didn't taste like complete asshole I most certainly wasn't interested in packing another bowl of it. $440/ounce and that's the smoke report. I felt so bad for him I didn't even have the heart to rip him up over it. Then we tried his $35/eight berry something bullshit. Awful flavor tasting of chemicals. Burned to a black ash. Epic fail. I was so turned off by those 2 I didn't even take a hit when he fired up his chem dog.

Sampling those 2 strains basically reminds me of my dispensary experiences. Most folks aren't heavy smokers but those that are know and prefer quality and will accept nothing less. Casual smokers are far less critical. They simply have less experience. Kinda like when we were in junior high, right? Would you ever buy that bullshit as an adult? Absolutely not. You have higher standards these days because you have experience :)

I can remember only 1 occasion where my mind was blown by the bud I bought. And it was $350/ounce. What a deal eh? Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent. This shit is something I see over and over again. I almost think people enjoy saying, "yeah man so I was at the dispensary yesterday. Oh yeah man, me too. Which one you go to?" It's like a social thing for idiots. Stupid human tricks man. All you can do is sit back, burn one down, and enjoy the shit show.
Take it easy on people. For a “friend” you have some not-so-nice things to say about him.
Try to understand, not be understood. If you had better options, you couldve pointed him in that direction…just sayin
No shops selling weed here in Australia. Just curious, to become a "bud tender" do you have to do a course, get a certificate? And how does one decide what strains etc are best for their particular "illness?" Advice from a medical professional, or the "bud tender?". Professional advice is never cheap. :-P
On the surface, legality looks like a no brainer, win win, but underneath all that wooppee, there are a lot of people getting screwed.
Bud tenders are only as good as the establishment that employs them. Most are junk. They don't know their products because they aren't allowed to sample them for free. They basically just rattle off the bullshit they think you want to hear to get your ass out the door. Rarely will you get someone that knows their inventory well. Corporate weed with corporate operations and corporate, you're just a number, type of employees. In the past when I had to visit dispensaries it always bent my ear sideways when some fuck tard bud tender describes their inventory to another customer. This is good for pain, this is good for hunger, etc. and so forth. Total bullshit. Can you just fucking tell me which strains taste good and fuck ya up? I hate hearing their foo foo bullshit strain descriptions. Let's just cut through the bs and point me in the direction of stock that's worth a shit. Save me the drivel. But often they can't effectively do this because there are 25 mediocre strains in stock the owner certainly isn't about to let the employees sample. So if they haven't bought and smoked it themselves they really have no dam clue about the quality of 90% of their inventory. It is what it is.
Take it easy on people. For a “friend” you have some not-so-nice things to say about him.
Try to understand, not be understood. If you had better options, you couldve pointed him in that direction…just sayin
He does have better options. I did point him in the right direction. And he's a fucking idiot because he still wound up at a dispensary overpaying for mediocre pot. Just because he's a friend doesn't mean I'm not gonna rip him to pieces for doing stupid shit. For fuck's sake what the hell are friends for? Somebody has to tell you when you're doing stupid shit. I do so out of love sir :)