What "normal" food repulses you?

i forgot sushi. i can get over the raw fish and sea plants but cold sticky rice is a pukefest waiting to happen.

and i will not apologize for my hatred of avocados. something about them reminds me of melted plastic. they didn't get popular in this neck of the woods until recently. i know a lot of people who don't like them but i do seem to be alone in my dislike of guacamole.

i can't understand people not liking sea things. fishes and scallops and clams and lobsters and mussels and so on. i refused to eat chowder until i was around 20 because cream soups were also on my banned "white food" list. almost had my masshole card revoked. cannabis made it finally happen. now i can proudly say i have sampled several dozen of the best clam and seafood chowders this state has to offer. good ol' cannabis.
i forgot sushi. i can get over the raw fish and sea plants but cold sticky rice is a pukefest waiting to happen.

and i will not apologize for my hatred of avocados. something about them reminds me of melted plastic. they didn't get popular in this neck of the woods until recently. i know a lot of people who don't like them but i do seem to be alone in my dislike of guacamole.

i can't understand people not liking sea things. fishes and scallops and clams and lobsters and mussels and so on. i refused to eat chowder until i was around 20 because cream soups were also on my banned "white food" list. almost had my masshole card revoked. cannabis made it finally happen. now i can proudly say i have sampled several dozen of the best clam and seafood chowders this state has to offer. good ol' cannabis.

yah, i just don't like the whole raw fish nor the seaweed or w/e shit it's wrapped up in, then throw the cold rice into the mix, agreed, puke feast, lol..
but man, i could fuck up some good seafood.. someone mentioned prawns, which i do believe are what we call shrimp around here, and omg, one of my favorite foods ever.. i could eat a ton of shrimp cocktail.. and fresh lobster is pretty bomb as well..
damn, i need to start a what's your favorite food thread now, lol.. :D
I'm with GreenSwag. Will eat anything that looks or sounds good. America has a skewed vision on food in general.

Most of these food aversions sound either psychological or a direct result of not having fresh, properly cooked food.

Beets out of the ground are amazing. cancer fighting properties, good for intestines and colon
Most tomatoes varieties are sold because they are productive, search for award winning strains for taste, purple varieties have a more complex flavor ranging from wine to earthy. Cherry tomatoes off the vine are delicious.
Mushrooms; have you ever eaten fresh picked mushrooms cooked properly?
Strawberries, once you see the fields in california where they grow that shit, you won't want to buy produce from a grocery store.

Lutefisk is a food to complain about. Pickled pike. Imagine sour, cold, raw fish.
If I had it fresh and not out of a bottle it would be different story...

End rant
I also hate Marmite. Bovril also. I think you need to be brought up on it. I also don't eat raw tomatoes yet I cook with them. I can eat the plum toms straight from the tin. I use tomato purée, frito, , sun dried but no raw toms!!

Ps anyone else eat avocado with sugar ?
Oh, and canned Tomato Juice, I could probably snort all other forms of tomato, but canned juice.... makes me cringe thinking about it.:spew:
I'm hard pressed to find a good that disgusts me. Pretty much everything mentioned here so far I love. Sushi, guacamole, tapioca, custard, etc i love.

I dont hate, but do not like beets, liver, cottage cheese, yams and sweet potatoes. And I'm not a fan of lots of cheese, dependant on the food. Cheese pizza is awful, it's like eating white bread with tasteless margerine on it, I need all the toppings. American cheese is one of the worst, I do like Swiss and mozzerella.
One of my favorites that some of my friends can't stand... peanut butter and banana sandwich with a sprinkle of sugar
Unprepared foods:

Beetroot, eggs, avocado, olives. Celery makes me physically sick, though I keep trying to make myself like it as a healthy snack food, blue cheeses, hot peppers, yams

Prepared foods:

Samosas, scotch eggs, crabsticks, quiche, tinned tomatoes and macaroni cheese (I like the real deal) processed cheese, custard

Outdoorsman, you have brought up an interesting point;. I dislike the smell, texture and taste of mushrooms but apparently they were all I ate/could eat as a sickly child. Ma hypothesised the dislike is all in my head.

Weed does facilitate foraging into unexplored culinary territory..
I hate grocery store apples. After growing up on real apples off the tree I can literally taste the chemicals/pesticides in the skin and fruit. Like a unnatural bitter taste.
We have apple trees all over red and green, I want to start making my own apple jack.
Going to use a new garbage disposer for a apple grinder, gotta figure out how I'm gonna make my press.
Mayo is disgusting. One day I plan on filling a jar of mayo with vanilla pudding and walking around eating it with my hand. I can only imagine the faces I'd get.
Clam chowder, guacamole, green ketchup, anything purred, soggy pizza/bread and messy food, even the slightest bun soaked with sauce makes me gag, when fat people eat food, WTF are you making all those noises?!, that one doesn't really count I know but it does repulse me, they make all those grunting smacking noises like they're out of breath or something.
Clam chowder, guacamole, green ketchup, anything purred, soggy pizza/bread and messy food, even the slightest bun soaked with sauce makes me gag, when fat people eat food, WTF are you making all those noises?!, that one doesn't really count I know but it does repulse me, they make all those grunting smacking noises like they're out of breath or something.

That is a very good point on the soggy bread. Yes, soggy bread invokes my gag reflex.
What's a "normal" food that you hate?? No wrong answers. Inspired by ObiJohn's latest reply in the Milk Thread.

Ketchup for me. Went to McDonalds when I was wee little and got sick from too many french fries and ketchup. Still can't eat ketchup. Or McDonalds. Love potatoes still though. How's bout you?
Black pudding, I don't know wether you have this where you live but for those that don't know what it is its dried blood and its vile.
green ketchup,
Oh god the horror, does anyone remember this shit?