What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

if another 2008 happens just a little worse, I would rather have those physical pennies than an atm with a billion in it you can't access because potato. you have way too much faith to be agnostic as you claim to be.

rich people never run out of money to buy windows with and people never stop wanting to smoke weed. as far as my wife is concerned, she'll never have to worry about money no matter what.

but yeah, an illegal penny melting scheme is great.
Me neither, and there are far too many doing just that in this country. I'm sure we can do better.

I'm just as sure we won't do better until we speak out against the classists with one voice that won't take no for an answer.

No one 'needs' a billion dollars.

except the government though amirite? as a corporation it qualifies as "someone".
Our nation will survive the Cheeto Fuhrer.

Let us stop fighting with one another and work together to ready ourselves for our chance to lead- and this time, let's not make the mistake that the Clinton campaign made; that anyone or any group isn't worth our time and effort.
a black friend of mine described the all american white boy as somebody who would say, let's pull together as a team. I'll lead.

Tty, I think you have a good heart but you can't lead and you can't follow.

I'd really like to stop fighting and work together with you. But you won't stop with the bullshit fake shit regarding the Democratic party. It won't work the way you say. Your own icon of truth and justice has come out to say sometimes we can't agree on everything, so lets agree where we can and respect opinions of others who mostly agree.

I have no problems with anybody who factually describes problems with the Democratic party. I completely hate and despise the actions taken by the US under democratic leadership against middle eastern people. That doesn't keep me from seeing where I can agree and support them.

I haven't heard a word of truth about healthcare, campaign finance reform and other issues that you rant on about. So, I call bullshit. For you, its your way or the highway. So take the highway bitch. Or look at yourself first before saying what you just said.
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So, first I'm a "buck sock", now this.
I was thinking there's no way a grown man could be such a groupie, so it has to be a sock considering how you repeat all the talking points. Now I know better, pinny.

I was only pointing out that you are kind of a shit grower

I have pics all over this forum that suggest otherwise, pinny. I'd been rockin organics long before you were dipping your toe in that water. Besides, I grow indoor. Your hero says indoor shits all over outdoor. I agree with him. :bigjoint:
Jeez, I booted up my old PC and had RIU bookmarked from a couple years ago. I come back and it's the same people arguing day in and day out over the same old tired bullshit they were arguing about back then. Pretty fucking depressing...

You're 1 post off from a 1000. Make the post.
rich people never run out of money to buy windows with and people never stop wanting to smoke weed. as far as my wife is concerned, she'll never have to worry about money no matter what.

but yeah, an illegal penny melting scheme is great.

so you admit you have a tax free, free market side job. but don't stop for a second and realize why that's such a popular alternative for lots of people.

rich are borrowing what they spend mostly, just like everyone else. wait, you think shareholder capital produced your igadget and stocked your store shelves?
so you admit you have a tax free, free market side job. but don't stop for a second and realize why that's such a popular alternative for lots of people.

rich are borrowing what they spend mostly, just like everyone else. wait, you think shareholder capital produced your igadget and stocked your store shelves?
i pay full taxes on all my income you rat snitch fed.

her family owns apartments buildings all over the place outright. upkeep is dwarfed by the rent they collect. people will never want to stop living in solid shelters.

some people even decide that a trailer is a good idea after they can't make the payments on their house and walk away, losing everything.
I was thinking there's no way a grown man could be such a groupie, so it has to be a sock considering how you repeat all the talking points. Now I know better, pinny.

I have pics all over this forum that suggest otherwise, pinny. I'd been rockin organics long before you were dipping your toe in that water. Besides, I grow indoor. Your hero says indoor shits all over outdoor. I agree with him. :bigjoint:
No one liked this post. No one likes you.
Funny, you constantly down grade this site, yet post almost daily. It says a lot more about you than any one of us. Except for Tampee he's a pedophile.

Pointing out that it's a weed forum, and not to be taken that seriously is not "downgrading this site", it's stating the obvious. I'd say the same about any weed site.

Would you not agree that there are many more important things in your life? I would hope so.