What has Trump done to this country?

If that dimwit thinks that his response to the demonstrations is going to help him in November, he's sorely mistaken.
I think he alienated 60% of the American public with his actions actually.
Now. how are people going to feel when they start seeing clean cut nice white boys 'beaten up by Antifa'?
Dr. Cornell West speaks the Truth.
America and it's exploitative Capitalist system that leaves millions of people struggling to simply survive, while 2% of the population simply put, sucks the life blood out of the majority, and a good portion of the blame, if not all of it, lies with the Republican party.
This is a system that sucks, and the way things look, is doomed to failure.

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Trump has done NOTHING to address this crisis , just as he did with COVID-19, but make it much worse that it should be (big surprise, right?)
His answer is to stand in front of a church with a Bible (that was a joke right Donald?) blame everything on the Left and ANTIFA and weak Democratic Mayor's & Governors and call out the Military.
How about having an Oval Office address and showing some empathy, and address the root cause of these demonstrations/riots which is the murder of Black men & women by the police, & generally the plight of the Black communities around this Nation he supposedly leads.
But nope, apparently that cocksucker would rather see this

View attachment 4583363

than do this

What a piece of fucking garbage
To use his own words, he's "human scum".
The 82nd is being deployed to DC, they were told to pack their bayonets, what the fuck.
I guess oversight next week into this is gonna be fun, show up for the hot seat or you are toast in a few months, goes for police and military commanders. Bring documents too. Imagine if people were killed.
The 82nd is being deployed to DC, they were told to pack their bayonets, what the fuck.
They always do, whoever emphasized it, wanted an effect, trouble is a bayonet puts you too close to your fellow citizens and if they worked the cops would use them. Yea soldiers at bayonet point with children putting flowers in the gun barrels on TV. Brings back memories, so do the protests and riots, you lived through them.
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Two Corinthians walk into a bar...

Context for others...

Two Corinthians Walk Into a Bar….
Here is a very short history of Donald Trump and the Bible verses that he likes:

August 26: That’s very personal. You know, when I talk about the Bible it’s very personal. So I don’t want to get into verses, I don’t want to get into—the Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics.
September 16: Proverbs, the chapter “never bend to envy.” I’ve had that thing all of my life, where people are bending to envy.
January 18: I asked Jerry, and I asked some of the folks, because I hear this is a major theme right here, but Two Corinthians, right? Two Corinthians 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame. Where the spirit of the lord—right? Where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty. And here there is Liberty College, Liberty University.
See? Trump is willing to study. At first he knew nothing. Then he boned up and kinda sorta named one verse that kinda sorta exists—but not really. Finally he boned up some more and named an actual Bible verse which he quoted accurately.