White people are so stupid

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want to get racial ? ok you say white people are stupid. some of them are. they lady was ignorant for walking on a bridge that was going to fold up.

Are you white? Because you are stupid.
Did you read the first post?

every race has there flaws.

I started this thread so we could talk about how stupid white people are. If you want to start minorities are stupid thread, go ahead. I was trying to avoid the racism that many people here are infected with.

Again, it is okay to talk about white people being stupid, if you are white. If you start a thread to talk about how one particular religion is terrible and it is not your religion, then you are a fucking idiot.

blacks go to jail more then white. jails are 60 % black . 20 % Mexican 10 % white. so blacks are all criminals ? one black lady was washing her car used the power washer on her kid sprayed her in the face killed her ! whose stupid now ? it don't matter what color you are there are just stupid people all together. stop being racial . or ill have the moderator ban your ip address . or worse ill send your ip # over the internet to all the white supremacy groups. have them send you mailers or drop by your house.

Do you have to remind yourself to breathe?
Your threats are misguided and really dumb. Go back and read the first post. If you still do not understand what I did, then go away.
Trouser... This is the guy that was in a motorcycle gang, bashed in the windows of the family and their SUV, and beat the driver until a bystander broker it up. Another bystander said this guy and his accomplices were attacking the woman and their child as well. The woman reported, she thought she was going to be killed.

You just did what I did in the OP, except you are serious.
Go back and read the OP again.

regarding your post about the white lady stuck on a bridge, if you look at the demographics of Dania Beach, you will see it`s about 24% black. This is almost 100% higher than the national average. ;) Wake'n up with flees. har har..

I do not speak dumb redneck. Could you post that in English?

My best friend is of African decent and he is a family man.

Is he white? There are lots of white people that are "of African decent."

I respect him but be careful of any race war, it makes people retarded and earn the idiot, "Gang mentality".

Again, English please.

The best thing blacks can do in the USA is to unit with other races and not be so fucking racist.

The best thing you could do is drink a gallon of bleach.

I don't mean genetic intermingle, nature is smarter than all of our short lives, more and different flowers in the garden is a great thing... Diet coke may be unhealthy. :joint:

Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.
Admittedly to the OP, I know far more dumb white people than I do dumb "others".

So I'll give you that.

(Probably something to do with this nation being 98% white too tho...)
[video=youtube;bHCQA1EJiC0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHCQA1EJiC0[/video] .................................................. ...............................
way to demonstrate your own built in bias,

heres some sources for you:

"Neither the existence nor the size of race differences in IQ are a matter of dispute, only their cause," write the authors. The Black-White difference has been found consistently from the time of the massive World War I Army testing of 90 years ago to a massive study of over 6 million corporate, military, and higher-education test-takers in 2001. "Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on maternal education and other variables," said Rushton. "Therefore they cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect. That's why Jensen and I looked at the genetic hypothesis in detail. We examined 10 categories of evidence."


"In most developing countries today, iron deficiency is now estimated to be preventing 40% to 60% of children from growing to their mental potential… In the last 10 to 15 years, iron deficiency has assumed even greater importance as evidence accumulates linking iron deficiency with mental impairment. In various tests of cognitive and psycho-motor skills, for example, lack of iron has been found to be associated with significant levels of disadvantage—affecting IQ scores by as much as 5 to 7 IQ points.

And, in fact, so far we know of two specific environmental shortfall—shortages of the micronutrients iodine and iron—that according to a 2004 report by UNICEF appear to lower national average IQs in the Third World by a few points. Western countries have been fortifying salt with iodine and flour with iron to prevent cognitive damage since before WWII. But most of the Third World does not.

Some research has demonstrated that food supplements have the potential to enhance cognitive ability. Most non-genetic explanations for IQ deficits in non-developed countries have focused entirely on cultural factors such as prejudice, poor education, and poverty. The biological, but not genetic contribution to cognitive ability has largely been ignored. However, we do know that minute daily additions of essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and other trace elements can be critical. (Malnutrition in childhood is a different phenomenon.) There may even be group differences in the optimal daily requirements of these substances. Research of this kind carried out in developing countries such as South Africa could pay great dividend.


but this doesnt come from Skeptical Science so, i suppose i should just give up.

I must confess a fondness for your posts when you're being a priggish little pedant. Nobody on RIU does smug and sanctimonious like docKKK. Your early walls of text, as you know, were tldr. Your recent run of crab pics, while obviously entertaining for your cadre of sycophant racist fans, went right over my head. I had no idea why a muddy crab was so entertaining.

But when you say something so insanely hypocritical as way to demonstrate your own built in bias, and then to proceed to quote the studies by J. Phillippe Rushton and The Pioneer Fund, I think you must be having a laugh. Are we all just pawns in your Andy Kaufman esque performance piece? You defend your particular brand of racist and eugenic nonsense by providing links to more racist and eugenic nonsense.

As you well know, J.P.R was widely ridiculed for his pseudo science.

The man believed there was in inverse relationship between brain and penis size.

