What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

This doesn't have any thing to with Hillary being cheated out of the presidency. Here's how I see it; Trump, pence, Ryan, McConnell all get locked up. Then mattis takes the presidency, because Orrin hatch isn't interested. He appoints you know who. I won't say her name as to not upset you too much, then resigns giving us president you know who.
This is at best wishful thinking.
and he calls me a stalker. i got all of his info and did nothing with it. someone else gave him mine and he is still running with it to this day.

look back. your info has always been here and I have always known....then you go and claim to doxx me like you do. then I let you know.

it's getting old though. I won't mention it again. beleive it or not I would rather discuss politics in the politics subforum despite you.
And a bit of trolling.
Our nation will survive the Cheeto Fuhrer.

Let us stop fighting with one another and work together to ready ourselves for our chance to lead- and this time, let's not make the mistake that the Clinton campaign made; that anyone or any group isn't worth our time and effort.
Our nation will survive the Cheeto Fuhrer.

Let us stop fighting amongst ourselves and work together to ready ourselves for our chance to lead- and this time, let's not make the mistake that the Clinton campaign made; that anyone or any group isn't worth our time and effort.

you were full on into this mode right after the election. it's good to see you back in it. maybe I can convince you the premiere member of the deep state is the fed soon. bongsmilie
you were full on into this mode right after the election. it's good to see you back in it. maybe I can convince you the premiere member of the deep state is the fed soon. bongsmilie
I'm still working with Progressives to organize and make our voices heard over the din of donor money raining down on the Democratic Party.

And you have nothing whatsoever to teach me about who and what the'deep state' might be. But you're welcome to try anyway.
I'm still working with Progressives to organize and make our voices heard over the din of donor money raining down on the Democratic Party.

And you have nothing whatsoever to teach me about who and what the'deep state' might be. But you're welcome to try anyway.

pretty civil, hopefully it's contagious.
Nope, that was you pinny (which makes sense coming from captain TnT).

School me then pinny. I'm always down to learn something new. Do you have a house you can grow at now, or are rockin a vacant field somewhere?

Like, totally. :dunce:

I'd say you have that backwards. It's little kids like you that parrot his every word that he owns.
So, first I'm a "buck sock", now this. Geez, your story changes more often than your friends call others fagg*ts and fake jews!

Not sure why you are so upset. I was only pointing out that you are kind of a shit grower, and a fake progressive with no original thoughts of your own. That's all.
if you ever get into trouble at an ATM trying to withdraw some pennies, just enter your PIN backwards and the cops will save you.

if another 2008 happens just a little worse, I would rather have those physical pennies than an atm with a billion in it you can't access because potato. you have way too much faith to be agnostic as you claim to be.