What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Pointing out that it's a weed forum, and not to be taken that seriously is not "downgrading this site", it's stating the obvious. I'd say the same about any weed site.

Would you not agree that there are many more important things in your life? I would hope so.

There you go again. Are you sure you're a medical patient? The fact that you don't respect cannabis for it's medicinal value, and the many lives it's improved or saved speaks miles of you, blow a goat.
There you go again. Are you sure you're a medical patient? The fact that you don't respect cannabis for it's medicinal value, and the many lives it's improved or saved speaks miles of you, blow a goat.

I will agree with you there. However, for every serious post about weed on this site there are 100 "stupid cuck" posts, so my point stands. I'm all for discussing the many benefits of marijuana.