Race, Evolution, and Behavior 2nd Special Abridged Edition

Rushton, J.P. & Bogaert, A.F. (1987) Race differences in sexual behavior: Testing an evolutionary hypothesis. Journal of Research in Personality 21(4): pp. 536-7

Even a dumb Moslem loving libtard like me, understands the ramifications of such "science" for someone with your vast intellect.

coolman and dr kynes are really dumb, pretty much a disgrace to white people. They seem to have some sort of mental disorder and will end up alone and miserable.
The best they can hope for is an incredibly dysfunctional relationship.

well, looking at thecoolman's POF profile, he stands a chance at bagging a lady if he can overcome his crippling illiteracy. may not end up alone.

and kynes will definitely not end up alone, it was revealed that he lives in what is basically the white trash house on the block with about 17 of his other family members. hard to get your own place when your skills are barely valued above minimum wage at age 45.
Are minorities taking their jobs?

i'm not sure about thetoolwoman, but that is definitely the case for kynes.

he has complained in the past about how illegal immigrants (who get paid the lowest of the low) are taking away all those high skill fruit picking jobs that hie is qualified for. it was in someone's sig a while back.

basically everything wrong in his life is due to "Black Culture", multiculturalism turning kids into the hitler youth with "a singular mindset" (actual quote of his about multiculturalism), illegal immigrants who take all his farm jobs, and moslems forever trying to blow him up and lord over him with their sharia law.

nevermind that most people never have to endure even one of these hazards in life, much less such a shitstorm of all of them. how kynes finds the will to wake up in the morning, steal one of his cousin's eggo waffles, and smoke a bowl while sitting on a used ikea futon and watching 'the big bang theory' is beyond me. it's quite the life to soldier on with.

if that were me, i'd be bitter as hell like he is too.
I must confess a fondness for your posts when you're being a priggish little pedant. Nobody on RIU does smug and sanctimonious like docKKK. Your early walls of text, as you know, were tldr. Your recent run of crab pics, while obviously entertaining for your cadre of sycophant racist fans, went right over my head. I had no idea why a muddy crab was so entertaining.

But when you say something so insanely hypocritical as way to demonstrate your own built in bias, and then to proceed to quote the studies by J. Phillippe Rushton and The Pioneer Fund, I think you must be having a laugh. Are we all just pawns in your Andy Kaufman esque performance piece? You defend your particular brand of racist and eugenic nonsense by providing links to more racist and eugenic nonsense.

As you well know, J.P.R was widely ridiculed for his pseudo science.

The man believed there was in inverse relationship between brain and penis size.

Race, Evolution, and Behavior 2nd Special Abridged Edition

Rushton, J.P. & Bogaert, A.F. (1987) Race differences in sexual behavior: Testing an evolutionary hypothesis. Journal of Research in Personality 21(4): pp. 536-7

Even a dumb Moslem loving libtard like me, understands the ramifications of such "science" for someone with your vast intellect.

the pioneer fund simply had the quote i wanted, but since the study from Unicef has been removed and appaeerntly scrubbed from the interwebs whatcha gonna do.

i notice that ONE reference was declared the work of an evil racist,and copy/pasted an unattributed bullet point list to "prove it" yet the other references, from various other sources were simply ignored, including the telling one from Medical-net.

african's lower IQ scores are NOT controversial, only dicsussion of causes and possible solutions is taboo thanks to cretins like you.

african american lower IQ scores are ALSO not controversial, and it cannot be blamed solely on the "SES" argument.

even in britain where blacks are on average far more successful on average than britains of the same "SES" the IQ gap is showing dismissed as "Institutional Racism" by the press, government and the academic mainstream, cuz discussing any other possible cause is RACISM!


asians still score higher on average than whites, is that the result of Asiatic Racism to keep the "White Man Down"?

does mentioning this fact make me racist against honkeys?

hiding from the truth never helps any problem.

but it's all PC leftist dolts can manage.
again, it's not the discussion that is taboo. it is when you try to rape and mangle the issue to fit your preconceived racist worldview that's taboo.
I think IQ tests are retarded. They measure how much of a sheep you are. The questions and answers aren't divergent. Who cares how fast an answer is given. My thought process thinks with several answers at once. Is that person less smart? I think creativity makes a person smarter.
OMFG, did knynes really quote rushton?



how did i miss that?

i guess i am just so used to tuning out his bullshit that i just skimmed over his nonsense non-science.

The dumbest white people brought the Africans to this country 300 years ago, this idea was one of the biggest mistakes ever made. The powers that be should have allowed the peaceful people stay in their, "soon-to-come", AIDs infested, genocidal, hell, filled with rapists and children with AK-47s who feel nothing when others are slain.. You are right Trouser, there are Middle-Eastern Africans to the north who are torn between Islam and life, and there are people of Great Britain decent in the south who build tall buildings and advanced trade/medicine.. Amazing.. Look at it for what it is.. Oh btw.. The dumb, white, and old lady who got stuck on a bridge, her city is about 60%white, 25%black, and 15%Hispanic - not that it means anything.. Monkey see, monkey do.

You should flame your alabaster phalacio down here in Oakland, CA.. See how far ya get!

Hey Trouser, in case you missed it, here is your African decent. :)
The dumbest white people brought the Africans to this country 300 years ago, this idea was one of the biggest mistakes ever made. The powers that be should have allowed the peaceful people stay in their, "soon-to-come", AIDs infested, genocidal, hell, filled with rapists and children with AK-47s who feel nothing when others are slain.. You are right Trouser, there are Middle-Eastern Africans to the north who are torn between Islam and life, and there are people of Great Britain decent in the south who build tall buildings and advanced trade/medicine.. Amazing.. Look at it for what it is.. Oh btw.. The dumb, white, and old lady who got stuck on a bridge, her city is about 60%white, 25%black, and 15%Hispanic - not that it means anything.. Monkey see, monkey do.

You should flame your alabaster phalacio down here in Oakland, CA.. See how far ya get!

Hey Trouser, in case you missed it, here is your African decent. :)

Obviously you're not a golfer.
The dumbest white people brought the Africans to this country 300 years ago, this idea was one of the biggest mistakes ever made.

how the fuck many white supremacists and massive racists do we have on this board?

this is why i don't particularly like the cannabis community, too many shitheads like this guy and kkkynes around.
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