What "normal" food repulses you?

Now for me, fatty raw salmon on the little brick of sticky rice ... oh my what ambrosia. Along with chocolate, a good nigiri sushi is my favorite food. In this instance the me in realspace *does* align with the bear.

I am also remembering that my dad brought home head cheese once ... it was delicious, even though i had a texture issue with the aspic. (I hate slippery/slimy foods. You'll never catch me popping a Gummi anything into my mouth, not even a gummi version of Beyoncé on an aphrodisiac!) But that German deli had the decency to cut the meat into half-inch cubes, so i couldn't tell which part of the pig's face i was delightedly masticating. cn

ummm, chocolate, probably my favorite thing of all time.. my biggest weakness honestly.. we really need to get together one time and go out to eat canna.. :D
strawberries are delicious, fuck you guys :neutral:

If I taste mustard I throw up in my mouth a little and I'm in a bad mood the rest of the day.:spew:
I pretty much like everything.... I don't like meat from a can though, like that dinner in a box stuff,that shits rediculous.