What "normal" food repulses you?

I tried squid once years ago and thought I hated both the taste and texture, but Tip Top took me to a fancy restaurant and the tempura squid tasted... Orgasmic. Try it one more time if you have the cash x
I tried squid once years ago and thought I hated both the taste and texture, but Tip Top took me to a fancy restaurant and the tempura squid tasted... Orgasmic. Try it one more time if you have the cash x

I ate Mongolian beef at a restaurant in SLC that used (what I thought were) baby corn in the pile of ingredients they grilled together. I bit into one and nearly yacked all over the grill. Turned out to be baby octopus with the legs cut off. I didn't even want it. The waiter kept pushing it and offered some for free. Being the opportunist that I am the offer of free food was too tempting. I paid the price.
I ate Mongolian beef at a restaurant in SLC that used (what I thought were) baby corn in the pile of ingredients they grilled together. I bit into one and nearly yacked all over the grill. Turned out to be baby octopus with the legs cut off. I didn't even want it. The waiter kept pushing it and offered some for free. Being the opportunist that I am the offer of free food was too tempting. I paid the price.

LOL Oh man, fresh baby squid, baby bay shrimp on a bed of baby lettuce with garlic oregano olive oil dressing, fresh bread, hmmm I think I have the munchies!
I ate Mongolian beef at a restaurant in SLC that used (what I thought were) baby corn in the pile of ingredients they grilled together. I bit into one and nearly yacked all over the grill. Turned out to be baby octopus with the legs cut off. I didn't even want it. The waiter kept pushing it and offered some for free. Being the opportunist that I am the offer of free food was too tempting. I paid the price.

That reminds me when I was a youngster and was invited to eat some paella in France. I encountered these little walnut things with a flower on one end. In the middle of the flower, a teenytiny beak. The whole thing tasted ... chewy.

Now, of course, I have moral qualms about eating something possibly as smart as me. cn
shallots and raw onions... They taste like body odor smells.

excessive Garlic... I like to taste my food while eating eat... not 3 days later.
I ate Mongolian beef at a restaurant in SLC that used (what I thought were) baby corn in the pile of ingredients they grilled together. I bit into one and nearly yacked all over the grill. Turned out to be baby octopus with the legs cut off. I didn't even want it. The waiter kept pushing it and offered some for free. Being the opportunist that I am the offer of free food was too tempting. I paid the price.

I love grilled baby octopus. The texture is perfect. Like a tough mushroom. Very meaty like a mushroom as well.
I love grilled baby octopus. The texture is perfect. Like a tough mushroom. Very meaty like a mushroom as well.

yeah but when you're expecting baby corn? LOL

Another thing I hate. Vienna Sausages. It's not so much the sausages themselves but that nasty snot like gel that surrounds them. I'm getting sick just thinking about it.
They're good camping food, my dad calls them monkey dicks lol. I like the ones with flavor, like those "spicey" ones, not bad but the regular ones are indeed gross.
this is a great thread but sad to see so many tomato haters. I understand market tomatos, there flavorless and are never ripe there just treated with nitrogen to make them red colored. two things im still not a fan of to this day are steamed spinach or canned spinach and steamed brussle sprouts although if they are sauteed in butter and bacon you cannot go wrong. tried duck fois grais today for my first time and it was so amazing!
I mostly like tomatoes in salads and BLTs, I like them but they're too juicy and as stated earlier, soaks the bread unless I wrap it in alot of paper towels and toast the bread, always ask for my tomatoes to be removed when ordering something.
I have always hated licorice. One of my teachers told me it can cure tapeworm, and I believe it, because if I was a tapeworm I'd get the hell out as soon as my host started chewing that nasty tasting goop. Red or black, they both taste like bad mouthwash to me.
I wish more people ate seafood. It'd make goin out for dinner a lot easier. We have 'marisqueria' restaurants here (seafood) so its pretty popular. I eat everything in the sea ( I won't eat sharks fin) Particularly langostines and squid. I love the smell of the cooking here as I drive down the streets.
One thing I love that most people can't stand: anchovies. They are so great on pizza and salads. I know, people say it's the only fish that has hair, but I still eat it.
I wish more people ate seafood. It'd make goin out for dinner a lot easier. We have 'marisqueria' restaurants here (seafood) so its pretty popular. I eat everything in the sea ( I won't eat sharks fin) Particularly langostines and squid. I love the smell of the cooking here as I drive down the streets.

I've only tried squid twice, takoyaki, a scallop once and shrimp usually coerced into it by wealthy friends/at a restaurant lol. Seafood is just alien to people further inland I guess. It is often considered a middle class food in some places though in others it is the staple of the working people. Much Like horses in society (are they for rich kids or the vehicle of the poor man?)

However, despite only being introduced to seafood in the last year, I do quite like me some curried shark or fried bake (a frybread cut in half like a burger bun) and shark. The leftovers and skin get cooked down into a broth which ca say all week and you might just want to chuck some noodles in it.

Oh, I did have this for breakfast/lunch.. Seafood flavor ramen

That's cheap instant shit.

Real ramen in a bowl half the size of you with good noodles, broth, veg and huge slices of tender beef or pork and Naruto rolls is something special.
Ramen is food? I thought it was mild toture? lol, Liver smells great when cooking then the dreaded shit hits your mouth whoa repulsive is putting it kindly!