What "normal" food repulses you?

Like I said you guys have likely only ever had the stuff out of a packet. Real ramen is a great hearty meal with elements of your favorite steak, soup and noodle dish in one. Cup ramen is student/poor/people/cheap/easy food, and for that reason it is also a comfort food, much like cornbread and corned beef for some, or people currently sad and incapacitated like me.

Go for ramen at a real Japanese restaurant.. You'll love it.

My college dorm had a meal plan, which almost everybody bought. But apparently they'd buy a whole semester's worth of food at one time, so the meals were OK at the start of the semester but by the end they were down to stuff that was getting pretty old. Sometimes the only thing they put out that I could eat were ice cream and canned peaches. One of my friends could only stand to eat the bacon bits at the salad bar.

Only place I've seen worse food is England. I know American food isn't that wonderful to a lot of international visitors, but the British eat things that will make an American gag. This is not a slam on Britain. I love visiting there, wish I could live in London, but the chow is for some reason vile to us Yanks. Meat pies? Ick, yuk! But I drank some of the best coffee I've ever had in the cafeteria of a department store in London. And their desserts are usually excellent. So not all Brit food is horrible.
One thing I love that most people can't stand: anchovies. They are so great on pizza and salads. I know, people say it's the only fish that has hair, but I still eat it.

Here's a roughy with a combover. So sad ... would a looked better sporting a mullet. cn


Calamari is pretty gross.. I've had that a couple times, shit is just too tough/rubbery for me to enjoy.. The taste isn't bad, just the texture..


The 1st time I went to Amsterdam, I was so hungry when I got off the train..We went straight to a restaurant that looked pretty good I went for a Salad & Chips kinda meal and it had what I thought were Onion Rings as well.....Long story short: I bit into what I thought was a crispy onion ring only to discover at my discust it was Calamari !!

It was the single most disgusting thing I'd ever felt in my mouth EVER! It unravelled like a rubbery worm and I could feel the sucker things !! My gag reflex/reflux just kicked in and I gobbed it out on the plate in front of a whole room full of people... I just grabbed my stuff and got up and left without paying lol...I just had to get out of there ...thought I was gonna puke big time .. So anything Octo-pussy? its defo off the cards for me ..I do like quite alot of sea-food so I'am not overly picky..but that just turns my stomach : The mear thought of it in my mouth upsets me lmao - ZTELTHY :leaf: