What has Trump done to this country?

Wait until the actual shooting starts, and the inner city strife spills into Whiteyville, it will be interesting to see how many liberal types clamor for their own gun then.
Another white supremacist is talking about Civil War having begun.

Must be something that they are being told in their little social media bubble because that's not what happened this weekend.
They're deliberately shooting at the press and arresting them, they even arrested a black FBI agent.
Good, draws out the problems and identifies them for future solution, cameras are everywhere and minorities are on the force too, the blue wall might show a few cracks over this one, it gets political there too and online posts can provide anonymity for the "rats" who help Id them.
I sure they are, the military is also full of black people and hispanics, disproportionately so, Those cops who provoked will be identified in the coming days and weeks, even with respirators and armor. There are African Americans and hispanics in the police force and leadership mindful of a coming change in power and the consequences of committing homicide by following illegal orders impulsively given by a panicked and mentally unstable sociopathic POTUS. Next year they would be in orange jumpsuits if Joe wins and know it, it's only months away and they know that too.

This from a guy who figures Donald will pardon the 4 cops including the murder, before they even go to trial, if Barr charges them federally. Dunno what the state would do, but they want them bad for murder to maintain social rest and order. If Donald can fuck with it he will though and pick at the scab as much as he can. You don't need riots added to plagues, organised protests, with masks and rules in daytime by young folks who stay in camps or hostels at night to protect their families at home are the way to go.
Are you ADD or something?
They just said on CNN that its a 200 year old law that he can bring them into DC because it is not a state, anywhere else and he would have to get the governor's permission.

This is nuts. To take a picture in front of a church with a bible, he cleared out peaceful demonstrators, just for a bombs bursting in air tv moment. That was the most insane split screen I have ever seen on CNN.

And then he walks back. This is insanity. Let them eat cake.
What is the proportion of African Americans in the Armed forces? Is it higher than the general population because its a ticket to a better life and education for many?
Are there more in the Army perhaps?
How many in this unit?
Think their officers are sensitive to this?
Think the general is?
Think he wants to be left holding the bag next year?
We are only months away from change and everybody knows it at this point, even the Trumpers, those with a brain are anyway, are at least afraid.
Another white supremacist is talking about Civil War having begun.

Must be something that they are being told in their little social media bubble because that's not what happened this weekend.

Your innuendo is bordering absurd. I'm not a white supremacist. If I were a supremacist, it would be based on superior ideas,
philosophical position and human actions, not on race. Good and bad people come in all colors.

I know the thought of the Nanny State fracturing has you terrified, but wear a double mask to bed tonight and think mean thoughts about your neighbor's dog and you should feel fine in the morning.
Another white supremacist is talking about Civil War having begun.

Must be something that they are being told in their little social media bubble because that's not what happened this weekend.
True enough, but Trump did just kick a hornets nest. It is only a matter of time before he gets more people killed with his playing dictator.

Whitmer was just on CNN and wouldn't say no she wouldn't except federal troops, the Illinois governor flat out said he would not, that is pretty scary that she is worried it is going to get that bad here in Detroit if that is the case. There was something I saw in Grand Rapids (red part of the state), and could see Trump moving troops into Detroit if he got invited to deal with a different part of the state.

I don't know, Trump just broke my brain. Good night everyone.

Nevermind, just checked:

That is the problem, she must have already asked. Im sure our governor is shitting herself right now with Trump pulling this after threatening to withhold aid for our state.
Are you ADD or something?
I see people almost panicked about this and these extreme acts by some police are clearly provocations and should be expected, it has happened in the past. How a military reacts depends on many factors, including its internal culture and law, the president can issue illegal orders all he wants, not many will obey and those who do will be in deep shit. How the US military will react to domestic unrest depends on a few things and nothing is certain when troops are used to suppress their own people, they are not cops, the culture is different.
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Elaborate please, I have a different perspective on this, are the facts in question?
He did say you didn't know what was going on. Maybe you could ask morgan for a clarification about what you don't understand. You replied with more nonsense. As if you have ADD or maybe are in a mania phase. Maybe something else.

There were many errors in your post so, I'll just pick out one. For the record, 80% of Minneapolis police are white. The city is 60% white. The number of black and Hispanic officers is tiny. So, no, there is no racial balance on the Minneapolis police force and there will be no coming "change of power" as you say unless the change is forced upon them from the outside. The few black and Hispanic police officers are one of them and they won't upset the power structure by themselves.

You should stick to what you know. If you want to know more, then listen.
True enough, but Trump did just kick a hornets nest. It is only a matter of time before he gets more people killed with his playing dictator.

Whitmer was just on CNN and wouldn't say no she wouldn't except federal troops, the Illinois governor flat out said he would not, that is pretty scary that she is worried it is going to get that bad here in Detroit if that is the case. There was something I saw in Grand Rapids (red part of the state), and could see Trump moving troops into Detroit if he got invited to deal with a different part of the state.

I don't know, Trump just broke my brain. Good night everyone.

Nevermind, just checked:

That is the problem, she must have already asked. Im sure our governor is shitting herself right now with Trump pulling this after threatening to withhold aid for our state.
There was nothing for me to read or hear that explained what the video was showing.

Not disagreeing we have civil unrest right now. Just disagreeing that a civil war has begun. It's the white supremacists that want that war, not the 80% or so who aren't one of them. If they interpret what's going on over Black Lives Matter protests as the"civil war" that they want, they are going to be greatly disappointed.
He did say you didn't know what was going on. Maybe you could ask morgan for a clarification about what you don't understand. You replied with more nonsense. As if you have ADD or maybe are in a mania phase. Maybe something else.

There were many errors in your post so, I'll just pick out one. For the record, 80% of Minneapolis police are white. The city is 60% white. The number of black and Hispanic officers is tiny. So, no, there is no racial balance on the Minneapolis police force and there will be no coming "change of power" as you say unless the change is forced upon them from the outside. The few black and Hispanic police officers are one of them and they won't upset the power structure by themselves.

You should stick to what you know. If you want to know more, then listen.
I see the news too foggy, and I read what the Captain said, I'm not big on the details, as you have obviously researched specific instances. Times are tense, I can feel it in the posts. I'm not under rating the challenge here, just trying to give some perspective. On a political matter like this, it does not take many to identify those seen on video for instance, they won't be shooting each other, but some will have to watch their backs. The blue line might not be so solid here, when politics and Trump are involved, trump divides everyone remember, even the cops. The time frame concerning the election and probable political change is not lost for those who can foresee the future, most people.
I see the news too foggy, and I read what the Captain said, I'm not big on the details, as you have obviously researched specific instances. Times are tense, I can feel it in the posts. I'm not under rating the challenge here, just trying to give some perspective. On a political matter like this, it does not take many to identify those seen on video for instance, they won't be shooting each other, but some will have to watch their backs. The blue line might not be so solid here, when politics and Trump are involved, trump divides everyone remember, even the cops. The time frame concerning the election and probable political change is not lost for those who can foresee the future, most people.
I think its ADD

Maybe mania.
I think its ADD

Maybe mania.
Donald is going off the deep end, this will not end well for him. I didn't say it would be easy foggy or necessarily peaceful, Donald wants to provoke violence and insurrection, he is overplaying his hand badly here. I'm watching the news, reading the posts and learning like you. He has power in DC only, he is overreacting and congress might act if he evokes the insurrection act, we have yet to see the national reaction and it will not be good for him. This is a long slog foggy, if everybody suddenly stays home it will put an end to Donald's little plan real quick. These racist assholes are only loosely organised and sprinkled through society, those so extremest as to act, mostly as angry individuals, loosely affiliated.
I think its ADD

Maybe mania.
I see leaders and organisation are starting to appear in the protesters, I see Donald staged a surprise attack in DC today while distracting the press. This ain't over by a long shot, people are getting organised and that means power. I see the voices and bullhorns and a consistent message from them, stay cool, organise, think, be mindful of the bigger context and goal, these are the leaders or will be. Persistent optimistic leaders with a good grasp of the situation, win these kinds of fights. Energy needs to be channeled and resources gathered, funding needs to be established, rich people and outraged citizens want to support, organisation can provide a means to do this. Many distressed people are wondering where can I donate?

The many benefits of organisation, it takes time, but not much for tasks like this.
It looks like civil war in Louisville KY, the cops are clearly at war and are in inserection against the mayor, the chief was fired today. This looks familiar to those of us who lived through the sixties another time of radical social change, it looks erily familiar.
Might be time for democratic senators and congressmen to stand in front of the protester in DC and clearly identify themselves to the cops and have ten thousand cameras and illegal video drones there too. Let them shoot down and tear gas the government, courage required and that takes character. I see Kamala Harris was there today, others can show up as a block, only the old vulnerable are excused.

Young pissed off people have have poor self control and are looting, but they are not really connected to the adults protesting. With community organisation and discipline they can feel the heat and come on board, some are just criminals who don't give a fuck though. I'm sure others are causing shit too, those who want revolution or support Trump and chaos.
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The whole reaction is a giant mean tweet. The nation has yet to voice their opinion on it, Donald managed to distract from the protests themselves and brought the focus to his actions, good. He is in a social fight and he is socially retarded and as equipped for it about as much as he was for the coronavirus challenge. The motives for his actions are obvious and plain for all to see, even his supporters and meant as a message to them.

Maybe Obama will show up in DC with senators and congressmen to stand in front of the protesters, what would happen then?