What has Trump done to this country?

He is coming apart at the seams, Jesus Christ, what a fucking tweet, not even a psycho would say that, only a mentally collapsing moron. The media and the nation are gonna go nuts over this.
he's saying he's going to send out military to states if they don't control..i believe the military cannot do this..anyone know for sure?
From what I've read, the Insurrection Act is ambiguous and at cross-purposes on this. One part says yes, another says the state has to request it. It was used in the 50s to enforce desegregation and again in the 60s during Detroit riots. That said, I dont think he will, because Trump is too chicken shit to make a decision that he cant blame on someone else when it goes wrong. Just look at the " I have total authority" COVID response while telling governors they're in charge while he tweets insults and criticisms at their work. Sorry, a bit off topic. Trump is a POS.
Another thing I see, there are an awful lot of white people among them in some places, perhaps it should be framed more as a citizens protest. This is pretty mixed race in places and completely black in others, this appears to be larger than just the black community, many are angered and disgusted.
I take exception to calling civil rights protests -- civil war.
Not on the part of the protestors, most of them, there seem to be out of control police who are insubordinate to civil authority in places. Day time protests are peaceful and mixed race in many places and the police response reasonable. Donald is trying to foment actual civil war, he will fail, there is or was a metaphorical civil war ( by the other side), but this might be the end of it, not the beginning. Its been all aggression by Trump and the republicans in congress are worried, they know the implications, they are not stupid, just evil cowards.

I thought this was like the past, primarily a black protest with a sprinkling of whites, I see far more than a sprinkling of white people in many places, I see a majority in some. We have seen Donald's first shot, we will see the response soon, he has no clue about social shit, he is socially retarded. Governors have yet to consider, confer and respond, the democrats have not really spoken to the day's events either, the republicans are silent, Donald is on his own. Where are the republicans speaking out in support of Donald?

I'm not calling the protests civil war, but Trump's and some cops and other groups appear to want to start one, a real one. I and older members here have seen a similar thing in the sixties, big social change was happening then too, city sections were burned to the ground. It's a sign of change in the air foggy evolution, not revolution, Donald is gonna try to make it as hard as he can. I see he talked to Putin today, another private chat, wonder if he was asking for advice on how to handle the situation?
Not on the part of the protestors, most of them, there seem to be out of control police who are insubordinate to civil authority in places. Day time protests are peaceful and mixed race in many places and the police response reasonable. Donald is trying to foment actual civil war, he will fail, there is or was a metaphorical civil war ( by the other side), but this might be the end of it, not the beginning. Its been all aggression by Trump and the republicans in congress are worried, they know the implications, they are not stupid, just evil cowards.

I thought this was like the past, primarily a black protest with a sprinkling of whites, I see far more than a sprinkling of white people in many places, I see a majority in some. We have seen Donald's first shot, we will see the response soon, he has no clue about social shit, he is socially retarded. Governors have yet to consider, confer and respond, the democrats have not really spoken to the day's events either, the republicans are silent, Donald is on his own. Where are the republicans speaking out in support of Donald?

I'm not calling the protests civil war, but Trump's and some cops and other groups appear to want to start one, a real one. I and older members here have seen a similar thing in the sixties, big social change was happening then too, city sections were burned to the ground. It's a sign of change in the air foggy evolution, not revolution, Donald is gonna try to make it as hard as he can. I see he talked to Putin today, another private chat, wonder if he was asking for advice on how to handle the situation?
Rob Roy and Tribbin are calling it civil war, so I jumped to the conclusion that you were. Sorry about that.

I'm guessing that their cloistered social media groups are pushing this as a civil war. Expect Trump to say something like that soon. But it's a civil rights protest. Yes, it gets rough because the people who believe in white supremacy will do anything to keep their social status.
There was nothing for me to read or hear that explained what the video was showing.

Not disagreeing we have civil unrest right now. Just disagreeing that a civil war has begun. It's the white supremacists that want that war, not the 80% or so who aren't one of them. If they interpret what's going on over Black Lives Matter protests as the"civil war" that they want, they are going to be greatly disappointed.
I am sorry about that, I was jumping in and out of threads last night, Trump did his little publicity stunt and was threatening to send in the troops to the states. CNN had Gov. Whitmer on and she didn't say a flat out 'no I will not ask for federal assistance' giving Trump's goons the ability to treat our states citizens like this, because in Grand Rapids (red part of state) there were some white people breaking stuff.

I was worried about that, and saw that video showing that she must have already allowed the National Guard into our state (because that video was taken in Grand Rapids hours before his weird photo-op at the church, and that had to have been prior to his fat ass waddling in the part gestapo style.

