What "normal" food repulses you?

Haggis. I used to work at a Scottish restaurant and that stuff is GROSS. It may not be a "normal" food, but whatever... eating a stomach??? stuffed with oats, liver, heart, and lung??? NO THANKS!
I eat pretty much anything and everything I'd be awesome if they wanted a new host for "bizarre foods" or something of the like, it all looks so good! The only things I don't eat are brussel sprouts or however its spelled, cake (the texture makes me want to puke for some reason) and I can only eat so much of certain things. Like sweet foods and mashed potatoes, only a little sweet before I start gagging and same with the mashed taters. That's about all I can think of, damn I love food.

OH my mom once attempted to make spaghetti with green noodles (she was on a kick trying healthier versions of stuff), they were spinach or something weird, I ate it because it wasn't all THAT bad but if I have a choice, never again.
I will eat just about anything acceptable by me:).............but the one thing that would make me puke .............WINE......no drunk joke.It stems from my youthful pilferings of MD 20/20 from the Piggly Wiggly.....I mean i was probably 11y old!.....those were the days.
Asparagus, Artichokes, gefilte fish, anything with parsley on top, there's more but i cant remember right now. i can't believe how many people hate tomatoes.
I'm really surprised by all the tomato haters. But if you've spent your life eating supermarket tomatoes I can see the problem. I absolutely love vine ripened tomatoes. We have always grown and canned our own. The flavor is miles above tomatoes bought in a store. I love to slice one up and put a little salt and pepper on them with a drizzle of basil infused olive oil. Yum. Plus asparagus is from the Gods. I love the pairing of prosciutto and asparagus. Great. Now I'm hungry.
I'm really surprised by all the tomato haters. But if you've spent your life eating supermarket tomatoes I can see the problem. I absolutely love vine ripened tomatoes. We have always grown and canned our own. The flavor is miles above tomatoes bought in a store. I love to slice one up and put a little salt and pepper on them with a drizzle of basil infused olive oil. Yum. Plus asparagus is from the Gods. I love the pairing of prosciutto and asparagus. Great. Now I'm hungry.

i have a veggy garden every year carne and still grow tomatoes.. i just don't care for the texture of them i guess, but if i slice the same tomato up and make fresh salsa from it, i'm all over it.. makes not a bit of sense, i know, what can i say, lol..
i love asparagus as well.. very yummy in some butter, omg, get in my belly.. :D
great thread.

i have developed an aversion to eggs since we started taking on chickens. our fridge is overflowing with them at any time.

i mean, i could eat an egg if i had to. but i prefer not to. the thought and taste are unappealing now.

five starred.
Mayo, sour cream (unless they are used to make something like a dip) I hate spaghetti or any real red sauce noodle mix.

i will NOT touch white condiments. no mayo, no sour cream, cream cheese on bagels only. this means no tartar sauce, no cole slaw, no weird "salads", no "special sauces", no white dips, no anything that might be made of white condiments.

also, no guacamole. fuck that stuff. and fuck that feta shit. and raw tomatoes. i like my salsa processed, thank you very much.

there's a ton of shit i refuse to eat.

edit: i am also in the "i grow tomatoes but don't eat many of them" club. i really like growing slicing tomatoes (brandywines) but i like cooked tomatoes. next year i will grow both paste and slicing tomatoes. i get a kick out of giving them away and having everyone lavish me with praise about how marvelous and amazing they are.

lmao, i was thinking the same thing.. man, i could fuck up some fresh guacamole as well.. man, how can you not eat shit made w/ mayo?? i'm not big on mayo on it's own, it's ok, don't get me wrong, but fuck man, cole slaw is the best part of the holidays imo..
and feta cheese?? man, i just went to this greek diner the other day and got a chicken gyro and it comes with a side greek salad, tons of feta, omg, soo good.. :d
I'm willing to try pretty much anything, but you'll have a problem with me if you try and serve this...
Head Cheese
I'm willing to try pretty much anything, but you'll have a problem with me if you try and serve this...
Head Cheese
that shit is so far from normal food it's not even funny mojo, lol.. i don't know how anyone could stomach that stuff.. :puking:
I'm willing to try pretty much anything, but you'll have a problem with me if you try and serve this...
Head Cheese
That's on my must try list.
Sounds delicious if fresh.

Most places in america that kind of stuff wouldn't even be considered. Lucky to have it available.
i used to not eat macaroni and cheese for the longest time.

and for even longer i would refuse to eat cold, non-leafy salads like potato salad and the like.

but nowadays i will eat pretty much anything.
My thoughts exactly racer, once my best friends mom asked me if I wanted a sandwich and I said yes. It was meant to see how I would react, being raised to be polite and not to turn your nose up at food offered, I ate it. I did not like it, but his mom told him later that she "likes that kid" and he ask why. She's says "because he's the only one besides me who ever ate that stuff, even my family hates it"