I don't think this is a civil war, more of Trump using everything he can as a campaign advertisement. And his kicking out the peaceful protestors and threatening it to every state who he had already threatened to withhold funding for if they didn't treat him nice, is just more of it. I am floored that he is as bad as he has always seemed.
Looking at what happened with Donald attacking protesters for a photo op, I can see legal and political trouble for him, perhaps court injunctions. His response was a very bad one and freedom of peaceful assembly is a basic constitutional right, that he violated for a photo op. I guess he didn't figure that the press and editorialist will put it into context and speak of his motives. The imagery was simply horrible to any normal person, Fox will have to spin it at high RPM, there is a consensus in the media, this looks bad and offended many. He staged a surprise attack and assault on peaceful citizens for personal and political reasons. The walk to the church in the wake of his violence was the worse PR a POTUS could have, Donald is running as an asshole after all and he's starting his campaign for re election, I don't think he has a snowball's chance in Hell.
One other thing, Nancy could use the inherent power of congress to subpoena Bill Bar and others to appear within a week, then arrest him on a warrant enforced by the sergeant of arms and a couple of hundred retired FBI agents. They will have full legal authority and arrest warrants behind them, Barr's security will stand aside. Once Bill enters the house he will come out in cuffs or will go to the basement, so will others, military too. Congress has not acted yet, never forget the power Nancy has hidden with the inherent powers of congress, these situations are where such power is used. She can jail civilian and military alike and keep them there for 10 years, I doubt if she will need to and does not want to, it will be demanded if this shit keeps up and may even be required to rein in Donald.

Congress is gonna want to talk to the police officials in Washington, from all the federal forces involved, they had better obey the subpoenas, or they might get arrested or lose their jobs in a few months. An oversight hearing on this incident is required, a public spectacle, made for TV with sweating cops in uniform.
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Rob Roy and Tribbin are calling it civil war, so I jumped to the conclusion that you were. Sorry about that.

I'm guessing that their cloistered social media groups are pushing this as a civil war. Expect Trump to say something like that soon. But it's a civil rights protest. Yes, it gets rough because the people who believe in white supremacy will do anything to keep their social status.
Other than shitting on him for fun, my eyes glaze over when I read his text, when it comes to Rob, and a few others I guess I do have a touch of ADD! :D I find it hard to attend to what some of these morons are babbling about, some have serious mental health issues, when I realise the magnitude of their problem, my attitude often shifts and I get more compassionate, even to the arseholes. I'm at war with the Trumpers and our common enemies, I'm not gonna to add to the suffering of the mentally ill who show up, those I counsel to seek medical help most of the time.
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I think this fellow has a pretty good perspective and insightful analysis on current events, here is what a pundit thinks and he speaks for many, he reflects intelligent opinion.
Robinson: I Am More Worried Than Ever About The Future Of This Democracy | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I see the cops in Minneapolis were offered mindfulness training in the aftermath of past events, it did not seem to take on some. I believe remedial education is required along with many other changes, like going through the force like shit through a goose, accountability makes better cops and humans in general. This time around they need a different instructor, a specialist in such matters, someone empowered to contribute to their future with professional progress and evaluation reports, constant instruction and mentoring while they train constantly under a stern master. Also access to their body cams and car cams, on going citizen complaints about them and what ever other data they could find, including personnel files. It would be an "enlightening" experience for many and not at all what they would expect. I know of several such teachers, some have worked in prisons too, they are used to dealing with criminals and many of these cops are. There are many ways up the mountain, some are more difficult than others, it depends on how stupid and mean you are.
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Trump has done NOTHING to address this crisis , just as he did with COVID-19, but make it much worse that it should be (big surprise, right?)
His answer is to stand in front of a church with a Bible (that was a joke right Donald?) blame everything on the Left and ANTIFA and weak Democratic Mayor's & Governors and call out the Military.
How about having an Oval Office address and showing some empathy, and address the root cause of these demonstrations/riots which is the murder of Black men & women by the police, & generally the plight of the Black communities around this Nation he supposedly leads.
But nope, apparently that cocksucker would rather see this


than do this

What a piece of fucking garbage
King Clorox strode hunched forward to the back drop after violating the constitution in public with tear gas and illegal action, then held up a bible as a prop, too bad it didn't burst into flames in his hand! A bolt of lighting is not too much to ask in such circumstances. He thought about the photo, but forgot about the video and the context it will be shown in with outraged narration. I'm sure actual christians who saw this spectacle were appalled, even the sincere born yesterdays and such saw through it. A emperor has no clothes moment, he might as well have been butt naked on TV, amid the smoke of tear gas and piles of horse shit from the cops used to clear the multitude of peasants, for his majesty's moment in the sun.